Wim Hof: "Why I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in shorts"

Time: 0

I will always embrace the unknown.

Time: 3.628

because it’s just more exciting than boring s#:t

Time: 11.428

Hi guys, in 2008 I came up with the idea to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in my shorts.

Time: 19.936

Nobody had done that challenge.

Time: 23.356

Up there they say it's very cold and windy and half the amount of oxygen.

Time: 28.403

But I took on the challenge.

Time: 30.572

It was in 2008 and I'm going back in time here looking at this video screen,

Time: 38.663

and doing this climb

Time: 40.79

going into the unknown.

Time: 42.792

So let's hit it and watch it.

Time: 49.549

There I see the mountain already.

Time: 52.343

That’s ‘Uhuru peak’ you just saw there.

Time: 55.513

It’s the highest peak on Kilimanjaro.

Time: 58.349

It’s height is at 5895 meters height. (19 340 feet)

Time: 61.644

And it feels like it’s within reach but it definitely isn’t

Time: 65.273

We just have a few days to acclimatize so pacing is of great importance.

Time: 70.862

To go up with caution and in control

Time: 73.073

and to not underestimate the lack of oxygen

Time: 76.785

which could result in fluids swelling up (Edema) or altitude sickness

Time: 81.664

because that would cause a lot trouble

Time: 84.084

But we see it...

Time: 86.211

For the first time and very clear.

Time: 95.804

Until you reach Mandara hut you’re still walking in the forest.

Time: 99.474

and then slowly but surely you leave the forest.

Time: 103.436

It’s very nice to see myself from 16 years ago.

Time: 107.816

I’m being pulled to the summit.

Time: 110.276

As long as the goal has not been met I’m going up in a fast pace.

Time: 114.823

There a risk in doing that but I know how to deal with it.

Time: 118.243

I also went up Everest.

Time: 119.953

We’ll see how things go tomorrow but first we go up for a bit.

Time: 137.72


Time: 139.764

Do you understand why people think you’re a bit strange?

Time: 144.936

I get it but they don’t get it.

Time: 147.981

Then who’s the weird person?

Time: 149.357

I do understand why I’m like this

Time: 150.984

I love life and I love to challenge myself.

Time: 153.778

I just fully go for it and also discover...

Time: 157.282

possibly very meaningful things for mankind.

Time: 162.245

That’s only possible if you’re willing to stick your head out.

Time: 165.331

and you’re not afraid to look further than what is considered normal.

Time: 170.461

I did that because I had to.

Time: 173.256

It was my gut feeling.

Time: 176.05

I discovered these universal techniques.

Time: 178.887

You will not find that if you don’t search. And I searched.

Time: 182.098

And that’s why that is not weird

Time: 184.559

but is it weird to stay in that weirdness.

Time: 187.604

We’re dealing with many diseases and uncomfort.

Time: 189.939

People don’t know how to get out of that.

Time: 192.358

I do.

Time: 193.735

What can you bring to mankind?

Time: 196.237

What I can give mankind...

Time: 198.531

Roads and trajectories that have not been discovered yet.

Time: 202.869

where we might find things that can turn out to be very meaningful

Time: 209.125

This still needs to be scientifically verified

Time: 212.503

That’s going to happen very soon.

Time: 214.589


Time: 215.465

So in 2008 I had not done real science.

Time: 220.595

and yet I was absolutely explaining my vision.

Time: 224.766

That I was going into the unknown to find things that are going to be very valuable for scientific understanding.

Time: 235.318

And feeling the gravity of that.

Time: 238.196

That’s what was driving me.

Time: 242.242

To understand that there’s more than meets the eye.

Time: 245.495

It’s there but if you don’t seek you will not find.

Time: 249.958

I found.

Time: 252.418

What could you set in motion?

Time: 256.214

I could bring the techniques that I have learned

Time: 262.887

so that people learn how to manage their own nervous system

Time: 270.436

to take back control over their diseases instead of being a victim

Time: 275.733

of the many diseases that are out there.

Time: 280.446

The vision was completely there.

Time: 282.824

And now everybody knows the outcome.

Time: 285.201

We showed that the autonomic nervous system and innate immune system can be deeply influenced.

Time: 301.759

Poa poa (Good good)

Time: 312.478

The important thing about this moment as that this was all my belief

Time: 319.277

The climb was a mirror.

