Wim Hof's tips for the lockdown | #AskWim
Hi guys
As you can see I’m outside.
It’s not a complete lockdown [in the Netherlands]
But with a lockdown at home...
What can you do?
Hi guys
The lockdown, the quarantine.
The being obligated to stay at home, at one place.
It’s a great opportunity to get to know your own mind.
Because you want to go everywhere but that’s not possible.
It's like a prison.
What would you do?
You’ll have to learn to calm the mind.
You’ll have to learn to control the mind.
This is a great opportunity to do so
And to learn
Good luck with this.
Do I have any tips for starting the day positively during this Coronavirus situation?
Like every day...
I take a cold shower.
I take the cold shower
which wakes me up
After that I want to go everywhere because I have so much energy.
But I actually go do my breathwork.
Breathing exercises.
Ander after the breathing exercises - which still my mind -
In the depth,
I’m suddenly aware and present
Being here.
It’s an amazing feeling.
That’s the way to start the day.
Eventually a pushup exercise after doing 30 breaths.
Which gives an amazing jolt of adrenaline
...rushing through you
After that you are able to start whatever you want to start
Because you have stilled your mind and body.
through the cold shower
The breathing exercises
And the pushup exercise.
You are really 'on'
From there we can go anywhere.
This is the way I start my day.
Every day.
How do you still do your exercises while you are in a limited area? (like your home)
You can do all kinds of things
You can do some painting
You can learn
To take three stones
You begin with two.
It takes all the concentration of both hemispheres of the brain.
It takes your whole mind and your motorical...
eh nerves
To connect
Can you do this?
From here we do this
If you can do this
You hold two stones in both hands
And you do the same
You see?
That one fell.
Many times it will not succeed
Doesn’t matter, you just continue
Until you know how to
Do it
You know?
But it all begins with...
Not like this.
But pay attention with your neighbour
Now is a great time (during Corona quarantine)
one and a half meter (5 feet) distance From each other
While being at home
Because sometimes a slip up might happen.
You know?
You don’t want somebody within the 1,5 meter distance
You take it
That’s control.
Your mind wants to do...
Where is it?!
Where is it?
You know?
That’s your mind.
You want to learn to control your mind.
Do it playfully.
And this is just one of thousand exercises you could do.
Making things from cardboard
I have a little one that’s two years old.
I’m creating things from cardboard.
And I paint with him.
All the education for him is there
All the creativity
All the being together, me and him.
It’s amazing what you can create
You can create airplanes...
Churches or your old home.
Or a castle.
You can make anything.
With your mind.
And your hands.
Or write poems
I love poetry.
Once I start my poetry my mind gets into it.
And the poems come out, they 'pop' out.
Like a chicken popping out eggs.
There’s so much you can do.
Just start.
Just start.
Use this Coronavirus situation (lockdown) as an opportnity to learn about your own mind
The power of your mind is actually unlimited
Get to know your power of your mind.
Your beautiful mind.
We as humans are able to do so much more than we think is possible.
And that is now becoming part of the books.
But it’s not implemented yet.
So my message to you is...
Make use of these breathing techniques,
Make use of a cold shower.
Make use of the believe and your own inner mental power.
And bring them together.
And with that you are able to effectively
Battle this situation.
No problem
Just do it.
Easy does it.
Easy does it guys.
Have a nice time.
Bye guys.
Yeah spread the love man.
It’s all there.
But seriously
Spread the love
Spread the power.
Cause we all have it.
This is what I have been showing for a long time.
And people thought I was crazy.
Man, I am crazy.
I am so crazy about life...
My wife and children...
...nature, harmony and you.
I love it all.
I love it all and I’m crazy about it.
And we have so much more within us than we thought was possible.
It’s not outside.
It’s inside.
Reconnect with that in the depth
And now we have the opportunity (during lockdown/quarantine)
Take on this opportunity
We are here, it’s spirituality.
And it’s time for spirituality.
Because we are spirits.
And we have a beautiful mind.
Let’s bring it all together.
Heart and mind coming together.