Wim Hof Podcast | Jordan B. Peterson & Ice-Cold Water Therapy
In psychotherapy, especially behavioural therapy, but not only...
You find out what people are afraid of and then you expose them to that voluntarily
You know in graduated doses,
According to their ability to tolerate it.
And that’s radically curative.
It’s extremely effective for dealing with fear.
And so...
You’re doing the same thing.
With physical stress.
Rather than say psychological stress.
The pain system is older than the anxiety system.
Anxiety is sort of a replacement of pain.
Because you become afraid of things that might cause you pain.
But pain is really deep and really really old.
And so,
I could add that...
Two minutes…
That’s interesting…
You think I could put my hands in ice water?
Would it be water with ice?
[Wim Hof] Yes.
And do the same with my feet?
[Wim Hof] Yes exactly. Apart from each other.
Okay and what if I did that before bed?
What would be the best time to do that?