Wim Hof Method & The secrets of successful entrepreneurs

Time: 0.333

- I think what's really we're seeing here in the breath work

Time: 4.666

is something else that's really special and powerful

Time: 8.583

and that's the release of emotions that have been stored.

Time: 11.916

The second round here today

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I was so happy that I started crying

Time: 17.666

because I recognized how often in my life

Time: 20

I'm not that happy.

Time: 21.291

(upbeat music)

Time: 24.5

- So we're in a room in Poland.

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We're sitting with Wim Hof

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who just led us through a breathing exercise,

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if that's what you want to call it,

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more of a spiritual experience,

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and we just finished

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and we wanted to share our experience,

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what opened up for us,

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and before we do,

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can you share in a couple of minutes

Time: 49

context of what we actually did,

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what is the purpose of it,

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why you do it

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and how it helps people heal themselves?

Time: 60.75

- The breath,

Time: 62.75

we have shown in science as the first ones

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to reach into the autonomic nervous system,

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thought of inaccessible as humans, and now we are.

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So we are using the breath

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not only to go into these deeper systems of ours

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to bring it within our willful control,

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we are here to show that the breath

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actually is the carrier of consciousness.

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And with that consciousness,

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we are able to go any place in our bodies,

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in our brains,

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the seat of the mind,

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and with that, to get a comprehension

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of what is the soul in the moment,

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right here, right now,

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nothing abstract, a feeling.

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Feeling is understanding.

Time: 111.833

So I see you guys here

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coming all big guys and influencers and all.

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So great, it is great,

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I got a new insight,

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I always keep on learning.

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I'm very thankful that we have come together

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to show that we as big men

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are able to become every vulnerable.

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There is the strength to not be a need to stay in control,

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to go past the control into vulnerability

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'cause you want to branch into something else

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than is given us by our schools, our teachers,

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our doctors and so forth.

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That's why we have come together

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and now I would love to hear what is your experience.

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- And the biggest thing that opened up for you

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during either this session or the first two and a half days.

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So gratitude, why you decided

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to come experience this with Wim

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and what opened up for you so far in this breathing

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or this time.

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- Well, one of those questions is really easy

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because this was an easy yes.

Time: 184.125

Not only did I know a couple people here already

Time: 187.208

that I consider friends and brothers

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but I've got to spend time with Wim Hof himself

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and Enahm as well

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and got to meet his family

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and have been practicing the method,

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not as much as I will after being here,

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'cause I think this is one of the big lessons

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that I've learned is I have a lot of the tools,

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and I've been on the path of learning,

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discovering my soul, my spirit,

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what that essence is, consciousness, your higher self,

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whatever you want to call it,

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there's a million words that inadequately describe

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the ineffable essence of who we really are,

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and I've been on the path of seeking that.

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But I don't always remember that,

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I forget it often

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and I forget it easily

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and to be reminded that it's just a sequence of breaths away

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and to be able to do that in an environment

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with people that are becoming brothers,

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some came in as brothers,

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like yourself Lewis,

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and now everybody becoming brothers,

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it's, I'm happy, I'm happy,

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and I don't know if I'm always happy, to be honest.

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And like this now has shown me

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that happiness is not something that's ephemeral,

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it's not something that just comes to you

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or it doesn't come to you

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based on some external thing.

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You can create it.

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And you created the container

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by bringing all these people together

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and then we're creating the internal state

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with our own breath.

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And it just gives control back to something

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and I think society and the world

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has told us it's out of our control.

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And so we get our control back

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by using the method

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and it's just the best.

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And then you look at the priorities of your life

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and you're like, huh,

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like what am I doing everything I'm doing for

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when everything I'm doing is not yielding

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this kind of happiness that I've had here

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with this group of men and this method

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in a couple days?

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And it's just a great reminder

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about what's really important

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and which way to steer life from here forward.

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So I'm just incredibly grateful,

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grateful for life and grateful for our bodies

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and grateful for teachers like Wim

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that can help us get back and remind ourselves

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who we really are

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and how to get back in touch with the animal

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and the spirit that's inside all of us.

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- Nice, nice.

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Time: 333.416

- Man, I'm super thankful for tribe.

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I grew up my entire life an athlete

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and then when you retire,

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it's not built in for you.

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So just to become here

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and to tribe up with a lot of people

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that I haven't met before.

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I really only needed to know like one guy was coming,

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and that was you, Lewis,

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but it's cool to see what you've created in this tribe

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and we'll never have another experience like this.

