Wim Hof's Top 10 reasons to take cold showers & ice baths 🧊

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Why should you go into the cold?

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Could be ice baths, cold showers, natural bodies of water, wild water swimming.

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I will give you ten great reasons to go into the cold.

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1: Improved immune system.

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Through going into the cold, you ignite and activate

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the immune system, which is part of dealing with danger

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the cold is danger, but we are able to get in and exercise,

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exerc-ICE in the cold,

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making ourselves so much stronger because the depths of ourselves

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will be ignited, resetting our bodies to our best performance.

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2: Improved blood circulation.

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Through going into the cold, naturally, your blood circulatory system will improve

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because its is exercising the blood circulatory systems,

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which is 70,000 miles long, as long as three times the world round at the equator all inside of us.

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So exercising the blood circulative systems through the cold?

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It’s the best there is.

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3: Increased energy.

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when you go into the cold, you train your blood circulatory system,

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the cardiovascular system, which transports energy, minerals, vitamins and oxygen.

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So when you go into the cold, you exercise that system,

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oxygen and minerals, vitamins get much better into the cells,

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and thus you get a lot more energy.

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It's amazing.

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4: Decrease inflammation.

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Going into the cold,

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brings the adrenal axis to life.

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You learn to reset your body and thus it brings down inflammation,

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which is a general cause and effect of any disease.

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You bring it down by going in to the cold,

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yet always follow your feeling.

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If you feel really depleted of energy

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do the breathing first.

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5: Improve sleep.

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By going into the cold you activate yourself to a 100%

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That means cortisol will get out of your body and adrenal axis activation

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resets the body by which all the hormones,

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like melatonin which is responsible for sleep,

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is able to set in much more smoothly,

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thus your sleep will be better.

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6: Regulate stress response.

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By going into the cold,

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it's you who is going into the cold.

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You learn to willfully control your body, making it stronger in that moment,

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meeting the cold

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and thus you learn to have control over stress.

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So the cold is a great mirror of how you act in stressful situations,

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because that will be your mirror,

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of how you are going to act in a stressful situation in daily life.

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It's amazing how that works.

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7: Increase mental control or will power.

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By going into the cold naturally you set your mind,

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that is exercising your power of your will over your body.

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And thus if you exercise a muscle

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it becomes strong

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If you don’t...

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it doesn’t

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Through going into the cold, the power of your will is being exercised

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and thus you have mental resilience

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in daily life

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within your control.

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That's the power of your mind.

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8: Better mind body connection.

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It's through to going into the cold

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that you learn to regulate your mood at that moment, to become stronger.

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Thus your body becomes stronger.

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You learn to have this connection

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with your body, that is called ‘interoception’.

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interoception is your connection of the mind with the body

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and as you are exercising it, before even going into the cold,

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you learn that there is a possible connection

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that makes you body stronger only because you want so.

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So if your body doesn’t feel so good in daily life

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you learn to command it to feel good.

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Wow, that's mood regulation.

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So mind-body connection is amazing to exercise by going into the cold.

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9: Better focus.

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By going into the cold,

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you learn to focus.

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It's not just focusing on little things,

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no your whole body is a vessel,

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an instrument,

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and it becomes stronger if you build up a deep connection

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with the body at that moment for your body to become stronger,

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and in that way the performance is a lot better.

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That's focus.

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Focus this beautiful.

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You are a beautiful vessel instrument to become stronger

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and ready to perform to the best of your powers.

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10: Overall positive hormonal increase.

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by going into the cold you will stimulate the hormonal system

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endocrine system in the deep brain

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through the activation of the adrenal axis, an adrenaline spike

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Not only that it’s also the dopamine, serotonin,

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the cannabinoids and the opioids

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that all will be activated

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to increase like 100, 200, 250%, 500%.

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Hey, it's up to you.

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It's amazing how you are able to access the pharmacy inside the deep brain

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by going to the cold.

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Thanks for watching the ten reasons to go into the cold,

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and when you decide to do all this on your own,

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take it easy.

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Always follow your feeling.

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Begin slow,

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and very soon you will fly like an eagle.

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