Wim Hof Music : Crazy Like A Monkey Song
crazy like a
monkey czy like a
monkey let be
funy I'm being
okay life find is
weet it's me to
St it's in your heart it ain't no wrong
along back in the B you
go getting
on we take the sign and res numbers
thing Our Song
speculation crazy monkey in my mind just
want to be
kind going okay finding my way feeling
from the heart czy like a
mon let be
funy I'm being
okay life is
weet done is pay it all Nature's call
and prove it you read the one thing
and that's what I think right
now are you crazy like a monkey
crazy like a
monkey any time when you feel it inside
just go worldwide and you say hello
again just go to the other round crazy
like a
monkey let be
funy I'm being
okay life time is
sweet hey
it like a monkey
like a
monkey we want to be free just to be in
the heart that's the start get your
words in it's the feeling that's the
begin and this time we're going to do it
again we want
freed respect Mother Nature