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So for me, the actionable steps I'll take

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with this experience

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is for me to be better

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at keeping the main thing the main thing

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'cause I think a lot of us

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with the big dreams

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and the big desires of our heart,

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we go so deep and obsessive towards that,

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and as husband and as fathers,

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dude, when I get home,

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and I put my truck in park.

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I walk in the door,

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I'm bringing that stuff with me.

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I don't want to

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and I don't want to show up that way

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but that's the world we live in, man,

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we're trying to get things done,

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we're trying to create legacy,

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and that does require obsession,

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but just super thankful Wim,

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that you've used your whole life to figure this thing out

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and now it's like a popular cool thing

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to do what you've essentially delayed

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your entire gratification of your life

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and now people are finally starting to listen.

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So just honored to be here

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and to help spread the word

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over on the west side, man,

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'cause we need the help.

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So thanks for having us.

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- Thanks Bailey.

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- I'll go the other way around,

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I came because I didn't want to come.

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When you sent that text message and you said,

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"Hey, getting a bunch of guys

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"and going to see Wim Hof,"

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I googled Wim Hof and I was like hell no.

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And then in the back of my head it's like

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that's a hell yes,

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your fears are your compass, right,

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it's gotta let you know where you gotta go.

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So I said yes before I could change my mind,

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bought the ticket before I could change my mind.

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It's been such an amazing thing.

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I think the gratitude I have,

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and I've heard a lot of people express it is brotherhood.

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This is a brotherhood that is being formed,

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not simply 'cause we're all in the same room together,

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it's because we're sharing unique experiences together.

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We've had, you never forget your first.

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That was the first time I jumped in water ever.

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- [Lewis] Wow, cold water or water?

Time: 484.583

- Water.

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I've never jumped in a pool.

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I've never jumped in water, I can't swim.

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- [Lewis] Wow.

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- And I was telling some of the other guys

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and I've backed out of it

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and I've not regretted backing out of it

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and this time was the first time I was surrounded by people

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that were just completely encouraging,

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walking up and Mike immediately being like,

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"the secret is don't think about it,

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"just get to the edge and jump."

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I didn't take his advice

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and I overthought it

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and I heard our voice like,

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"All right, Humble, you can do it,

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"three, two, one."

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And I didn't jump.

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"Okay, Humble, you can do it, three,"

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And there wasn't any shaming,

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I didn't feel like I was surrounded

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by a bunch of alpha males

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who were trying to peer pressure me,

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and I think that brotherhood,

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I see in my history,

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'cause I grew up with only sisters,

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how often I got myself in trouble

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chasing a brotherhood,

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looking for it in all the wrong directions.

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And to be in a circle of self-aware, honest, super strong,

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and I think, as Wim said,

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true strength is vulnerability

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and to be in this room

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and see super strong people

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and have these conversations,

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the spectrum is, it crosses everything.

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We're talking about the silly fun stuff

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and we're talking about the deep stuff

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and we're shedding tears

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and we're getting technical.

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And I think to have access to that is just,

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I'm forever grateful for it.

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And I've received so much

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that it is my privilege but my responsibility to

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I got to put it out there now.

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You got to put it out there on a local level

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with my peoples

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but also with my community

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and the folks that look to me and it's just,

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it's overwhelming and this experience of breathing,

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as Aubrey said,

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it's almost unfair how lucky we are

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to have all these tools and they're there,

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and it's nothing mystical.

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I've been in some form of meditation since I was eight

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and often it's sit quietly, close your eyes,

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'cause your mom will slap you if you move.

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And to see this is,

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and to hear Wim just say,

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hey, let it figure itself out

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and the pressure, the shoulders relax

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and the pressure goes away

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and it makes room

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and to say even simple things like we're gonna build it up

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or tear it down,

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whatever needs to happen.

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I think so often we're told this is the way to do things

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and we get in our own way.

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And I think I'm so grateful for this opportunity

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to clear some of that.

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As I was saying yesterday,

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the ice melted our anxieties.

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- Well I don't want to speak for you

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but I love how you said

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you've never been around a group of guys who were supportive

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without pressuring you or saying like,

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come on, don't be a wussy or don't be a whatever,

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like jump in the water, don't be scared

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and you said you've never experienced that

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where it was just like supportive encouragement.

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- Yeah, a friend yesterday's like,

Time: 669.25

oh, I see on Instagram,

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you're with a bunch of interesting guys,

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hopefully that makes you interesting

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or hopefully that turns you interesting.

