Wim Hof Podcast | Russell Brand & The Power Of Cold Water
We'd probably be healthier
if we ate food that were available
and grew in the place that we're in
at the time that we're in it.
In the correct season.
Rather than eating something made in a laboratory
or grown under lights or whatever it is.
I think that the same is true for the way we treat the body.
Try to replicate what this...
what this body evolved to do.
It needs to move, it needs to do something.
And that's why I feel...
Like when I first spoke to Wim
What I...
Like, I remember the time that I jumped into cold water
You know, maybe 5 years earlier, just to sort of see what it was like.
I was curious about it.
And when I jumped into the cold water
I hear myself go
Like, I thought "Oh my God" I've never heard that noise come out of myself before
You know, like there's this...
there's this stuff in me that I'm never using
I'm never using it
Like, my body's capable of it but I'm not doing it.
And like, so...
You know
I think if you don't explore those territories
which could be mapped as neurological
which could be mapped as psychological or spiritual
It doesn't matter how you map them
It matters that you know there are these terrains
that are not being utilised within you
Because the cultural experience...
'Culture' means guide, manipulate, maneuver
Like, it will have a mirror in your mind
if you watch certain TV shows
if you watch certain news, if you eat certain food
it will have a mirror in the pathways through your mind.
You're leaving on a few little tracks
and a few little grooves.
And when you feel the cold or when you feel the breath
it breaks out into new dendrite spikes
new experiences
new realms
And suddenly think "well who was I anyway?"
What am I? Am I memory?
My appetite, my impulse, my preferences?
My likes and dislikes?
Can I just, let that die?
And just go like "Woah, is dead, I'm not that anymore"
That guy's dead.