Wim Hof Method & The secrets of successful entrepreneurs
- I think what's really we're seeing here in the breath work
is something else that's really special and powerful
and that's the release of emotions that have been stored.
The second round here today
I was so happy that I started crying
because I recognized how often in my life
I'm not that happy.
(upbeat music)
- So we're in a room in Poland.
We're sitting with Wim Hof
who just led us through a breathing exercise,
if that's what you want to call it,
more of a spiritual experience,
and we just finished
and we wanted to share our experience,
what opened up for us,
and before we do,
can you share in a couple of minutes
context of what we actually did,
what is the purpose of it,
why you do it
and how it helps people heal themselves?
- The breath,
we have shown in science as the first ones
to reach into the autonomic nervous system,
thought of inaccessible as humans, and now we are.
So we are using the breath
not only to go into these deeper systems of ours
to bring it within our willful control,
we are here to show that the breath
actually is the carrier of consciousness.
And with that consciousness,
we are able to go any place in our bodies,
in our brains,
the seat of the mind,
and with that, to get a comprehension
of what is the soul in the moment,
right here, right now,
nothing abstract, a feeling.
Feeling is understanding.
So I see you guys here
coming all big guys and influencers and all.
So great, it is great,
I got a new insight,
I always keep on learning.
I'm very thankful that we have come together
to show that we as big men
are able to become every vulnerable.
There is the strength to not be a need to stay in control,
to go past the control into vulnerability
'cause you want to branch into something else
than is given us by our schools, our teachers,
our doctors and so forth.
That's why we have come together
and now I would love to hear what is your experience.
- And the biggest thing that opened up for you
during either this session or the first two and a half days.
So gratitude, why you decided
to come experience this with Wim
and what opened up for you so far in this breathing
or this time.
- Well, one of those questions is really easy
because this was an easy yes.
Not only did I know a couple people here already
that I consider friends and brothers
but I've got to spend time with Wim Hof himself
and Enahm as well
and got to meet his family
and have been practicing the method,
not as much as I will after being here,
'cause I think this is one of the big lessons
that I've learned is I have a lot of the tools,
and I've been on the path of learning,
discovering my soul, my spirit,
what that essence is, consciousness, your higher self,
whatever you want to call it,
there's a million words that inadequately describe
the ineffable essence of who we really are,
and I've been on the path of seeking that.
But I don't always remember that,
I forget it often
and I forget it easily
and to be reminded that it's just a sequence of breaths away
and to be able to do that in an environment
with people that are becoming brothers,
some came in as brothers,
like yourself Lewis,
and now everybody becoming brothers,
it's, I'm happy, I'm happy,
and I don't know if I'm always happy, to be honest.
And like this now has shown me
that happiness is not something that's ephemeral,
it's not something that just comes to you
or it doesn't come to you
based on some external thing.
You can create it.
And you created the container
by bringing all these people together
and then we're creating the internal state
with our own breath.
And it just gives control back to something
and I think society and the world
has told us it's out of our control.
And so we get our control back
by using the method
and it's just the best.
And then you look at the priorities of your life
and you're like, huh,
like what am I doing everything I'm doing for
when everything I'm doing is not yielding
this kind of happiness that I've had here
with this group of men and this method
in a couple days?
And it's just a great reminder
about what's really important
and which way to steer life from here forward.
So I'm just incredibly grateful,
grateful for life and grateful for our bodies
and grateful for teachers like Wim
that can help us get back and remind ourselves
who we really are
and how to get back in touch with the animal
and the spirit that's inside all of us.
- Nice, nice.
- Man, I'm super thankful for tribe.
I grew up my entire life an athlete
and then when you retire,
it's not built in for you.
So just to become here
and to tribe up with a lot of people
that I haven't met before.
I really only needed to know like one guy was coming,
and that was you, Lewis,
but it's cool to see what you've created in this tribe
and we'll never have another experience like this.
So for me, the actionable steps I'll take
with this experience
is for me to be better
at keeping the main thing the main thing
'cause I think a lot of us
with the big dreams
and the big desires of our heart,
we go so deep and obsessive towards that,
and as husband and as fathers,
dude, when I get home,
and I put my truck in park.
I walk in the door,
I'm bringing that stuff with me.
I don't want to
and I don't want to show up that way
but that's the world we live in, man,
we're trying to get things done,
we're trying to create legacy,
and that does require obsession,
but just super thankful Wim,
that you've used your whole life to figure this thing out
and now it's like a popular cool thing
to do what you've essentially delayed
your entire gratification of your life
and now people are finally starting to listen.
So just honored to be here
and to help spread the word
over on the west side, man,
'cause we need the help.
So thanks for having us.
- Thanks Bailey.
- I'll go the other way around,
I came because I didn't want to come.
When you sent that text message and you said,
"Hey, getting a bunch of guys
"and going to see Wim Hof,"
I googled Wim Hof and I was like hell no.
And then in the back of my head it's like
that's a hell yes,
your fears are your compass, right,
it's gotta let you know where you gotta go.
So I said yes before I could change my mind,
bought the ticket before I could change my mind.
It's been such an amazing thing.
I think the gratitude I have,
and I've heard a lot of people express it is brotherhood.
This is a brotherhood that is being formed,
not simply 'cause we're all in the same room together,
it's because we're sharing unique experiences together.
We've had, you never forget your first.
That was the first time I jumped in water ever.
- [Lewis] Wow, cold water or water?
- Water.
I've never jumped in a pool.
I've never jumped in water, I can't swim.
- [Lewis] Wow.
- And I was telling some of the other guys
and I've backed out of it
and I've not regretted backing out of it
and this time was the first time I was surrounded by people
that were just completely encouraging,
walking up and Mike immediately being like,
"the secret is don't think about it,
"just get to the edge and jump."
I didn't take his advice
and I overthought it
and I heard our voice like,
"All right, Humble, you can do it,
"three, two, one."
And I didn't jump.