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And again it's how they were raised, it's tools

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and I got out of that and I'm grateful for it

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but I notice here too a lot of people here

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may be family rich and resource rich and experience rich

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but as another much more talented bearded poet said

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people don't grow on trees.

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And I'm so grateful that all these people came across,

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you can't buy brotherhood,

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you can't buy brotherhood

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and you can't form a brotherhood by force,

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you gotta sit in that ice together

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and let it develop

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one freezing second by one freezing second.

Time: 715.125

So again, Lewis, thank you so much for having me

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Wim and everybody, thank you for being here.

Time: 719.375

- [Lewis] Snakebite, Posner.

Time: 720.875

- Snakebite in the building, what's up,

Time: 723.5

Michael Robert Posner, Detroit, Michigan.

Time: 728.541

What I'm saying?

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- [Lewis] What you're grateful for,

Time: 734.375

why you came and the biggest lesson so far.

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- I'll start with why I came.

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It's similar to Aubrey,

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it was an easy yes

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and Jesse text me, he's like,

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"Man, it's a once in a lifetime, bro."

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I was like I know.

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And by the way, I was pressuring Jesse to come,

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I was like, dude, he's like, I got a speaking engagement,

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I got a move.

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I go, dude, you gotta move it,

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dude, I'm in 100%, come in, you in.

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And a few days passed and he text me back,

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"Double the insurance policy, I'm coming to Poland."

Time: 771.833

But yeah mean, it was an easy yes, man.

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I heard about your work for years, Wim,

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and the opportunity to come learn from you first hand

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in an environment like this, such a small group,

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is just exactly what Jesse said

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once in a lifetime opportunity,

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and I knew that the practices would help me,

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with some of the projects I'm working on in the short term

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but also in the long term for my whole life.

Time: 803.75

So I will say flipping in the question to,

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I'm grateful for the opportunity 100%,

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grateful for you Wim.

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I think Steve said it really well,

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you spent decades alone in that fucking ice,

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nobody was with you, man, yeah

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and you just figured it out on your own,

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there was no book.

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So I think everybody that learns from you could be grateful

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that you had the courage to spend that time alone,

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figure out your own shit,

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tear yourself down, build yourself up

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'cause without that none of us would be here

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learning this amazing stuff.

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- [Lewis] Biggest lesson for you.

Time: 846.833

- The biggest lesson?

Time: 851.875

Yes, it does feel like unfair, almost silly

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how powerful this stuff is

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that requires no anything.

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Everybody that's alive has their breath, pretty much,

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unless they're on like life support.

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So the fact that we're able to go that deep as we just went

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without taking a drug,

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without fasting, without,

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it's like Aubrey said like a few minutes away.

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It feels almost like cheating.

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But hopefully that could become

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a part of more people's daily lives.

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Myself today, I feel like I went

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to a whole different state of consciousness,

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just a different place, different mind state,

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hard really to explain.

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When I finished doing the breathing exercise I start crying

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but I couldn't really tell if I was laughing or crying

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and it was really interesting 'cause it was absolute,

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Jesse asked me what were you thinking about

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when you were crying?

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I was thinking about absolutely nothing.

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There was absolutely no mental story or memory

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attached with my emotions.

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I don't know if that's just cause

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it's pent up in there or what, maybe Wim can tell us,

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it just came out.

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It was really powerful for me

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and again, Humble said man,

Time: 943

this group Aubrey said, I feel happy too, bro,

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just being around you guys has been amazing, amazing.

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So thank you, Lewis, thank you, Wim,

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thank you all you guys who showed up, appreciate you.

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- Thank you, guys.

Time: 960.916

I don't know, for me personally,

Time: 964

I don't want to be the 80% version of myself.

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When I look back when I'm 85 years old

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and when this thing is all over,

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I don't want to be like yes, man,

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I was 80% of what I could've been.

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And when you have the opportunity to learn

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from the best in the world at what he does.

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There's seven billion people on the planet

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and one guy stands out,

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you have to grab that opportunity.

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And for me, I'm super aligned

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with the way Wim thinks, relates to nature.

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When I was a kid and I went outside,

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my mother was like bundle up,

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put a scarf on, put a jacket on,

Time: 996

my teacher's like, don't go in the water, it's too cold,

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don't go outside, you're gonna get sick,

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and here's a guy through science, innovation, mindset,

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has proven the opposite,

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and in a world where everyone's getting sick

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following directions of the scientists

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and the leaders and the pharmaceutical people, whatever,

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out comes one man who says there's a different way.

