Wim Hof's World Records Explored!

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he guys this episode will be about my

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records wh how many world records do you

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have climbing Mount Everest to the death

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inures Mount Kilimanjaro climbed with

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acclimatization within 2 days with 26

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people with ailments conditions hanging

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by one finger for 26 seconds hanging by

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finger at 1 and 1 12 kilm like 1 mile

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for 23 and 1/2 seconds between two hot

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air balloons in Mid Winter 3

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hours horse STS Barefoot in the snow in

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winter in Poland running a full marathon

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in the desert of Namibia sa valet

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without drinking walking bare

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food with thousand people for 1

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kilometer on a ice rink here in the

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prel sitting in an ice bath with 600

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people for 2 minutes for the Cancer

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Foundation sitting in the for 2 minutes

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with 1500 people in Sydney sitting in

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the Baltic Sea Mid Winter with, 1500

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people for 15 minutes Guinness World

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Records running half a marathon to start

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barefood uh Beyond polar Circle mid

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January we got the uh standing in the

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ice in full body contact with ice

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immersed up till the night

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encased it started in Paris I did a half

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hour 12 days later I did it in uh Los

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Angeles Universal Studios for 1 hour and

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from there I got to be invited to go to

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Paris to London to Beijing to Tokyo to

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all these places I I forgot to count and

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like 18 times I broke it every time one

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minute why I could have have broken it

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with 10 minutes or half hour but I did

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it I'm not a fool I got to be invited to

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break the existent world record and then

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I did 1 Hour 1 minute 1 Hour 2 minutes

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this is the way I got to see the whole

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white World

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amazing meanwhile I did different

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records Guin World Records challenges as

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well like swimming under the

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ice 50 m 57 and 1 12

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M it all started in

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99 and that is after I did many

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challenges already so I was very very

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well trained you can't do these things

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just like that I mean I was into these

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crazy ideas because I my body was ready

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to execute what I was thinking before

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there is more than meets the eye only my

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body was now shaped up to be the

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extension of my mind so

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99 I got acquainted with the television

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BR who was a reporter and a presentator

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of his show challenged me then he found

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out I'm not full of I'm the real

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deal and he took me to the all these

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challenges hey when can you swim under

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the eyes in the night darkness of

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Finland in deep freezing temperatures

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are you able to do that I said yes I can

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do that I did 7 m under the eyes which

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spectacular at that time and when it was

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all done we were sitting having a dinner

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and then he told me hey 7 me but I can

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do 50

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m and he said yes in 3 months we will be

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back here and we're going to do 50

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m horizontal swim just in shorts

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breath and we did it even then the

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Guinness World Records did not was not

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in play we never asked for that but they

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came to us because they saw that I did

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50 m horizontal swim in my shorts beyond

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the polar Circle in winter time and they

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found out hey but we are get world

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record we need to get onto him so they

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acknowledged that to be after it all was

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done to be a world record I thought if

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that is a world record I can do more

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then I went into 57 half M then I went

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into half hour fully encased in ice in

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Paris guine World

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Records I remember I got the telephone

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call wh can you do this world record is

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standing in the ice

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and yes of course yeah I had little

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money I well oh yeah of course I want to

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do this yes yeah let me and the phone

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call was in June in the Netherlands it's

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not called in June in July and August

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and September it's not cold at all so I

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had no training this I was confronted

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with my mind there but I already had

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said yes because I was in need to do

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this and to get this and and then I

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found out just by being in fear focusing

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your mind only because I had no money

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for ice cubes and and getting and

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they're all done and trained like I do

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normally in winter in four months time I

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was so riled up just by using my mind

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that September H in Madrid that that was

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the most easiest record of all time and

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that's where I started to believe in the

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power of the

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mind every time you do a world record

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you are anxious you are you got to be

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ready 100% motivated not only the body

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needs to

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respond to show something never been

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done if my object objective is to show

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that there is more that meets the eye

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and that we all are capable of doing

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that and because I got the attention of

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the world doing all these records like

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running beyond the polar Circle

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marathons or on 5,000 meter Mount

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Barefoot I I endured I endured and

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suffered cold injuries but I did it

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because I wanted to do and to show that

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we are are capable of so much more and

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that let up to doctors looking in the

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night to the to documentary hey the

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Iceman he is running a full Marathon

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barefoot outside in the snow beyond the

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polar Circle and freezing temperatures

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what is this this I'm a physiologist I

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see this and this is not possible by

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normal uh human uh scientific

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understanding and standards but here's

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doing it so I got the attention of the

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uh scientific world and they started to

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do research on me first on me as a

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person and then we started to do

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studies after I did a full record in

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short beyond the polar Circle a full

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Marathon uh I got it that I did all the

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things I did swimming I did running I

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did climbing I did all the things the

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call now let me go into the heat so half

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a year later I had it

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organized together with the physiologist

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to Namibia and run in the sausage BL

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desert uh I had two coffee and just

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started to run and for 42 km which is 26

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miles I think without drinking any water

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when I was running and losing 5.2 2 L of

