Wim Hof on the meaning of Yoga | International Yoga Day
Hi guys, it’s International Yoga Day
‘The Butterly’ pose.
International yoga...
...yoga day!
Yoga means connection.
Mind-body connection.
To bring about a connection that makes you able to control the depth of your body.
And you can exercise the vascular system, lymphatic system,
All these systems you can exercise through bodily expressions.
They are called 'asanas’ in yoga.
And Asana […] means,
‘The body is the seat of the soul.
So you make it a good seat.
Body awareness.
A body awareness where the seat is nice.
The seat is strong.
The seat flows.
The blood-flow flows through the seat.
The temple of the soul.
One of my favourite...
Oh wait a minute.
I got...
[microphone disconnects]
I accidentally disconnected from this.
I put it back on.
Is it working?
So that means we have a connection.
We have yoga.
So yes.
One of the exercises or asanas I like the most,
Is the...
These pants are so tight.
But it doesn’t matter.
It’s the 'Hanumanasana’.
In the west they call it 'the split'.
And I just love it.
It’s very good for the blood flow through the loins.
In the pelvis.
And it yeah...
The big arteries...
They are being exercised,
by getting it all out.
So it’s able to flow through.
And it feels good.
They call it the 'Hanumanasana'
I call it sometimes a bit different...
It's a get your genitals on the ground exercise.
But you can’t say that on international yoga day
but I’ll say it anyway.
You know… Just feel good!
It’s all there.
Have a great international yoga day.
I do it like this.
All the time.
I love it.