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And with one out of four American men getting cancer

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and all the illness,

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I'm drawn to that energy,

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I want to learn from that energy.

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So that's why I'm here

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and I'm a big believer in the more you experience,

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the more you have to offer,

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and the more compassion you have,

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the more empathy you have,

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the more you can share,

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and I recently sat with a financial advisor

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and he asked me if you could leave your kids

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a boatload of money or a boatload of experiences,

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what would you want to give 'em?

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Of course, you want to give 'em experiences.

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Man, what in the world is a better experience

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than coming to Poland with 13 self-starters

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and 13 guys that are eager to learn?

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And as you get older,

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I'm the oldest here other than Wim,

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as you get older,

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it's hard to create newness in our life, man.

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How do you get newness?

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You have to work towards newness.

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And this was something that was new, extraordinary,

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and to get an opportunity to learn from a guy who's

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in some ways a hero

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and in some ways that's taking on the establishment,

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and for me that translates beyond cold water.

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It translates to business,

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how I raise my kids,

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what kind of friend I am,

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what kind of husband I am,

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and what this man has really done,

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and I've learned in a short amount of time,

Time: 1100

it's not about cold water, man,

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it's about your mind

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and how can you take that out of the cold water

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and apply it to your daily life.

Time: 1107.5

So the lessons that I've learned are,

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and I'm on a quest for more.

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I'm an ultra runner, I'm a dad,

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I'm on a quest for more.

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My biggest fear is I don't live up to my potential.

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And what he has taught me is that

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the potential is bigger than we all thought

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if we tap into what we can control.

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And for that gift, I thank you, Wim,

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and Lewis and everybody else.

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And the last thing I just want to say is

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this is five days in one.

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Every one day is like five days.

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If I stayed here for 40 years,

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I'd live to be 200 years old.

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So I might move to Poland

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and be the oldest man in history to live.

Time: 1148.25

But thank you for hosting this--

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- [Lewis] How does this compare to,

Time: 1151.541

for those that don't know,

Time: 1152.375

you've done tons of endurance races,

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you've got your own mountain adventure race,

Time: 1157.583

you've done Last Man Standing,

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you've done so many different challenges,

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extreme physical and mental challenges,

Time: 1164.166

how does these first couple days

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compare to all the different challenges you've done?

Time: 1168.208

- They're all unique in their own way.

Time: 1169.625

What's special about this is what Wim brings to it

Time: 1173

and there's so much conviction.

Time: 1175.125

And conviction can take you a really long way.

Time: 1179.041

I've built my career on conviction,

Time: 1182.375

and he just reemphasizes that.

Time: 1186.5

But what's different about this

Time: 1188.25

is the 13 guys in this room.

Time: 1190.125

- [Lewis] Yeah, it wouldn't be as special

Time: 1191.708

if it was just one or two.

Time: 1192.541

- No, and the challenge with this for all of us

Time: 1194.875

is when we go home and Aubrey's got a huge,

Time: 1197.5

the guy's got big followings in this room,

Time: 1199.833

Matt, you Lewis, everybody,

Time: 1202.5

is trying to how do you even convey the experience

Time: 1207.916

and you can't.

Time: 1209.708

But what's amazing about experiences is

Time: 1212.458

40 years from now if I see Steve

Time: 1215.458

or if I see Humble, Mike, whatever,

Time: 1217.541

I'm rooting for all you guys,

Time: 1218.708

I'm sure you guys are rooting for me, I hope,

Time: 1220.958

it's unbreakable, man, it's unbreakable.

Time: 1224.208

So I'm just excited to stay,

Time: 1226.833

Ansel you too,

Time: 1227.666

I know you came outside, you'll get your chance,

Time: 1229.833

I don't want to hog the mic here, it's unbreakable

Time: 1233.083

and you don't get that in a fucking textbook, man.

Time: 1235.708

You don't get that watching the Kardashians.

Time: 1238.291

You get that by going out in nature,

Time: 1240.333

suffering, experiencing, et cetera.

Time: 1243.791

The last thing I'm gonna say

Time: 1244.625

is the best part of this is the fear.

Time: 1246.791

We talked about the cold water,

Time: 1250.041

and I was scared to, all this stuff, it's the build up,

Time: 1253.458

and then getting over the hurdle,

Time: 1255.291

and it's no different than starting a business or whatever,

Time: 1258.333

it's the fear, getting over it

Time: 1260.416

and setting your standards really high.

