Wim Hof's Yoga Manuscript & Meaning Behind It

Time: 0.5

Look at my hair...

Time: 3.083

It was still there.

Time: 14.208

In 1988,

Time: 16.041

As a result of a lot of practice

Time: 19.583

And trying to get into the depth of what yoga really is all about...

Time: 25.416

Because there wasn’t a lot information about yoga back then.

Time: 30.458

In those times it was intriguing.

Time: 33.416

because we had no idea what was coming out of the east.

Time: 37.125

For us it was mysterious.

Time: 40.125

Something unknown.

Time: 41.791

But we were also opening up.

Time: 44.625

Maybe because of The Beatles.

Time: 46.791

I wanted to find my deeper self coming into full bloom.

Time: 52.708

I think that’s a birthright for everybody but...

Time: 55.875

It’s not a fact.

Time: 58.583

It’s not real in this society.

Time: 62.583

So I had to dive deep into yoga.

Time: 66.333

Into the scriptures,

Time: 67.958

Because yoga to me,

Time: 69.458

was the best non dogmatic technique written from thousands of years ago

Time: 76.833

And I had to update it.

Time: 79.875

I had to find a way to fully undertand the real depth

Time: 84.166

because the... (Hindu terms)

Time: 90.625

And all that was like Latin or Gibberish to me.

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In Amsterdam I thought myself to read and write Sanskrit.

Time: 102.291

And to get into the scriptures and to get a full understanding of the Hinduistic culture,

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which is very much related to yoga.

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In 1972, when I was 12,

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I was very interested in psychology, Hinduism, Buddhism, music, scriptures, readings etc.

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And yoga into those times was something unknown.

Time: 128.625

That was 'strange'.

Time: 129.791

"Don’t do it. It’s wrong."

Time: 131.75

"The man is strange, doing strange things.

Time: 135.666

But I was already into that stuff.

Time: 138.458

So I had to find...

Time: 140.041

I went through this matter of these old scriptures, the Upanishads,

Time: 144.541

The Bhagavad Gita, the Veda's

Time: 146.875

All that,

Time: 148.125

Through Sanskrit...

Time: 149.416

with the help of an Indian teacher.

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A priest.

Time: 153.333

He thought me.

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Time: 155.291

I was the only western guy there in the Mandir, in the school.

Time: 160.166

Of course I was a stranger in this time.

Time: 163.5

In those times I was a stranger.

Time: 165.958

And then I found techniques that I CAN understand,

Time: 170.875

With my western mind,

Time: 172.5

That I CAN practice which caused instant elevation of my being.

Time: 180.166

Where it came from...

Time: 181.666

I had no idea so I began somewhere.

Time: 186.375

It says here 'Yoga'

Time: 189.333

’Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha'

Time: 193.875

"Silencing the modifications of the brain."

Time: 198.458

The thoughts,

Time: 199.916

going down.

Time: 200.958

And how do you do that?

Time: 202.666

Yeah through yoga.

Time: 203.791

I made some nice little drawings.

Time: 207.25

This was in 1988

Time: 210.291

In 1988 I wrote this book,

Time: 214.416

With the little means I had.

Time: 217

I had very little money.

Time: 218.458

With an old typewriter.

Time: 220.166

Tick... Tick..

Time: 221.416

That was my technique.

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Time: 227.708

And so there you have it.

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And drawing some pictures.

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Time: 234.833

Like me meditating and going into the tree.

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Being one with the tree.

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And the tree sees you.

Time: 245.041

And I see the tree and I’m 'one'

Time: 248.291

You know fantasy.

Time: 249.833

And sitting in the 'Padmasana'

Time: 253.541

The 'Lotus.'

Time: 255.125

Just put a bit of stress on your knees.

Time: 258.791

It’s sort of a drawing book.

Time: 262.208

Because I had no real photos

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At a certain moment I knew somebody who had a photo-camera.

Time: 268.625

And he would make pictures,

Time: 270.416

of all the Asana’s and such.

Time: 272.666

Many types of yoga are mentioned.

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Kundaline yoga.

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Hatha yoga.

Time: 281.916

Going on...

Time: 282.75

Trying to explain it all.

Time: 284.625

And when I wrote the book.

Time: 286.375

As conclusion.

Time: 287.5

‘This is this and this is that.'

Time: 289.458

I was still into this psychic...

Time: 292.708

...feeling locked up into modern society...

Time: 295.083

I tried to make an attempt.

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To find myself.

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The deeper self.

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That was quite difficult in those days.

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But I had my discipline.

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I went into the cold water.

Time: 310.791

I had developed my own kind of yoga.

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Instinctively and intuitively.

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I could not understand what this was all about.

Time: 321

This was a different culture.

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Coming from thousands of years ago.

Time: 327

It appealed to me...

Time: 329.291

but really understanding...

Time: 331.208

I did not.

Time: 333.208

It was too esoteric and too far away.

Time: 336.25

Oh here look!

Time: 337.75

This was an exercise

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'Eka Hasta Sarira Utthana Asana.

Time: 342.416

This exercise wasn’t mentioned...

Time: 344.333

in any book about Hatha yoga (at the time).

