Wim Hof talks about hardest thing he experienced | #AskWim

Time: 6.089

Welcome back

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to Wims questions and answers.

Time: 12.303

I don't know if I can do that,

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but if I don't try

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and if I don't say the truth instead of lie,

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then I never know if it is going to be good

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or bad.

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What does success means for me?

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To be happy, strong and healthy.

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What do you got if you got billions and you're not happy, strong and healthy?

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You got zilch.

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You got nothing.

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If you're a happy, strong and healthy, a healthy man, a happy, strong,

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healthy man, I mean happy -

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He doesn't go to war, is not into possession.

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So successful is being happy, strong and healthy.

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And a little side note, me, I want to change the world

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to reach billions of people and make them all able to choose

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a guaranteed way

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to become happy, strong and healthy.

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Yes, that's what I do.

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I'm not into indulgent self enlightenment like

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''Oh, I'm happy, strong and healthy.

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I don't need to do anything anymore.’’

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I'm on to make everybody having a choice to be happy,

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strong and healthy, that will bless my soul and yours.

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That's what I want.

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What is my favorite color?

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Pink, of course.

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You know, pink, pinky,

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because flamingos are pink.

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And when you see the sunset with pink colors,

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it's just amazing.

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Pink can be so many shades.

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It's beautiful, transparent, and with the sun upon it,

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it's amazing.

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Pink, give me pink.

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Of course, blue also, and green also and yellow also.

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But pink...

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stands out.

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What was the hardest thing I've ever experienced?

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That was, of course, the suicide of my wife,

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the mother of my four children.

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All the tragic descendants

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itinerary which led up to ultimately

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the darkest of my hours in the her suicide.

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That was the hardest.

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You can't see it.

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You can't feel it. You can't do anything against it.

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The helplessness, the hopelessness,

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the darkest place there.

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That was absolutely the hardest to get out of.

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But I had to, and I did, together with my kids.

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She's still here, I tell you,

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and she will say, ''well done''.

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I did it for you.

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What energizes me and brings me excitement?

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Yeah, that is my little kid,

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my beautiful woman.

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The loyalty of my dog.

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The friendship you give me.

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Nature, rocks, palm trees, tropical beaches, life.

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All the colors.

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Pinky, you know.

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All, it all gives me great excitement to rise

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every day out of bed and do the best possible.

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And it's always successful.

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So excitement every day.

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I love it. Yeah, I love it.

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I love it. I love it.

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I'm going to train very soon.

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Pull rocks, big rocks

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and go - I do a 'ten minuter'.

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I call it a 'ten-minuter'.

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It's icy water, I go for ten minutes.

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Just sit, I could do more, but I'm not.

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'Ten minuter' is great.

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So excitement every day, to do the best to the top.

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And then, man, I got some beloveds here.

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I want to embrace them and feel that energy, it's amazing.

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And then do some splits with my legs over there and over there.

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I don't know. Sometimes I lose them.

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So everywhere, you know, you know, make fun,

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make fun while you get the best on.

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That's what makes me excited every day.

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And I will rise up to the best every day.

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If you would have to describe your life

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through five pictures, what would that be?

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One would absolutely be in the cold,

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you know, little man huge

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scenery of cold in shorts.

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That will be absolutely one.

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And then one with mountains and one with tropical plants,

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palm trees and beautiful scenery.

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Exuberance of plants, than one with the family.

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Happy, happy, very happy.

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And then one with the whole world like

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100,000 people at the same time.

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Me in front, because that's what I'm going to do next year.

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Big events and then breath all together and share the love.

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Share the power.

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five pictures - done.

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over the rainbow

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way up high.

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There's a land that we heard of

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once in a little song.

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