"Okay, Humble, you can do it, three,"
And there wasn't any shaming,
I didn't feel like I was surrounded
by a bunch of alpha males
who were trying to peer pressure me,
and I think that brotherhood,
I see in my history,
'cause I grew up with only sisters,
how often I got myself in trouble
chasing a brotherhood,
looking for it in all the wrong directions.
And to be in a circle of self-aware, honest, super strong,
and I think, as Wim said,
true strength is vulnerability
and to be in this room
and see super strong people
and have these conversations,
the spectrum is, it crosses everything.
We're talking about the silly fun stuff
and we're talking about the deep stuff
and we're shedding tears
and we're getting technical.
And I think to have access to that is just,
I'm forever grateful for it.
And I've received so much
that it is my privilege but my responsibility to
I got to put it out there now.
You got to put it out there on a local level
with my peoples
but also with my community
and the folks that look to me and it's just,
it's overwhelming and this experience of breathing,
as Aubrey said,
it's almost unfair how lucky we are
to have all these tools and they're there,
and it's nothing mystical.
I've been in some form of meditation since I was eight
and often it's sit quietly, close your eyes,
'cause your mom will slap you if you move.
And to see this is,
and to hear Wim just say,
hey, let it figure itself out
and the pressure, the shoulders relax
and the pressure goes away
and it makes room
and to say even simple things like we're gonna build it up
or tear it down,
whatever needs to happen.
I think so often we're told this is the way to do things
and we get in our own way.
And I think I'm so grateful for this opportunity
to clear some of that.
As I was saying yesterday,
the ice melted our anxieties.
- Well I don't want to speak for you
but I love how you said
you've never been around a group of guys who were supportive
without pressuring you or saying like,
come on, don't be a wussy or don't be a whatever,
like jump in the water, don't be scared
and you said you've never experienced that
where it was just like supportive encouragement.
- Yeah, a friend yesterday's like,
oh, I see on Instagram,
you're with a bunch of interesting guys,
hopefully that makes you interesting
or hopefully that turns you interesting.
And again it's how they were raised, it's tools
and I got out of that and I'm grateful for it
but I notice here too a lot of people here
may be family rich and resource rich and experience rich
but as another much more talented bearded poet said
people don't grow on trees.
And I'm so grateful that all these people came across,
you can't buy brotherhood,
you can't buy brotherhood
and you can't form a brotherhood by force,
you gotta sit in that ice together
and let it develop
one freezing second by one freezing second.
So again, Lewis, thank you so much for having me
Wim and everybody, thank you for being here.
- [Lewis] Snakebite, Posner.
- Snakebite in the building, what's up,
Michael Robert Posner, Detroit, Michigan.
What I'm saying?
- [Lewis] What you're grateful for,
why you came and the biggest lesson so far.
- I'll start with why I came.
It's similar to Aubrey,
it was an easy yes
and Jesse text me, he's like,
"Man, it's a once in a lifetime, bro."
I was like I know.
And by the way, I was pressuring Jesse to come,
I was like, dude, he's like, I got a speaking engagement,
I got a move.
I go, dude, you gotta move it,
dude, I'm in 100%, come in, you in.
And a few days passed and he text me back,
"Double the insurance policy, I'm coming to Poland."
But yeah mean, it was an easy yes, man.
I heard about your work for years, Wim,
and the opportunity to come learn from you first hand
in an environment like this, such a small group,
is just exactly what Jesse said
once in a lifetime opportunity,
and I knew that the practices would help me,
with some of the projects I'm working on in the short term
but also in the long term for my whole life.
So I will say flipping in the question to,
I'm grateful for the opportunity 100%,
grateful for you Wim.
I think Steve said it really well,
you spent decades alone in that fucking ice,
nobody was with you, man, yeah
and you just figured it out on your own,
there was no book.
So I think everybody that learns from you could be grateful
that you had the courage to spend that time alone,
figure out your own shit,
tear yourself down, build yourself up
'cause without that none of us would be here
learning this amazing stuff.
- [Lewis] Biggest lesson for you.
- The biggest lesson?
Yes, it does feel like unfair, almost silly
how powerful this stuff is
that requires no anything.
Everybody that's alive has their breath, pretty much,
unless they're on like life support.
So the fact that we're able to go that deep as we just went
without taking a drug,
without fasting, without,
it's like Aubrey said like a few minutes away.
It feels almost like cheating.
But hopefully that could become
a part of more people's daily lives.
Myself today, I feel like I went
to a whole different state of consciousness,
just a different place, different mind state,
hard really to explain.
When I finished doing the breathing exercise I start crying
but I couldn't really tell if I was laughing or crying
and it was really interesting 'cause it was absolute,
Jesse asked me what were you thinking about
when you were crying?
I was thinking about absolutely nothing.
There was absolutely no mental story or memory
attached with my emotions.
I don't know if that's just cause
it's pent up in there or what, maybe Wim can tell us,
it just came out.
It was really powerful for me
and again, Humble said man,
this group Aubrey said, I feel happy too, bro,
just being around you guys has been amazing, amazing.
So thank you, Lewis, thank you, Wim,
thank you all you guys who showed up, appreciate you.
- Thank you, guys.
I don't know, for me personally,
I don't want to be the 80% version of myself.
When I look back when I'm 85 years old
and when this thing is all over,
I don't want to be like yes, man,
I was 80% of what I could've been.
And when you have the opportunity to learn
from the best in the world at what he does.
There's seven billion people on the planet
and one guy stands out,
you have to grab that opportunity.
And for me, I'm super aligned
with the way Wim thinks, relates to nature.
When I was a kid and I went outside,
my mother was like bundle up,
put a scarf on, put a jacket on,
my teacher's like, don't go in the water, it's too cold,
don't go outside, you're gonna get sick,
and here's a guy through science, innovation, mindset,
has proven the opposite,
and in a world where everyone's getting sick
following directions of the scientists
and the leaders and the pharmaceutical people, whatever,
out comes one man who says there's a different way.
And with one out of four American men getting cancer
and all the illness,
I'm drawn to that energy,
I want to learn from that energy.