Time: 1263

Wim has set his standards higher than high.

Time: 1267.666

There is no standard,

Time: 1269.25

it's just like,

Time: 1271.625

if you told me Wim Hof landed on the moon with his own arms

Time: 1274.125

'cause he flapped his arms really fast,

Time: 1276.666

I'd be like, I believe that.

Time: 1280

And that's the standard we should all strive for

Time: 1283

is like how far can we push the limits

Time: 1285.583

before it's over

Time: 1287.916

'cause nobody here signed up for 80% of themself.

Time: 1290.916

- I'm grateful for the opportunity and the health

Time: 1293.791

to be able to come and be with you guys

Time: 1295.416

and to experience this with you guys

Time: 1297.5

and I'm also grateful for the fact that all you guys

Time: 1302

as we are men and alpha,

Time: 1303.625

we're taught to be like tough

Time: 1305.125

but you guys have been vulnerable enough

Time: 1306.416

to open yourself up to be not so alpha

Time: 1309.625

and just let your emotions go.

Time: 1312.041

And why I came is several reasons

Time: 1315.208

but all play into one.

Time: 1316.958

Since I was a kid,

Time: 1318.166

I've always felt like you know,

Time: 1319.75

I can't explain my journey,

Time: 1323.25

I just always feel like it's just guided by a higher being.

Time: 1327.291

For example, when I was a kid,

Time: 1329.083

I told my mom I was gonna play in the NFL at eight years old

Time: 1331.708

and she said, "Only one in a million kids

Time: 1334.083

"play in the NFL."

Time: 1334.916

And I'm like, "Well I'mma be that one" at seven years old.

Time: 1337.541

It's something that guides you.

Time: 1340.541

And going into when I was younger in my teenage years

Time: 1344.75

I always knew that I wanted to have twin boys,

Time: 1348.333

I want to have twins, I want to have twins

Time: 1351.458

and ironically enough I have twin boys

Time: 1354.458

and it's crazy, it's insane

Time: 1357.875

and also they play into a reason why I came here is because

Time: 1364.541

as a kid, I was teased and

Time: 1383.625

and bullied a lot and

Time: 1391.583

as a dad and as a father

Time: 1394.875

you want to be able to shield your children away from that.

Time: 1400.958

So it scars you as a kid,

Time: 1404.166

you take that with you as you get older

Time: 1406.291

and I want to find out my faults

Time: 1410.5

so I can teach my kids

Time: 1411.875

not to take the same path that I took.

Time: 1414.916

My wife called me yesterday,

Time: 1416.708

she text me yesterday

Time: 1418.166

and she said one of my boys was at school

Time: 1420

and a kid at school was teasing him

Time: 1421.958

telling him he had curly hair

Time: 1425.333

and that it wasn't cool.

Time: 1426.375

(mumbles) 'cause my wife is white

Time: 1428

and my kids are biracial

Time: 1429.291

and when I heard that it sensed me, it enraged me,

Time: 1434.666

and I wanted to let him know that,

Time: 1439.583

and not to sound boastful

Time: 1441.291

but my kids are very good looking kids,

Time: 1444.541

very good looking kids

Time: 1446.041

and let them know that it doesn't matter,

Time: 1448.208

'cause I've learned in life

Time: 1449.041

what people think about you doesn't matter

Time: 1450.958

'cause you only got so much time on this Earth

Time: 1453.916

that if you waste your time

Time: 1455.25

thinking about what everybody thinks about you,

Time: 1457.125

you're gonna waste your time and your energy.

Time: 1458.541

So that's one of the main reasons why I came

Time: 1462.041

was that I'm trying to find myself and my faults

Time: 1466.333

so I can see the faults in my kids,

Time: 1469.208

'cause my kids, my twin boys,

Time: 1470.833

one is built like me physically

Time: 1472.208

and one is built like me mentally.

Time: 1474.416

So I have to, I can see everything in 'em

Time: 1476.666

and I want to be able to show 'em the right way

Time: 1480.083

and the biggest lesson that I've learned

Time: 1482.458

is that you don't need all this crazy stuff,

Time: 1485.625

you don't need all this technical stuff

Time: 1487.291

to advance yourself and make yourself feel better

Time: 1489.5

and improve yourself.

Time: 1490.375

What you need is inside of you

Time: 1492.75

and it's very simple.

Time: 1494.541

Grieving is simple.

