Wim Hof's World Records Explored!
he guys this episode will be about my
records wh how many world records do you
have climbing Mount Everest to the death
inures Mount Kilimanjaro climbed with
acclimatization within 2 days with 26
people with ailments conditions hanging
by one finger for 26 seconds hanging by
finger at 1 and 1 12 kilm like 1 mile
for 23 and 1/2 seconds between two hot
air balloons in Mid Winter 3
hours horse STS Barefoot in the snow in
winter in Poland running a full marathon
in the desert of Namibia sa valet
without drinking walking bare
food with thousand people for 1
kilometer on a ice rink here in the
prel sitting in an ice bath with 600
people for 2 minutes for the Cancer
Foundation sitting in the for 2 minutes
with 1500 people in Sydney sitting in
the Baltic Sea Mid Winter with, 1500
people for 15 minutes Guinness World
Records running half a marathon to start
barefood uh Beyond polar Circle mid
January we got the uh standing in the
ice in full body contact with ice
immersed up till the night
encased it started in Paris I did a half
hour 12 days later I did it in uh Los
Angeles Universal Studios for 1 hour and
from there I got to be invited to go to
Paris to London to Beijing to Tokyo to
all these places I I forgot to count and
like 18 times I broke it every time one
minute why I could have have broken it
with 10 minutes or half hour but I did
it I'm not a fool I got to be invited to
break the existent world record and then
I did 1 Hour 1 minute 1 Hour 2 minutes
this is the way I got to see the whole
white World
amazing meanwhile I did different
records Guin World Records challenges as
well like swimming under the
ice 50 m 57 and 1 12
M it all started in
99 and that is after I did many
challenges already so I was very very
well trained you can't do these things
just like that I mean I was into these
crazy ideas because I my body was ready
to execute what I was thinking before
there is more than meets the eye only my
body was now shaped up to be the
extension of my mind so
99 I got acquainted with the television
BR who was a reporter and a presentator
of his show challenged me then he found
out I'm not full of I'm the real
deal and he took me to the all these
challenges hey when can you swim under
the eyes in the night darkness of
Finland in deep freezing temperatures
are you able to do that I said yes I can
do that I did 7 m under the eyes which
spectacular at that time and when it was
all done we were sitting having a dinner
and then he told me hey 7 me but I can
do 50
m and he said yes in 3 months we will be
back here and we're going to do 50
m horizontal swim just in shorts
breath and we did it even then the
Guinness World Records did not was not
in play we never asked for that but they
came to us because they saw that I did
50 m horizontal swim in my shorts beyond
the polar Circle in winter time and they
found out hey but we are get world
record we need to get onto him so they
acknowledged that to be after it all was
done to be a world record I thought if
that is a world record I can do more
then I went into 57 half M then I went
into half hour fully encased in ice in
Paris guine World
Records I remember I got the telephone
call wh can you do this world record is
standing in the ice
and yes of course yeah I had little
money I well oh yeah of course I want to
do this yes yeah let me and the phone
call was in June in the Netherlands it's
not called in June in July and August
and September it's not cold at all so I
had no training this I was confronted
with my mind there but I already had
said yes because I was in need to do
this and to get this and and then I
found out just by being in fear focusing
your mind only because I had no money
for ice cubes and and getting and
they're all done and trained like I do
normally in winter in four months time I
was so riled up just by using my mind
that September H in Madrid that that was
the most easiest record of all time and
that's where I started to believe in the
power of the
mind every time you do a world record
you are anxious you are you got to be
ready 100% motivated not only the body
needs to
respond to show something never been
done if my object objective is to show
that there is more that meets the eye
and that we all are capable of doing
that and because I got the attention of
the world doing all these records like
running beyond the polar Circle
marathons or on 5,000 meter Mount
Barefoot I I endured I endured and
suffered cold injuries but I did it
because I wanted to do and to show that
we are are capable of so much more and
that let up to doctors looking in the
night to the to documentary hey the
Iceman he is running a full Marathon
barefoot outside in the snow beyond the
polar Circle and freezing temperatures
what is this this I'm a physiologist I
see this and this is not possible by
normal uh human uh scientific
understanding and standards but here's
doing it so I got the attention of the
uh scientific world and they started to
do research on me first on me as a
person and then we started to do
studies after I did a full record in
short beyond the polar Circle a full
Marathon uh I got it that I did all the
things I did swimming I did running I
did climbing I did all the things the
call now let me go into the heat so half
a year later I had it
organized together with the physiologist
to Namibia and run in the sausage BL
desert uh I had two coffee and just
started to run and for 42 km which is 26
miles I think without drinking any water
when I was running and losing 5.2 2 L of
water are
transpiring sweating but my core body
temperature remained the same that means
what I did in the court was learning how
to deal with temperature with stress and