So that's why I'm here
and I'm a big believer in the more you experience,
the more you have to offer,
and the more compassion you have,
the more empathy you have,
the more you can share,
and I recently sat with a financial advisor
and he asked me if you could leave your kids
a boatload of money or a boatload of experiences,
what would you want to give 'em?
Of course, you want to give 'em experiences.
Man, what in the world is a better experience
than coming to Poland with 13 self-starters
and 13 guys that are eager to learn?
And as you get older,
I'm the oldest here other than Wim,
as you get older,
it's hard to create newness in our life, man.
How do you get newness?
You have to work towards newness.
And this was something that was new, extraordinary,
and to get an opportunity to learn from a guy who's
in some ways a hero
and in some ways that's taking on the establishment,
and for me that translates beyond cold water.
It translates to business,
how I raise my kids,
what kind of friend I am,
what kind of husband I am,
and what this man has really done,
and I've learned in a short amount of time,
it's not about cold water, man,
it's about your mind
and how can you take that out of the cold water
and apply it to your daily life.
So the lessons that I've learned are,
and I'm on a quest for more.
I'm an ultra runner, I'm a dad,
I'm on a quest for more.
My biggest fear is I don't live up to my potential.
And what he has taught me is that
the potential is bigger than we all thought
if we tap into what we can control.
And for that gift, I thank you, Wim,
and Lewis and everybody else.
And the last thing I just want to say is
this is five days in one.
Every one day is like five days.
If I stayed here for 40 years,
I'd live to be 200 years old.
So I might move to Poland
and be the oldest man in history to live.
But thank you for hosting this--
- [Lewis] How does this compare to,
for those that don't know,
you've done tons of endurance races,
you've got your own mountain adventure race,
you've done Last Man Standing,
you've done so many different challenges,
extreme physical and mental challenges,
how does these first couple days
compare to all the different challenges you've done?
- They're all unique in their own way.
What's special about this is what Wim brings to it
and there's so much conviction.
And conviction can take you a really long way.
I've built my career on conviction,
and he just reemphasizes that.
But what's different about this
is the 13 guys in this room.
- [Lewis] Yeah, it wouldn't be as special
if it was just one or two.
- No, and the challenge with this for all of us
is when we go home and Aubrey's got a huge,
the guy's got big followings in this room,
Matt, you Lewis, everybody,
is trying to how do you even convey the experience
and you can't.
But what's amazing about experiences is
40 years from now if I see Steve
or if I see Humble, Mike, whatever,
I'm rooting for all you guys,
I'm sure you guys are rooting for me, I hope,
it's unbreakable, man, it's unbreakable.
So I'm just excited to stay,
Ansel you too,
I know you came outside, you'll get your chance,
I don't want to hog the mic here, it's unbreakable
and you don't get that in a fucking textbook, man.
You don't get that watching the Kardashians.
You get that by going out in nature,
suffering, experiencing, et cetera.
The last thing I'm gonna say
is the best part of this is the fear.
We talked about the cold water,
and I was scared to, all this stuff, it's the build up,
and then getting over the hurdle,
and it's no different than starting a business or whatever,
it's the fear, getting over it
and setting your standards really high.
Wim has set his standards higher than high.
There is no standard,
it's just like,
if you told me Wim Hof landed on the moon with his own arms
'cause he flapped his arms really fast,
I'd be like, I believe that.
And that's the standard we should all strive for
is like how far can we push the limits
before it's over
'cause nobody here signed up for 80% of themself.
- I'm grateful for the opportunity and the health
to be able to come and be with you guys
and to experience this with you guys
and I'm also grateful for the fact that all you guys
as we are men and alpha,
we're taught to be like tough
but you guys have been vulnerable enough
to open yourself up to be not so alpha
and just let your emotions go.
And why I came is several reasons
but all play into one.
Since I was a kid,
I've always felt like you know,
I can't explain my journey,
I just always feel like it's just guided by a higher being.
For example, when I was a kid,
I told my mom I was gonna play in the NFL at eight years old
and she said, "Only one in a million kids
"play in the NFL."
And I'm like, "Well I'mma be that one" at seven years old.
It's something that guides you.
And going into when I was younger in my teenage years
I always knew that I wanted to have twin boys,
I want to have twins, I want to have twins
and ironically enough I have twin boys
and it's crazy, it's insane
and also they play into a reason why I came here is because
as a kid, I was teased and
and bullied a lot and
as a dad and as a father
you want to be able to shield your children away from that.
So it scars you as a kid,
you take that with you as you get older
and I want to find out my faults
so I can teach my kids
not to take the same path that I took.
My wife called me yesterday,
she text me yesterday
and she said one of my boys was at school
and a kid at school was teasing him
telling him he had curly hair
and that it wasn't cool.
(mumbles) 'cause my wife is white
and my kids are biracial
and when I heard that it sensed me, it enraged me,
and I wanted to let him know that,
and not to sound boastful
but my kids are very good looking kids,
very good looking kids
and let them know that it doesn't matter,
'cause I've learned in life
what people think about you doesn't matter
'cause you only got so much time on this Earth
that if you waste your time
thinking about what everybody thinks about you,
you're gonna waste your time and your energy.
So that's one of the main reasons why I came
was that I'm trying to find myself and my faults
so I can see the faults in my kids,
'cause my kids, my twin boys,
one is built like me physically
and one is built like me mentally.
So I have to, I can see everything in 'em
and I want to be able to show 'em the right way
and the biggest lesson that I've learned
is that you don't need all this crazy stuff,
you don't need all this technical stuff
to advance yourself and make yourself feel better
and improve yourself.
What you need is inside of you
and it's very simple.
Grieving is simple.
So that's the biggest lesson I've learned is that
you already have the tools,
God put you onto this Earth with the tools that you need
to be successful.
It's on you to find a way to access 'em
and to put it out into the world.
So I'm very thankful for that.
- That's beautiful.
My name is Matt, AKA Cesar, as Lewis calls me.