Time: 321.112

to test my belief that with better breathing I was able to go past

Time: 326.451

physiological laws of high altitude sickness

Time: 334.042

We have to walk slowly here.

Time: 336.127

because we are acclimatizing.

Time: 339.13

Normally I would walk in a faster pace.

Time: 342.467

If I was already acclimatized I would probably go up to the summit today.

Time: 347.347

But that’s not possible

Time: 348.389

You need to increase...

Time: 350.308

the amount of red blood cells,

Time: 352.935

in your...

Time: 354.645

in your bloodstream

Time: 356.397

to avoid low oxygen in the body

Time: 359.776

Later that day.

Time: 367.909

Lot of rain.

Time: 369.369

I remember a lot of rainfall.

Time: 372.705

The weather’s quite bad right?

Time: 374.916

This is one of the worst thing that can happen

Time: 378.252

It’s just above freezing temperature, and there’s rain and hail.

Time: 381.756

It’s just not good to walk in these conditions.

Time: 384.258

To walk for hours on end in this rain?

Time: 386.636

on this height without being acclimatized?

Time: 390.098

That is asking for trouble and physiologically it won’t work.

Time: 394.31

You’re in a difficult rainy situation

Time: 398.981

and you don’t know where you go and how fast,

Time: 402.068

Nobody has done it before.

Time: 405.363

For combustion of energy you need oxygen.

Time: 407.782

There’s a lack of that on this height.

Time: 410.535

Approximately half the amount of oxygen is available here.

Time: 415.915

But for the energy combustion at this level you need a lot of oxygen.

Time: 425.091

So that’s too much for now.

Time: 427.593

Even for an iceman that’s too much.

Time: 430.096

I think it’s better to not continue.

Time: 435.893

and to act upon this situation

Time: 439.48

because I know what’s physiologically possible and what’s not.

Time: 442.692

We are not here to do crazy things.

Time: 444.986

We are not going up the mountain with this crew in the pouring rain.

Time: 450.992

Who would want that?

Time: 452.243

Who would do that?

Time: 453.87

That would be a crazy.

Time: 457.498

That’s not what I am.

Time: 459.292

I might be a bit weird but I’m not crazy.

Time: 462.753

Not that crazy.

Time: 466.966

I’d rather have the tranquillity of the cold.

Time: 470.595

I don’t mind if the temperature is below freezing point,

Time: 473.097

instead of walking through this rain and hail.

Time: 479.437

But we are going to summit this mountain.

Time: 481.189

That’s for sure.

Time: 486.235

The hail went down pretty hard.

Time: 488.529

and very long.

Time: 490.239

We’re happy that it’s over now and that the sun is setting.

Time: 493.701

But at 2 o’clock midnight it will probably be different.

Time: 496.996

But let’s do it.

Time: 503.377

That's one of my records.

Time: 505.046

I ran a half marathon barefoot

Time: 508.966

Those are both world records.

Time: 514.805

Back then nobody knew me.

Time: 516.599

And I was just that stranger doing incredible stunts.

Time: 522.396

“Hey this man must be crazy.”

Time: 524.482

but they also respected it in a way.

Time: 527.86

because they know it’s cold up there.

Time: 533.449

Oh this is swimming under the ice.

Time: 534.825

Oh my god.

Time: 538.246

I feel sick looking at that.

Time: 540.54

Iceman, you’re mad.

Time: 542.917

‘eccentric’, is I think the word we meant to use.

Time: 546.254

I hope you’re not married because I feel bad for your wife...

Time: 548.798

That’s why he’s... - I’m married.

Time: 550.591

Are you?

Time: 551.217

I’ve got five children.

Time: 552.426

Oh my God.

Time: 554.178

Does she ever worry or did she give up worrying?

Time: 558.766

No she knows I can do that.

Time: 561.852

She's confident.

Time: 563.145

I love my wife very much.

Time: 564.647

She loves me very much as well - I’m sure she does.

Time: 567.4

She would have to.

Time: 570.653


Time: 572.029


Time: 573.781

Something unique

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and special.

Time: 578.035

Well you've proved it's possible.

Time: 579.579

Best of luck for tomorrow.

Time: 581.33

Good luck to you.

Time: 582.999


Time: 584.292

Lovely to meet you.