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water are

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transpiring sweating but my core body

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temperature remained the same that means

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what I did in the court was learning how

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to deal with temperature with stress and

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it also worked in the heat was

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amazing climbing Mount Karo with 26

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people with all kinds of conditions like

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a throat arthrosis cancer Crohn's

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disease asthma 26 people and they all

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did it in less than two days and this

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was considered to be impossible but we

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did it anyway we defied normal thinking

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of what

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physiologists experts doctors told us

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before we went we did it anyway and we

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did it one day faster than we had

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planned and it was just amazing these

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people found out breathing differently

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and believing differently is thinking

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differently he's finding out that you

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actually have much more power within you

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to defy physiological laws soall stated

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by signs we did that less than two days

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Kil majar 26 people

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amazing here in the Netherlands we set

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out together with the television and I

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came up with this challenge let's go

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with thousand people Barefoot for 1

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kilometer on the ice rink in fre which

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is very well known uh for the speed

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cting competitions of the world they are

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very good at it but this was unorthodox

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we did it and amazing how beautiful it

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is when all these people come together

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it's like the nature binds the people

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once again as an energy that comes

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together was big fun and

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power then another record was uh I've

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been called up by the Cancer Foundation

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to do a world record to raise as much uh

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money possible through setting a record

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with 600 people in ice emerging for 2

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minutes coming in getting out 50 people

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coming in in and out in and I I was like

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encouraging motivating them I was being

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there and

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uh yeah and I didn't go into the eyes

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it's too cold for

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me we doubled that record of now from

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600 people to 1,500 people for 2 minutes

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we did that organized ourselves in uh

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Sydney in Australia in and out for 2

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minutes, 1500 people that was another

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one then record imagine never been done

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hey let's do two hot air balloons bind

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them to each other and go up there in in

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the sky at one mile in February in

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between and then hang in a ring for uh

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seconds what a a

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left stop him pay yeah

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I that is another thing which was never

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been done every time I do a a record

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something Unthinkable of not thought of

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before it's amazing to get out of the

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box what we think is

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possible B he's putting the time so when

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you are ready just tell I'm ready then

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it was a guy asking me when you drink

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beer so well no I say it's yellow

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water I me I'm not a puran but I got

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control over myself because I've been

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defying all fears and challenging myself

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throughout my life I will show you what

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is control I will in 1 half hour will go

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outside and stand for 3 hours barefoot

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in a horse stand 3 hours Barefoot in the

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snow outside January yes yes yes yes he

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said he said But first you need to get

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me a beer and he got me a beer so fast

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boom half hour later I was outside 3

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hours horse STS amazing you know what is

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even more amazing all the people who

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were present there in the ret treat they

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came outside to help me to stand behind

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me and some guys did it 1 hour and 1 and

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a half hour and 2 hours amazing if you

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show people when you get out of the box

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when you challenge your fears when you

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show what's really a control all about

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in your own mind then suddenly people

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are able to have faith in that and to

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connect with their bodies and being able

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to do

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unimaginable amazing

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feats this is what I saw and experienced

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it was

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another record in the Baltic Sea January

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in Poland uh 1500 people for a quarter

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of an hour really cold these Polish

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people they are

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strong another record organized as an

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official guine world record in the Hall

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of Poland all the H Russ clubs m

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Vania it's that that's in Polish morania

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means go as a wall Ros in in the cold

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water because I did all these things I

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got invited to lead and motivate people

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in this case with 2,000 people in Poland

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in uh Poland to do a organized uh effort

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uh organized Guinness World Record

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setting in froma only ony to stay for

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the longest with

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2,000 people coordinated

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communicated now we go and they went to

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in all the waterfalls in Poland all

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together 2000 people well done don't

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know how long it but it was a record to

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do with 2,000 people at least 5 minutes

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all in the end it's not about the

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records yeah records is nice also for

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the people to participate hey you are

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part of a a world record so your world

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record holder that you know it gives

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people wow I did that that's what people

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want to hear but actually you can't beat

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a world record you can't beat somebody

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else but you can be the best of yourself

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and that's what the whole method is all

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about it's not about records it's about

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hey who are you within the depth of

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yourself that's the best it's

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unconditional it's here and now boom are

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there when why did you risk your life

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trying to set or break all these World

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Records it's all in the anend

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symbolical it's to draw the attention

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and I got the attention because because

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scientists also watch television they

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saw me doing things that was abnormal

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out of the box not understood autonomic

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nervous system

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endotoxemia all came there from and and

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that's what we need because I am a firm

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believer that we can find any solution

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of problems we have right now in nature

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and in the end it is our inner

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nature that's why I did these records

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and I keep on doing it challenging it

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but I don't need it anymore yet I'm

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every day in the cult because I believe

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what I do and I feel what I believe this

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is my pathway the most valuable thing I

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got out of this all is to make to to

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have a method a method which is

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accessible effective powerful and

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endorsed to give it to you which is uh

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enabling the people to wake up to their

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inner power everybody has his own his

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own unique way the cold and the

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breathing and the believing therefore

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are able to give you back what is

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