I'm grateful for the opportunity,
as simple as that,
to be surrounded by a group of guys
who are passionate, wise, loving, vulnerable.
I run Lewis' business, School of Greatness podcast,
and I just appreciate every single one of you
just embracing me
and just allowing me to be me on this trip
and it's been a powerful experience for me.
Why I'm here, duty, requirement.
At the end of it, Lewis said, you're going.
He's like there's no two ways about it,
and my mom, my wife, they're all freaking out,
you're jumping in these ice baths,
you're gonna be jumping into a freezing cold river,
what are you doing,
do we have enough life insurance?
You're going overseas,
you got medical insurance, all this craziness,
and Lewis just said you're going
and I acknowledge you and appreciate you
for pushing me out on the skinny branches.
We need friends like that.
We need to support each other
and allow each other to see what's possible in our lives.
So my biggest takeaway
is that this method, Wim Hof method, is,
and I can attest to it in my short experience here
is supportive both mentally, for your mental health,
and also physically for your physical health.
I had a feeling for mentally
because I had done Wim Hof method before
in the States with Lewis,
but physically, I'm sitting here with the dog
and my dog allergy's gone.
- Really? - Fuck you.
- [Lewis] He's never been able to touch dogs.
- And I love dogs,
I absolutely adore dogs,
I've loved them since I was a kid
but my parents couldn't get one because I was allergic.
Now I can be around dogs,
I can take,
after this exercise, I can take full breaths
whereas I would've had to go outside,
get away, take a shower.
- [Lewis] He couldn't touch a dog
without it swelling his face, sneezing.
- [Wim] That's the same thing with fibromyalgia,
the histamine is out of control.
$500 to say that.
Bad joke.
- So I'm grateful to be here
and I'm gonna pass it to Enahm, my man.
- To me, I can pass it through.
- [Lewis] What are you grateful for,
why are you here
and biggest lesson so far
from this group of guys being here?
- I'm here because I wanted to protect all of you guys
from this man.
No, no, so with Lewis,
we have been a couple of times on his podcast
and last time we were there was, like Lewis,
the way he received us,
the way he let my dad come forward
and it's an art to also
to have the best come out of someone
and it's there,
and my dad said, hey, let's do some event,
and I was like totally open for it,
because normally I'm very closed, I'm behind the scenes,
I built a big wall towards these kind of things,
because yeah, I'm basically
working with my dad for nine years
and you get to see a lot of bullshit out there.
And that being said,
here I normally never participate in anything.
I wear a scarf right now
because hey, it's nice, comfy, I don't care
about what that says,
but yesterday going into the ice bath,
and I was like also I don't take ice baths,
it's like part of my dad's show with my dad.
Is anyone doing here what their dad is doing?
I don't know.
But me not.
And I was there with you guys in the ice bath
and it was like insane.
I don't know what happened there
but if I go in for two minutes or three minutes with my dad,
the biggest motivator and teacher with the ice,
I get like painful as F
but with you guys it was like a piece of cake,
and maybe not a piece of cake
but I felt confident,
I was there, endured it,
and it was a great feeling.
- I saw a different Enahm yesterday,
amazing, I loved it, yes.
- And also with this group of guys,
I haven't looked into it too much
but now I'm adding all of you
and I'm seeing a certain thing coming forward
on the social media and on anything,
and what I see here is man,
you guys are great with your social media
but what I see here is even better, man,
and you guys are the real deal
and I'm very grateful for that.
So it just blows my mind.
So you guys say it's a once a lifetime experience,
fuck that man,
any time you guys want to do something, we're here.
So thank you for being here
and opening up, it's insane.
- Could you share with us the different,
you said your son was different yesterday,
I'm very intrigued by that
because I have a similar relationship with my son
and I try to motivate him
and he doesn't take it from me
but he'll take it from my friends.
So what was our tribe able to bring out in your son
that you hadn't seen before?
- Energy, power, empowerment, just that.
He never does this with me,
he never does it,
but you can heal anything with this
except for father, son's relationship.
And yesterday, you guys brought it to him
'cause you guys are,
he's also big guy, like in his way, handsome and things
and no inhibitions, making big business,
and shutting out everybody
with a lot of success.
I had 12 managers before him
and I had only a 30,000 Euros of tax debt,
that's what I had of those 12 managers.
Then he came in and he took it all along,
now we got so much and it's all coming.
Now I don't care
but what I see in him,
how he is for the first time yesterday changed,
he's a different man now.
And I think he's gonna,
he wants to take me on.
It's good, it's good
if the son wants to take on dad,
I got more power,
then I did a good job.
So two, three minutes,
it's gonna be 20 minutes,
I don't know what he's gonna do.
I thank you guys
because you guys got the quality and the energy, the power
and good looking
so yeah, you got him convinced where I could not.
- You also just looked really happy in the ice.
You were just smiling,
you were like this energy
radiating from your chest and your face.
- I normally look at everything from outside
and I like that position.
I like to have the overview,
yeah, I am not used to this stuff,
I like to have the overview,
I like to see things outside,
we had a couple of conversations here to say
why are you not doing the breathing exercise?
Fuck, I need my traumas
because I need to perform-- - You need your traumas?
- Yeah.
- [Lewis] Why do you need your traumas?
- Well, like I said,
these things make you like,
I don't think fear is a bad thing.
It makes you like cautious about things
and my dad always talks about love
and we're creating something beautiful.
To break that down,
it's like can go really quickly,
to build something up, it takes years.
So I always want to be not in the middle of a,
I need to be outside of that.
I don't want to be walking around
like a hippie hugging everyone,
that's what this does, man,
and it's beautiful
but I need to be like,
I have a role within all what we do
and I need to maintain that role.
At least that's the way I feel it
and that's why I built these walls.
But yesterday I could break that wall down for a moment
and that's why I was smiling and being happy.
I felt like at ease,
that's priceless, yeah.
- Yeah, I'm Nick.
I'm here for you guys.
Lewis texted me
and said we're gonna have this retreat in Poland,
I'm like I've been to Poland
and he said, well Wim Hof's gonna be there,
I'm like oh cool, and he kind of gave the rundown.