Time: 1497

So that's the biggest lesson I've learned is that

Time: 1500.5

you already have the tools,

Time: 1501.583

God put you onto this Earth with the tools that you need

Time: 1504.208

to be successful.

Time: 1505.5

It's on you to find a way to access 'em

Time: 1508.583

and to put it out into the world.

Time: 1510.333

So I'm very thankful for that.

Time: 1514.625

- That's beautiful.

Time: 1516.041

My name is Matt, AKA Cesar, as Lewis calls me.

Time: 1519.458

I'm grateful for the opportunity,

Time: 1522.875

as simple as that,

Time: 1523.833

to be surrounded by a group of guys

Time: 1525.541

who are passionate, wise, loving, vulnerable.

Time: 1531.25

I run Lewis' business, School of Greatness podcast,

Time: 1534.708

and I just appreciate every single one of you

Time: 1541

just embracing me

Time: 1543.208

and just allowing me to be me on this trip

Time: 1547.083

and it's been a powerful experience for me.

Time: 1550.333

Why I'm here, duty, requirement.

Time: 1554.958

At the end of it, Lewis said, you're going.

Time: 1557.75

He's like there's no two ways about it,

Time: 1560

and my mom, my wife, they're all freaking out,

Time: 1563.041

you're jumping in these ice baths,

Time: 1565.208

you're gonna be jumping into a freezing cold river,

Time: 1567.958

what are you doing,

Time: 1569.166

do we have enough life insurance?

Time: 1572.208

You're going overseas,

Time: 1573.458

you got medical insurance, all this craziness,

Time: 1576.125

and Lewis just said you're going

Time: 1578.708

and I acknowledge you and appreciate you

Time: 1581.333

for pushing me out on the skinny branches.

Time: 1584.125

We need friends like that.

Time: 1585.416

We need to support each other

Time: 1586.958

and allow each other to see what's possible in our lives.

Time: 1591.083

So my biggest takeaway

Time: 1594.041

is that this method, Wim Hof method, is,

Time: 1600.208

and I can attest to it in my short experience here

Time: 1603.041

is supportive both mentally, for your mental health,

Time: 1606.041

and also physically for your physical health.

Time: 1608.708

I had a feeling for mentally

Time: 1610.875

because I had done Wim Hof method before

Time: 1612.708

in the States with Lewis,

Time: 1614.375

but physically, I'm sitting here with the dog

Time: 1616.875

and my dog allergy's gone.

Time: 1619.291

- Really? - Fuck you.

Time: 1625.75

- [Lewis] He's never been able to touch dogs.

Time: 1627.25

- And I love dogs,

Time: 1628.333

I absolutely adore dogs,

Time: 1629.666

I've loved them since I was a kid

Time: 1630.708

but my parents couldn't get one because I was allergic.

Time: 1635.083

Now I can be around dogs,

Time: 1636.666

I can take,

Time: 1638.166

after this exercise, I can take full breaths

Time: 1640.125

whereas I would've had to go outside,

Time: 1641.666

get away, take a shower.

Time: 1642.875

- [Lewis] He couldn't touch a dog

Time: 1644.458

without it swelling his face, sneezing.

Time: 1649.375

- [Wim] That's the same thing with fibromyalgia,

Time: 1652.416

the histamine is out of control.

Time: 1657.541

$500 to say that.

Time: 1661.458

Bad joke.

Time: 1664.666


Time: 1665.916

- So I'm grateful to be here

Time: 1667.25

and I'm gonna pass it to Enahm, my man.

Time: 1670.375

- To me, I can pass it through.

Time: 1673.041

- [Lewis] What are you grateful for,

Time: 1675.791

why are you here

Time: 1676.666

and biggest lesson so far

Time: 1678.5

from this group of guys being here?

Time: 1681.041

- I'm here because I wanted to protect all of you guys

Time: 1683.625

from this man.

Time: 1686.458


Time: 1691.583

No, no, so with Lewis,

Time: 1696.166

we have been a couple of times on his podcast

Time: 1699.75

and last time we were there was, like Lewis,

Time: 1703.458

the way he received us,

Time: 1704.75

the way he let my dad come forward

Time: 1709.25

and it's an art to also

Time: 1713.75

to have the best come out of someone

Time: 1717.708

and it's there,

Time: 1718.708

and my dad said, hey, let's do some event,

Time: 1721.75

and I was like totally open for it,

Time: 1723.25

because normally I'm very closed, I'm behind the scenes,

Time: 1727.083

I built a big wall towards these kind of things,

Time: 1733.083

because yeah, I'm basically

Time: 1735.375

working with my dad for nine years

Time: 1737.041

and you get to see a lot of bullshit out there.