Time: 585.501

Good luck.

Time: 586.377


Time: 587.837

Goodbye. Goodbye. Bye. Bye.

Time: 595.011

Look at me sometime

Time: 604.854

The ‘Western Breach’.

Time: 607.231

The ‘Western Breach’ is the fast way.

Time: 610.985

The last bit was very difficult.

Time: 614.447

“Are we not there yet?”

Time: 616.282

I became exhausted because of the lack of oxygen.

Time: 623.08

I took the snowy route.

Time: 625.082

And that without using mountain shoes.

Time: 628.085

I had borrowed the shoes from a porter.

Time: 632.34

and those African shoes were very slippery.

Time: 635.885

It didn’t have any spikes on it.

Time: 639.347

I went up anyway.

Time: 641.182

If your drive is strong enough,

Time: 644.477

then material does not really matter.

Time: 648.272

It’s a hard mountain,

Time: 650.232

We’re already going to the top

Time: 654.028

Time to acclimatize was very short.

Time: 657.073

But I have have a good guide.

Time: 658.449

But so far so good?

Time: 659.7

Yes sir.

Time: 660.534

Good good.

Time: 662.078

A pioneering spirit is a spirit that is stronger than fear.

Time: 668.793

I can see that.

Time: 670.503

That was in him.

Time: 672.213

I can see the reflection of a soul that knows no fear.

Time: 678.177

The power of the soul is stronger than the fear.

Time: 680.93

Do you know why?

Time: 682.014

Because there is no death in a soul.

Time: 685.101

When the soul is present then you are able to do crazy stuff.

Time: 690.94

This was a path of spirituality.

Time: 693.818

A path that brought me into the unknown upon Kilimanjaro.

Time: 699.156

I see it and recognize it.

Time: 701.701

Beautiful right?

Time: 703.119

Beautiful mountain.

Time: 704.37

Beautiful mountain.

Time: 706.831

“Where there is a will...” they say in Dutch.

Time: 710

“... there is a way.”

Time: 711.627

and I found a way,

Time: 713.295

and I went on that path.

Time: 715.506

and that path is the path of your faith.

Time: 718.718

It’s not about the Kilimanjaro.

Time: 721.387

It’s not about going into the cold or doing the breathing.

Time: 725.641

It’s about learning how to tap into the depth of ourselves.

Time: 730.771

which contains so much more power.

Time: 734.942


Time: 738.362

Ok good.

Time: 747.037


Time: 748.622

I will pose here.

Time: 751


Time: 752.209

Time traveling.

Time: 753.836


Time: 754.295

Ok hey

Time: 757.256


Time: 759.383

You're out now at ‘Uhuru’

Time: 762.303

“Freedom” Peak, Tanzania.

Time: 765.389

5895 meters (19 340 foot)

Time: 768.267

Africa's highest point.

Time: 770.519

World's highest free standing mountain.

Time: 774.273

of the world's largest volcanoes.

Time: 776.484


Time: 777.693

Congratulations Iceman.

Time: 779.612

Thank you.

Time: 780.946

We have done it.

Time: 782.281


Time: 783.282

What an adventure.

Time: 784.992

I always will embrace the unknown.

Time: 788.746

because it’s just more exciting then boring s$5t

Time: 791.832

Yeah sorry...

Time: 793.584

It’s what it is.

Time: 795.503

Now we can go home.

Time: 797.087

I’m going back to my wife and children.

Time: 799.465

Well done.

Time: 803.511

See you later.

Time: 804.553

Task accomplished.

Time: 805.805

So good to see footage from 16 years ago.

Time: 809.558

But the spirit was already there.

Time: 811.644

The clarity and vision was already there.

Time: 814.438

That is the most important thing I saw.

Time: 823.322

I didn’t earn any money with, it or even fame or anything like that.

Time: 829.537

Because nobody really knew me back then.

Time: 833.833

What I’ve learned from this...

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Time: 837.211

I already had the belief, the vision, the insight and clarity,

Time: 841.674

that breathing the cold and believing (mindset)

Time: 844.969

are able to tackle disease.

Time: 848.973

To get that within your control.

Time: 853.269

That’s belief.

Time: 855.563

Hakuna Matata.

Time: 858.399


Time: 861.61

Hakuna matata!

Time: 862.695

Hakuna matata!

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