I'm like, dude, Lewis, you could throw this thing
at the LA County Dump and I'd be there.
I'm so grateful for this beautiful setting
and I've had a chance to explore
just the beautiful mountainside around us
but I'm here for you guys
and I mean it.
If this was anywhere else,
I would've been on the next flight
because I think I expressed that
I struggle with some self doubt frequently
and I'm on Instagram, I'm stalking you guys
and I'm like, these guys,
not an ounce of self doubt,
these are buildings, they're Snakebite,
these are bigger-than-life human beings
and I need to be there
to understand why these people are so perfect.
Talk about be the person that you want to be,
imagine yourself in that scenario,
imagine yourself in those shoes.
And I'm like I want to be like these guys,
I need to go and see what makes 'em tick
and we're downstairs and there's 15 of us
and energy's going back and forth and
it's easier for me to sit down with Jesse one-on-one
or Mike one-on-one
and pick up something from you
and then it's almost like it's overwhelming
and I have to go process it.
So like just talking with Mike
when he said I walked across the United States
because I wanted to be the version of myself
that I wanted to be,
I just like it was so overwhelming
I had to just throw my hiking boots on
and go walk for an hour.
Maybe it's the loneliness of the long distance runner
but that's kind of how I center myself
is just going out and being in my own head for awhile.
And I seriously yesterday for 90 minutes
just thought what does that mean
and what does that mean for me moving forward,
how do I apply it to my own life?
I feel like I've had a chance
to at least sit down with every one of you for
whether it's five or 10 or half an hour
and I've just taken a nugget,
one nugget from each of you
that is just almost overwhelming
and I have to just throw my hiking boots on
and go process it,
but I'm so grateful that if every one of you came out here
because it's really impacting me
and helping me in a major, major way.
So that's the gratitude,
and if there's one thing that I've really learned
in two days here,
the commonality between the breathing exercises
and the ice baths
it's that we've got monkey brains.
At the end of the day,
we're animals and as soon as I go into holding my breath
or the second I went into the ice bath,
I'm like fuck this, this sucks.
I want oxygen
or I want to get the fuck out of this cold bath.
That's my monkey brain
and then as soon as I push through
that first 15 seconds in the breath holding
or as soon as I push past
the first two minutes in the ice bath,
I settle into this really neat, happy comfortable place
and it gets bad again.
At three minutes or at seven minutes in the bath tub,
it gets bad again,
but it's maybe a lesson
to not always avoid painfulness,
not always avoid discomfort,
that there's a real happy place that can be found
if you embrace it initially.
So I'm trying to apply that lesson
in more areas of my life.
- Love that, love that.
I love that Nick was looking at all of us
thinking that we're hot shit
when he's a two-time Olympian and US National champion.
- [Nick] I was like,
why the fuck is Lewis inviting me to this?
Did you run out of people to call or something?
- No, I love your energy man.
You're an inspiration to me.
- [Nick] Appreciate that.
- And before you go,
what was the exact line that you said
about why you crossed America?
We'll pass the mic back to Mike.
'Cause I think it was a great line
and we all really resonated with that,
so the reason you walked across America.
- Yeah, I had to actually do my walk
to get to this answer.
When people asked me before I did it,
I didn't really know what to say,
I just knew I needed to do it
but there's a lot of time to think out there,
but when people ask,
why did I walk across America, I would say,
I walked across America
to become somebody I'm actually proud of.
The person that I want to be, he did that walk.
So let me go try and become him.
It's really the same idea
as what Jesse was saying earlier,
it's just different words.
It's like if somebody asked me
who my hero is
or who inspires me,
I love all you guys
but I don't want to fucking say,
I don't want to have to say Jesse,
I don't want to have to say Wim,
I want to be able to say fucking me, I inspire me.
So I try and organize my life
to where that dream,
that superhero version of me becomes real me
and it's an never-ending mission.
- [Lewis] That's right, I love that.
It's kind of like Snoop Dog.
- I got tired of watching podcasts,
docs of inspiring people
and not being one of 'em.
It was like fuck that, man.
- [Nick] 'Cause you are.
- I'm trying to, thank you.
Thank you.
- I love that Snoop Dog speech where he was like,
I want to thank me
for all the hard work I put in,
for all the late nights I put in,
for the effort,
I want to thank me.
- Hey guys.
I want to definitely thank everyone in this room
for like bringing me in
and tell you how grateful I am to be here.
It almost feels like an understatement when I say that
because I honestly feel like
the most fortunate person in this room right now.
The talent and inspiration here is like it's moving.
And thank you, Enahm
for probably letting me
slip through the cracks on this email
to get in here
'cause I don't know how else I would've made it in here.
Like being in a room full of guys who like
just want to see you get better is like
worth all the money in the world.
So I appreciate all of that.
I definitely came here like looking for
performance and along those lines
I'm really interested in it
and interested in all the things Wim's done
and I think what I got out of it was
just how much like baggage I've put up over the years
and levels of like stubbornness
that I've just layered on.
And so after today's session,
I feel like I was able to peer into somewhere
where I haven't been in a long time.
So yeah, thank you, Wim.
- My name's Taylor.
Lewis brought me along
to help document this experience
and help tell the story for you guys.
It's been incredible to watch all of you high performers,
thought leaders, just incredible human beings,
go through this experience and rally for each other,
seeing you all chant in the ice bath yesterday
and Mike singing some crazy notes
and everybody smiling and having a good time
and pushing through that pain together
and developing that brotherhood
in such a natural and powerful way.
It's been incredible to watch
and I feel so grateful
that I'm here to help tell that story and share.
I think my biggest takeaway
is that this stuff is powerful
and we're so privileged
and we've been given the responsibility to share this
and it needs to be out in the world.
And so I'm excited to see
moving forward, watching all you guys
support this mission and support this work
and really grateful that we had this experience together
to share it with the world.
- So quick story,
me and Lewis and April
got a workout in together
and I asked him, I said,
"Who's been inspirational in your life?