Time: 1741.166

And that being said,

Time: 1743.75

here I normally never participate in anything.

Time: 1747.125

I wear a scarf right now

Time: 1749.291

because hey, it's nice, comfy, I don't care

Time: 1752.541

about what that says,

Time: 1755.166

but yesterday going into the ice bath,

Time: 1757.25

and I was like also I don't take ice baths,

Time: 1760.625

it's like part of my dad's show with my dad.

Time: 1766.166

Is anyone doing here what their dad is doing?

Time: 1769.791

I don't know.

Time: 1770.625

But me not.

Time: 1772.125

And I was there with you guys in the ice bath

Time: 1774.375

and it was like insane.

Time: 1779

I don't know what happened there

Time: 1781.666

but if I go in for two minutes or three minutes with my dad,

Time: 1786.583

the biggest motivator and teacher with the ice,

Time: 1790.75

I get like painful as F

Time: 1793.375

but with you guys it was like a piece of cake,

Time: 1797.5

and maybe not a piece of cake

Time: 1799.208

but I felt confident,

Time: 1801.916

I was there, endured it,

Time: 1804.083

and it was a great feeling.

Time: 1807.541

- I saw a different Enahm yesterday,

Time: 1810.333

amazing, I loved it, yes.

Time: 1812.708

- And also with this group of guys,

Time: 1816.125

I haven't looked into it too much

Time: 1819.041

but now I'm adding all of you

Time: 1821.833

and I'm seeing a certain thing coming forward

Time: 1824.625

on the social media and on anything,

Time: 1828.291

and what I see here is man,

Time: 1831.541

you guys are great with your social media

Time: 1833.833

but what I see here is even better, man,

Time: 1837.458

and you guys are the real deal

Time: 1839.041

and I'm very grateful for that.

Time: 1841.833

So it just blows my mind.

Time: 1846.208

So you guys say it's a once a lifetime experience,

Time: 1849.541

fuck that man,

Time: 1850.458

any time you guys want to do something, we're here.

Time: 1854.166

So thank you for being here

Time: 1855.625

and opening up, it's insane.

Time: 1860.208

- Could you share with us the different,

Time: 1863.791

you said your son was different yesterday,

Time: 1865.25

I'm very intrigued by that

Time: 1867.75

because I have a similar relationship with my son

Time: 1870.833

and I try to motivate him

Time: 1872.208

and he doesn't take it from me

Time: 1874.208

but he'll take it from my friends.

Time: 1875.458

So what was our tribe able to bring out in your son

Time: 1879.541

that you hadn't seen before?

Time: 1880.75

- Energy, power, empowerment, just that.

Time: 1885.625

He never does this with me,

Time: 1887.625

he never does it,

Time: 1888.583

but you can heal anything with this

Time: 1892

except for father, son's relationship.

Time: 1896

And yesterday, you guys brought it to him

Time: 1899

'cause you guys are,

Time: 1902.25

he's also big guy, like in his way, handsome and things

Time: 1906.458

and no inhibitions, making big business,

Time: 1908.416

and shutting out everybody

Time: 1910.625

with a lot of success.

Time: 1912.125

I had 12 managers before him

Time: 1915.083

and I had only a 30,000 Euros of tax debt,

Time: 1922.333

that's what I had of those 12 managers.

Time: 1925.083

Then he came in and he took it all along,

Time: 1928

now we got so much and it's all coming.

Time: 1931.125

Now I don't care

Time: 1932.25

but what I see in him,

Time: 1934.125

how he is for the first time yesterday changed,

Time: 1938.416

he's a different man now.

Time: 1940.375

And I think he's gonna,

Time: 1942.333

he wants to take me on.

Time: 1944.666

It's good, it's good

Time: 1946.208

if the son wants to take on dad,

Time: 1950.375

I got more power,

Time: 1951.541

then I did a good job.

Time: 1953.25

So two, three minutes,

Time: 1955.125

it's gonna be 20 minutes,

Time: 1956.25

I don't know what he's gonna do.

Time: 1958.125

I thank you guys

Time: 1959.333

because you guys got the quality and the energy, the power

Time: 1963.333

and good looking

Time: 1964.541

so yeah, you got him convinced where I could not.

Time: 1968.75

- You also just looked really happy in the ice.

