Wim Hof, the Iceman on Kilimanjaro summit in shorts.
Time: 0.23
this one just can't be in the picture
Time: 6.859
Time: 8.099
I want your life yeah okay hey
Time: 14.12
congratulations you are now at Lulu yes
Time: 20.34
freedom beak Tanzania five guys is a
Time: 25.05
stone five in a tomato Africa's highest
Time: 29.849
point world's highs free-standing marvel
Time: 34.079
of the world largest volcanoes welcome
Time: 38.36
congratulation nice man thank you yeah
Time: 41.16
we've done it good now we go home
Time: 44.67
I got my wife and my children well done
Time: 48.12
I just told me that director yeah yeah
Time: 54.92
see you later