"What are you doing this year that's pretty crazy?"
And he says, "Well someone that I'm really up to
"is Wim Hof
"and I'm actually gonna go to Poland with him next January",
so now and do some Wim Hof experience with him.
And I let no air in between that sentence
and I said, "I'm in."
- [Lewis] I didn't invite you yet.
- That was it, that was it,
I flat out said I'm in, I said I'm in
because just like you two said
there's not gonna be a day or a week
or a month that goes by
that I'm not gonna see the Mitch Matthews
that I know I'm on Earth to become,
no chance, it's not gonna happen.
And so hearing guys
who are a little bit older than me say that,
it's like I'm already there, I'm in.
You guys go on a run yesterday
and I was in the bathroom
somebody yelled out this idea and I scream upstairs I'm in
'cause I'm not gonna let someone twice my age
go get a run in
and I'm not freaking in.
And so I'm here to maximize my potential
and give everything I have to everyone
but I'm grateful for everyone's vulnerability.
Like there's freaking billionaire families here,
there's guys that have started crazy businesses,
there's humongous influence in this room
but to be able to hold each other in bear hug position
and pass out with each other is pretty spectacular.
To have that vulnerability is pretty spectacular
and I'm grateful to see that.
In my life, I look for challenges.
I've created my own challenges with working out twice a day,
healthy eating for 10 straight weeks
and things like that
and challenges like this,
I'm looking for those opportunities
but I'm grateful Wim for you in challenging us
to create something like an excursion
or some record-breaking thing that we're gonna do, I'm in,
that's what I say to that, I'm in.
I want to help you get this out
'cause it's changed me,
it's aligned me.
Usually when I go on vacations for three or four days
I get almost anxiety,
like I have to get back to work,
but I'm gonna go back to work and back to my business
and have anxiety that I'm not here with you guys
being vulnerable and changing myself.
So it's just realigned me to what's really important.
So thank you everybody for being here
and for letting me be all in with you.
- I'm Matthew Hussey.
In terms of what I'm grateful for,
I truly am just
grateful to be considered an energy that's worth having
on this week
this is rarefied air
and to be around you guys,
the greatest compliment I can receive
is that you thought I would in some way contribute to this
'cause I know you wouldn't have invited me
if you didn't feel that.
- It's just the accent.
- Right, we need someone who sounds intelligent.
So I truly am just grateful
to be in the company of you guys.
In terms of why I came,
I had a really difficult year last year,
it was really tough.
I didn't know what I would get out of this
but I did know for sure it would shake things up,
even if I had a terrible time.
I'm like it can't not shake things up
and I had a pretty terrible time
in several ways last year.
So I thought, well, it's not gonna,
another terrible time can't hurt me that bad.
- And before you go to the next thing,
one of the reasons,
I chose each person here for a specific reason, right,
you all have an energy or some reason
why I thought you would contribute
to the group, the collective group,
and the reason,
one, we're close friends,
we've been friends for years,
and we hang out in LA a lot,
but two is because,
I was with you through the pain of last year
on many different occasions
and I just knew that if I could get you here
maybe it's not gonna solve all your problems
but it's gonna give you a lot of tools to support you
in overcoming the pain better,
even if it's for a week or two or relief,
I knew it would give you something
to clear the energy, clear the mind
and move into a better year and a better decade
without the baggage of the past.
And so that's why Matt was in and then he was out
and then I was like dude, I want you here
because I know this will help you.
- Yeah, and the reason that I was in and then I was out
was because, I literally, Lewis texted me and said,
"Hey, I've got this thing."
I was in like a happy holiday mindset at the time,
I'm like yeah, let's do it
and then I actually watched some stuff.
- I sent him the link.
- It's not an exaggeration
to say I did not sleep that night.
I just thought what on Earth have I done?
And now I've got to embarrass myself
by going back to Lewis and backing out
and now how am I gonna remove myself from this thing?
But you know what,
one of the big reasons I came,
and maybe the biggest reason I came
was when you said this to me
and I had such a visceral,
really like deep, deep fear,
I didn't just think this would be uncomfortable,
it terrified me,
and that was enough to keep me up at night
and I thought how often in my life
do I actually genuinely,
I'm always telling people, my audience,
I'm always doing programs,
getting people to go and do things
that scare the shit out of them,
how often in my life do I actually do something
that scares the fucking shit out of me, really?
And I mean in my whole life,
'cause the easy answer is I used to do things that scared me
and then I built this successful business
and this audience
and I did all these uncomfortable things to get there
and now that I'm here,
I've not taken a risk in awhile.
That's the easy answer
but the truth is even the things I did to build my business
weren't terrifying to me
because I was good at them.
Starting business, going out and persuading people,
going and giving speeches,
those were things I knew I could be good at,
even when I wasn't good at them,
I had some belief that if I do this,
I kind of think I have an ability here.
So even those weren't truly scary.
This was something,
I hate the cold,
and I grew up,
like we would go on skiing trips
where out of my family,
my fingers, you nicknamed me extremities this week,
my fingers were the first thing
to send us back home,
'cause they were just numb and white.
And so I thought this is not something I can go
and be like I'm gonna be one of the best in the group.
And I rarely ever, ever, ever
put myself in situations that are genuinely terrifying.
It's always a fake terrifying.
Oh, this is uncomfortable,
but really, I'm still good at that shit.
So that was a big reason I came.
It was to genuinely scare myself
so that I have credibility when I do a retreat this year
and going to my audience
and I know there genuinely terrified of coming to my retreat
'cause they're gonna deal with real vulnerable stuff
that I have credibility standing there
and telling them to confront that.
In terms of what I took from it,
it's a self-help cliche that peer group is important
and I think in a way cliches are dangerous
because you forget how true they can be.
And to be around you guys
I realize how little of peer group I've genuinely fostered
in the last decade of my life.