it also worked in the heat was
amazing climbing Mount Karo with 26
people with all kinds of conditions like
a throat arthrosis cancer Crohn's
disease asthma 26 people and they all
did it in less than two days and this
was considered to be impossible but we
did it anyway we defied normal thinking
of what
physiologists experts doctors told us
before we went we did it anyway and we
did it one day faster than we had
planned and it was just amazing these
people found out breathing differently
and believing differently is thinking
differently he's finding out that you
actually have much more power within you
to defy physiological laws soall stated
by signs we did that less than two days
Kil majar 26 people
amazing here in the Netherlands we set
out together with the television and I
came up with this challenge let's go
with thousand people Barefoot for 1
kilometer on the ice rink in fre which
is very well known uh for the speed
cting competitions of the world they are
very good at it but this was unorthodox
we did it and amazing how beautiful it
is when all these people come together
it's like the nature binds the people
once again as an energy that comes
together was big fun and
power then another record was uh I've
been called up by the Cancer Foundation
to do a world record to raise as much uh
money possible through setting a record
with 600 people in ice emerging for 2
minutes coming in getting out 50 people
coming in in and out in and I I was like
encouraging motivating them I was being
there and
uh yeah and I didn't go into the eyes
it's too cold for
me we doubled that record of now from
600 people to 1,500 people for 2 minutes
we did that organized ourselves in uh
Sydney in Australia in and out for 2
minutes, 1500 people that was another
one then record imagine never been done
hey let's do two hot air balloons bind
them to each other and go up there in in
the sky at one mile in February in
between and then hang in a ring for uh
seconds what a a
left stop him pay yeah
I that is another thing which was never
been done every time I do a a record
something Unthinkable of not thought of
before it's amazing to get out of the
box what we think is
possible B he's putting the time so when
you are ready just tell I'm ready then
it was a guy asking me when you drink
beer so well no I say it's yellow
water I me I'm not a puran but I got
control over myself because I've been
defying all fears and challenging myself
throughout my life I will show you what
is control I will in 1 half hour will go
outside and stand for 3 hours barefoot
in a horse stand 3 hours Barefoot in the
snow outside January yes yes yes yes he
said he said But first you need to get
me a beer and he got me a beer so fast
boom half hour later I was outside 3
hours horse STS amazing you know what is
even more amazing all the people who
were present there in the ret treat they
came outside to help me to stand behind
me and some guys did it 1 hour and 1 and
a half hour and 2 hours amazing if you
show people when you get out of the box
when you challenge your fears when you
show what's really a control all about
in your own mind then suddenly people
are able to have faith in that and to
connect with their bodies and being able
to do
unimaginable amazing
feats this is what I saw and experienced
it was
another record in the Baltic Sea January
in Poland uh 1500 people for a quarter
of an hour really cold these Polish
people they are
strong another record organized as an
official guine world record in the Hall
of Poland all the H Russ clubs m
Vania it's that that's in Polish morania
means go as a wall Ros in in the cold
water because I did all these things I
got invited to lead and motivate people
in this case with 2,000 people in Poland
in uh Poland to do a organized uh effort
uh organized Guinness World Record
setting in froma only ony to stay for
the longest with
2,000 people coordinated
communicated now we go and they went to
in all the waterfalls in Poland all
together 2000 people well done don't
know how long it but it was a record to
do with 2,000 people at least 5 minutes
all in the end it's not about the
records yeah records is nice also for
the people to participate hey you are
part of a a world record so your world
record holder that you know it gives
people wow I did that that's what people
want to hear but actually you can't beat
a world record you can't beat somebody
else but you can be the best of yourself
and that's what the whole method is all
about it's not about records it's about
hey who are you within the depth of
yourself that's the best it's
unconditional it's here and now boom are
there when why did you risk your life
trying to set or break all these World
Records it's all in the anend
symbolical it's to draw the attention
and I got the attention because because
scientists also watch television they
saw me doing things that was abnormal
out of the box not understood autonomic
nervous system
endotoxemia all came there from and and
that's what we need because I am a firm
believer that we can find any solution
of problems we have right now in nature
and in the end it is our inner
nature that's why I did these records
and I keep on doing it challenging it
but I don't need it anymore yet I'm
every day in the cult because I believe
what I do and I feel what I believe this
is my pathway the most valuable thing I
got out of this all is to make to to
have a method a method which is
accessible effective powerful and
endorsed to give it to you which is uh
enabling the people to wake up to their
inner power everybody has his own his
own unique way the cold and the
breathing and the believing therefore
are able to give you back what is