Time: 349

I just invented it.

Time: 350.833

But because I knew my Sanskrit...

Time: 353.083

That’s why I called it...

Time: 354.333

'Eka Hasta'

Time: 355.833

Which means ‘One limb'

Time: 358.25

'Eka Hasta Sarira'

Time: 359.833

'Sarira' means 'body'

Time: 361.291

'Utana' means 'lifting up'

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Time: 364.416

'Eka hasta Sarira Uthana asana'

Time: 367.916

I call it the ‘One arm bandit’ now.

Time: 370.791

Look it me flying.

Time: 373.25

It’s all there... Body awareness.

Time: 376.125

Fully present.

Time: 377.5

I tell you.

Time: 379.375

This was one of my exercises.

Time: 382.125

And of course (name of pose)

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'The Tree' (upside)

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This pose I could do in many variations.

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I could also stand on one hand.

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It’s a nice exercise.

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Just standing on your hands.

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The handstand.

Time: 399.375

Oh here, look at this!

Time: 401.125

The Durvasana.

Time: 402.625


Time: 404.666

He was a man, a wizard.

Time: 408.416

But he was always angry.

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He was always angry.

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He was known for his anger.

Time: 415.791

So they made an exercise that would control his head.

Time: 421.5

Because the anger goes through the head.

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You become red.

Time: 424.333

And if you put your leg in the back of your head,

Time: 428.291

You bring down the anger.

Time: 431.5

That’s 'Durvasana'.

Time: 436.5

Yeah man.

Time: 438.583

Look at my hair.

Time: 440.166

It was still there.

Time: 445.916

It’s funny.

Time: 448.125

And here’s (name of pose)

Time: 451.625

It’s like a nice little spread.

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I call it the sandwich spread exercise.

Time: 459.625

But then the 'Hanumanasana'

Time: 461.916

Which is like this...

Time: 463.583

It’s good for blood in the loins.

Time: 465.416

It’s nice.

Time: 466.625

I call it...

Time: 467.666

The 'get your balls on the ground' exercise.

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Time: 471.583

It’s a free translation you know?

Time: 474.291

No disrespect.

Time: 475.416

No disrespect.

Time: 477.333

Just twist our feet.

Time: 479.458

Just twist your feet and ankles,

Time: 483.083

and do something with your body.

Time: 485

Feel proud to do it.

Time: 487.541

And more of those exercises.

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These are all 'Asanas'.

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And 'Asana' means 'seats'

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'Asana' literally means 'Seat'

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The 'seat of the soul.'

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It needs to be good.

Time: 503

That’s our medium, our body and our vessel.

Time: 506.208

The vessel of the soul is the seat.

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So it needs to well taken care of.

Time: 510.625

And Hatha yoga actually means 'body awereness to prevent from disease'.

Time: 517.416

And here I got into...

Time: 521.5

When you get into Pranayama (Breathwork)

Time: 523.875

And that was in 1988

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When you get into Pranayama and explain it.

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Pranayama is not just a little breathing exercise or something.

Time: 534

But it takes you into the mind.

Time: 536.166

And this illustrates it.

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To make it big.

Time: 540.5

You know?

Time: 541.916

And then we get into the Sanskrit.

Time: 544.333

And of course...

Time: 545.666

Oh I think it was him.

Time: 548.083

He’s a little bit grown up but he’s still my baby.

Time: 554.083

When you were young you scribbled all over my book.

Time: 560

He scribbled all over it.

Time: 562.375

That’s what the new generations does.

Time: 564.833

The don’t give a F… U…. C....K...

Time: 569.166

about what daddy is working on.

Time: 571.708

'But it is my book…’

Time: 573.291

‘You can’t do that.'

Time: 575.875

But it stayed.

Time: 577.833

And now I am proud.

Time: 579.125

I remember a beating.

Time: 581.125

Don’t say that!

Time: 583.666

We are into yoga man!

Time: 585.375

We are into peace...

Time: 587.541

Love and all...

Time: 589.208

We can’t talk about...

Time: 590.541

That was not the truth by the way.

Time: 593.375

No there was no beating. Come on...

Time: 596.458


Time: 598.75

So I made this book.

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I made this book...

Time: 604.791

And that was beautiful.

Time: 607.125

In 1988.

Time: 610.541

Now you can use it as..

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Time: 613.583

You can use it for your ass.

Time: 616

That's what you said.

Time: 617.208

As toilet paper.

Time: 619


Time: 619.75

It’s a little bit sturdy and hard.

Time: 623

As toiletpaper...

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Time: 625.5

It shows that...

Time: 627.375

To learn things you sometimes have to take on things you won’t use later in life.

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It’s preliminary stages.

Time: 641.666

In which I found out that...

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Knowing this is what I should not know.

Time: 647.125

Or what I should leave.

Time: 649.666

And that’s what I did.

Time: 650.958

I know my shit.

Time: 652.625

But then I left it.

Time: 654.5

Yeah… Alright.

Time: 655.416

I’m going to the toilet.

Time: 658.333

I'll tell you man…

Time: 660.25

You will not have a good time.

Time: 663.916

Thanks man...

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