I've been working,
seeing maybe the same two friends,
spending time with family,
maybe a girlfriend, and that's it
and I tell myself that's enough
and it's a very ignorant perspective
because I'm here and I see just amazing people
and insights and people who've done things
and people who just put me to shame
in all different ways in my life
and I'm like how ignorant have I been
in the last 10 years
that I haven't done more of this
and spent more time on peer group?
So it's a cliche,
I even talk about it being important
when I do programs,
how much of it have I really done in 10 years?
So that's been huge.
The importance of physiology
and how we always think we're gonna think our way
into a better emotion.
Let me logically process why this isn't a big deal,
why I should,
but actually just to change your physiological state
with something radical like this
and the effect that that can have
reminds me sometimes we just overthink everything
and we give feelings way too much importance
instead of just shocking our system,
whether it's working out, ice bath, breathing,
just gonna change our state automatically
without us having to think our way into it,
and lastly, speaking of hypocrisy in my own work
and things I need to do a better job of living up to,
there's a story that I tell on my retreat every time
that this program,
this experience has made unbelievably,
viscerally real to me.
There's a moment in the movie Lawrence of Arabia
where Lawrence is lighting matches
and letting the flame
burn all the way down to his fingertips
and when it gets to his fingertips it goes out,
and one of the other officers looks at him
and he's like how does he do it,
how does he do it,
how's he doing that.
So when Lawrence isn't looking,
he grabs the matches and he lights one up
and he lets it burn all the way down to his fingertips.
When it gets to his fingertips,
he goes (winces) and it burns him
and now he's angry.
So he looks at Lawrence, angry now, and he says,
"Go on then, what's the trick?"
And Lawrence says to him,
"The trick is not minding that it hurts."
And that to me, this week could not have been
more of a representation of
is that we spend so much of our lives trying to avoid pain
but the trick isn't avoiding hurt,
it's not minding that it hurts.
So thank you for making that not just a story to me
but something very, very real.
- Nice.
You're up.
- Well, I'm definitely grateful to be part of this.
I must say I'm still a little bit starstruck
being surrounded by these people this year--
- [Wim] But you area star of yourself.
What is your name? - Peter.
- [Wim] Peter the star.
- The camera guy.
Actually this talking to a lot of people
is my ice bath,
like I don't really feel comfortable doing that stuff,
that's why I chose a life behind the lens.
But we all gotta learn
and do things that are scary
and this is one of the things
and I'm grateful for spending these days with you
and that we're gonna climb a mountain tomorrow,
it's gonna be awesome.
- [Lewis] Big lesson, big lesson so far for you?
- From the last few days.
- [Lewis] From either what you've witnessed
watching behind the camera
but also you've experienced and participated as well.
So both sides.
- Well it's not something from the last few days
but just opening up, being vulnerable
has been the thing from the last couple years.
I've definitely learned that from working for the company
with Wim and vulnerability is key.
- I actually just met Lewis like a week before this trip.
So this is definitely new for me
but I'm super thankful that I got to meet all you guys.
And I think for me,
in high school, I heard this quote that was like,
leave the world a better place than you entered it.
And for some reason, I always remembered that,
and that's kind of been my goal in life.
So I think being 21 years old,
I don't really like a lot of kids my age.
I think a lot of 'em are lazy and entitled.
So if I can be that example that proves that wrong
and shows them like just how powerful being vulnerable is
and where hard work can get you,
I would love to leave the world
a better place than I entered it
and I would love to be an example for my generation
and spreading just more love and peace
and I don't know that's kind of just my mission.
And I do that through telling stories through video.
I like to capture stories
and document experiences like this.
And I get to learn a lot
by being behind the camera
and editing and watching these clips through 100 times.
And I think my biggest takeaway as of now
is to be more vulnerable,
the power of community,
and to rest a little more.
I overwork myself a lot.
So this has given me a lot of anxiety
the first few days
like not working at all
but when I get back I can't wait to
make this a monthly thing
where I go with friends and rest and talk
and be open.
So yeah, thank you guys
and I feel very grateful
to be in the presence of all of you so yeah.
- [Lewis] Awesome.
- I found brothers.
They are not looking up to me,
you are still looking up a little bit, yeah?
I mean I'm a simple guy, I'm humble,
I want to change the world
and now I'm going to change the world
together with all of you.
It's like almost boring
because I do it as a mentor.
I'm a man on a mission every day
and when I have the ability
to reunite with bigger forces, bigger powers,
then I'm the first one to take it on
and tell the story again.
If I go into an Uber,
I'm into the stories,
I'm into the mission,
and when he drops us off,
it's always embracing,
we are always hugging
because we end up in love
and changing the world
and until it's not done,
things like this need to happen
and being vulnerable,
I'm fucking vulnerable.
I'm getting older and I'm still doing this shit,
yeah man, I'm still doing this shit.
But now seeing you here empowers me.
And thank you,
not only from the heart
but yeah, let's make a lot more happening from here
and it's happening already
so actually sometimes I do not need
the need of words to tell
that I love this, I love this
and the world needs change
and we are able to give it.
So thank you, thank you very much
for kicking my ass too
because that's what you do too.
I'm always on top of it all
and oh shoot man,
the building is there,
I see everybody man, it's beautiful, thanks brothers.
- I think one of the,
I think a lot of people will look at Wim Hof
and they'll look at the cold
and that's an important part,
it's an important part to be able to push yourself
past your fears
and recognize it's something that's good for you
you may be afraid of
but if you push past that thing
it's gonna be good for you and beneficial.
And a lot of focus gets put on that
but I think
what's really we're seeing here in the breath work
is something else that's really special and powerful
and that's the release of emotions that have been stored,
of things that have come up.
I do breath work a lot.
The second round here today
I was so happy that I started crying
because I recognized
how often in my life I'm not that happy.
And that came up from the breath.
And why was Mike crying?
He doesn't really know
but there was something there to be released.
Why did Jesse see his face interposed with his child's face,
his younger face interposed,
why are these things happening?
There's things that are beyond just the cold
and just the simplicity
of pushing yourself past your limits.
There's a deep spiritual foundation here.
There's some kind of magic that's happening
within the consciousness itself
and he's giving access to that,
through all the means,
and these means are free,
free cold, free breath and free medicine
and I think that's just beautiful
and I just hope that as everybody shares this message
you share not only the courage
to do the things that are hard,
because that's kind of easy for a lot of men
to do the things that are hard,
we've all done things that are hard
but also do the things internally
that release and open up those spots,
like hearing Mitch cry yesterday
and express that he wasn't proud of himself,
like fuck yeah, man, that's amazing,
every single person when they do that,
like Marq hearing you today man,
like that's the shit,
like I know you've run some long distances,
like I'm not that impressed to be honest
but I'm fucking super impressed with you
from what you just said there,
like I admire you for that,
like I absolutely admire you for that.
And the other stuff's rad too,
don't get me wrong, like that stuff
but that's like a special thing
and I think so it's just not looking at that thing
that might be the dazzling accomplishment
but knowing like internally the diamonds,
always talking about the diamonds,
where's the diamonds?
The diamond's in the fucking heart,
it's in the heart.
How much can you show of the diamond in your heart?
Like how bright can you let that thing go?
And if you have anything obstructing it,
any kind of mistruth,
any deception, any delusion, any projection,
you're gonna be clouding that diamond,
so let's polish that fucking thing
and let it shine for the world so bright
that it's a lighthouse for everybody to see
and the ships are crashing,
they can look up at the sky
and they see it and they know,
they know that the heart is there
and the heart is always gonna be there,
it's unborn and it's undying,
it's untarnishable, it's unbreakable,
and we all have it,
nobody's special, we all have it
and that's what we're here to remind people.
- Mmm, yeah.
- [Lewis] Nice, nice.
- [Enahm] That was a sermon.
- Any final thoughts from anyone
or anything else that opened up that they
didn't get to share? - How do you follow that?
- I know, right.
- [Marq] He only said it 'cause he meant it.
- I admired that too, that was great, that was great.
That was fucking great.
- What Aubrey finished on, actually,
in terms of no one's special is actually interesting
because there are certain,
nobody's special but there are certain people
who kind of take up the mantel
to come into a room and change the energy of that room,
and anyone could do that,
anyone could come in
and change the energy of an entire dynamic if they chose to,
that's what leadership is, right?
What's really interesting, Wim, about you
is there is a,
no matter how afraid everyone is,
you walk into a room
and everyone sort of feels safer,
you go sort of like we're gonna be all right,
and it is like,
there are certain things we do this week
that are terrifying
and I've watched, it's fun.
One of the things various people have said it this week
has been the most fun, Jesse you said it,
has been to watch all these grown powerful men
terrified out of their minds at different times
and to see that, that's been cool.
But Wim, you walk into a room
and your energy sort of announces you
as you walk into a room
and you know when you're in that room.
And that I think is really powerful,
and I think it's something we should all take back to--
- [Mike] You know he's in the house.
- You know he's in the house, yeah
and that, whether we go back to our families, Steve,
or our businesses or our audience
or our colleagues or our staff
knowing that we are each individually
these very important centers of energy
and to honor that by,
we think so much about ourselves
and what I'm afraid of, what I'm going through,
what I'm dealing with,
and it takes the focus off of
how am I changing the energy
of the room that I walk into
and what am I bringing to that room?
And your leadership, Wim,
is what makes this experience.
- The soul, that's it,
the soul is what you are going to bring
in every room you're gonna get in
and that's gonna make all the difference, yes, sir.
- Nice, anyone else want to share a final thought?
- Yeah, I can't relate to that
but I can relate to that with the rest.
- Okay, the love of the family,
the love of the family is the last bit,
I did the Kilimanjaro, as you know,
with 26 people with the cancer, Crohn's disease,
all kinds of things,
and we did it,
not in three days, we did it in two days,
more than successful,
we did not need any physiologists, doctors,
could have had the decency at least
to ask how did you do it,
how did you do it?
Because we are doctors,
investigators in life,
we want to improve healing and methods and all,
no question, no question.
But we did it
and I went to Serengeti, Serengeti
after the Kilimanjaro,
very successfully done,
it was already in the public
but I wanted to see the biggest elephant in the world,
which is 7.8 tons.
It's like 16,000 pound, is that true?
Yeah, something like, no, I mean huge mother fucker
and he is there
and I am able to go with the messiah,
the messiah, they are able to approach the animal,
the lions, without fear.
They have no religion,
but they have respect for mother nature
and they know how to approach the lion
'cause they have no fear,
the are divine.
And I go with them, they are my friends,
we go together
and they let me approach
the biggest elephant in the world.
And there it is
with this ultrasounds going on, this presence,
it is alive,
the being is alive,
there you get close,
you don't know what's happening,
you get these waves over you,
the ultrasonic, it gets into your brain waves,
your whole body,
you feel it everywhere
and I get close to his legs,
even bigger than the buildings,
columns man, columns, all alive,
his belly, it's a God feeling,
man, God is over there
and we are slowly but surely I get to the back
and I lift up his tail
and I see a big black hole,
it's a vortex.
I mean they can swallow you fully,
they can swallow you fully
if you approach it to much.
I was struck by awe, completely flabbergasted,
now my yoga control came in
and I kept the poise and the control within myself
and I went in,
slowly but surely away from that massive, big being
and (speaking in foreign language)
and I came back in the mosque
and I had reception on the telephone and I said,
"Enahm, we did Kilimanjaro,
"we were successful,
"in two days, not three days, all transformed
"and I saw the biggest one,
"the biggest elephant in the world,
"I saw the huge asshole,
"but you mother fucker,
"you are still the biggest mother fucker,
"the biggest asshole."
That's the love of the family.
- We appreciate you, Wim,
we're so grateful for your
taking the time. - More than thanks,
things are going to be done.
- Exactly.
So thank you so much.
I'm so grateful you guys were all here
and we got to jump in the hot tub now.
- Yes. - Hot tub, let's do it.
- Uncle Jesse's hot tub.