Time: 1970.5

You were just smiling,

Time: 1971.833

you were like this energy

Time: 1973.25

radiating from your chest and your face.

Time: 1975.875

- I normally look at everything from outside

Time: 1978.083

and I like that position.

Time: 1979.791

I like to have the overview,

Time: 1985.083

yeah, I am not used to this stuff,

Time: 1987.916

I like to have the overview,

Time: 1989

I like to see things outside,

Time: 1991.708

we had a couple of conversations here to say

Time: 1993.833

why are you not doing the breathing exercise?

Time: 1995.666

Fuck, I need my traumas

Time: 1997.5

because I need to perform-- - You need your traumas?

Time: 1999.875

- Yeah.

Time: 2000.916

- [Lewis] Why do you need your traumas?

Time: 2002.625

- Well, like I said,

Time: 2006.041

these things make you like,

Time: 2008.541

I don't think fear is a bad thing.

Time: 2010.958

It makes you like cautious about things

Time: 2016.75

and my dad always talks about love

Time: 2019.875

and we're creating something beautiful.

Time: 2022.166

To break that down,

Time: 2023.5

it's like can go really quickly,

Time: 2026.541

to build something up, it takes years.

Time: 2029.833

So I always want to be not in the middle of a,

Time: 2032.708

I need to be outside of that.

Time: 2034.625

I don't want to be walking around

Time: 2036.291

like a hippie hugging everyone,

Time: 2038

that's what this does, man,

Time: 2040.125

and it's beautiful

Time: 2041.458

but I need to be like,

Time: 2042.75

I have a role within all what we do

Time: 2046.458

and I need to maintain that role.

Time: 2048.041

At least that's the way I feel it

Time: 2049.75

and that's why I built these walls.

Time: 2051.958

But yesterday I could break that wall down for a moment

Time: 2057.208

and that's why I was smiling and being happy.

Time: 2061.708

I felt like at ease,

Time: 2064.458

that's priceless, yeah.

Time: 2069.291


Time: 2072.833

- Yeah, I'm Nick.

Time: 2074.541

I'm here for you guys.

Time: 2076.708

Lewis texted me

Time: 2077.666

and said we're gonna have this retreat in Poland,

Time: 2079.916

I'm like I've been to Poland

Time: 2081.083

and he said, well Wim Hof's gonna be there,

Time: 2084.041

I'm like oh cool, and he kind of gave the rundown.

Time: 2086.875

I'm like, dude, Lewis, you could throw this thing

Time: 2088.25

at the LA County Dump and I'd be there.

Time: 2090.375

I'm so grateful for this beautiful setting

Time: 2092.5

and I've had a chance to explore

Time: 2094.541

just the beautiful mountainside around us

Time: 2096.541

but I'm here for you guys

Time: 2097.75

and I mean it.

Time: 2099.125

If this was anywhere else,

Time: 2101.333

I would've been on the next flight

Time: 2102.375

because I think I expressed that

Time: 2105.208

I struggle with some self doubt frequently

Time: 2107.625

and I'm on Instagram, I'm stalking you guys

Time: 2110.875

and I'm like, these guys,

Time: 2112.458

not an ounce of self doubt,

Time: 2114.208

these are buildings, they're Snakebite,

Time: 2118.416

these are bigger-than-life human beings

Time: 2120.625

and I need to be there

Time: 2124.041

to understand why these people are so perfect.

Time: 2126.791

Talk about be the person that you want to be,

Time: 2130.416

imagine yourself in that scenario,

Time: 2132.583

imagine yourself in those shoes.

Time: 2134.291

And I'm like I want to be like these guys,

Time: 2135.875

I need to go and see what makes 'em tick

Time: 2137.416

and we're downstairs and there's 15 of us

Time: 2140.458

and energy's going back and forth and

Time: 2143.5

it's easier for me to sit down with Jesse one-on-one

Time: 2147.125

or Mike one-on-one

Time: 2148.125

and pick up something from you

Time: 2149.583

and then it's almost like it's overwhelming

Time: 2152.833

and I have to go process it.

Time: 2153.916

So like just talking with Mike

Time: 2155.291

when he said I walked across the United States

Time: 2157.708

because I wanted to be the version of myself

Time: 2159.916

that I wanted to be,

Time: 2161.333

I just like it was so overwhelming

Time: 2163.333

I had to just throw my hiking boots on

Time: 2164.458

and go walk for an hour.

Time: 2166.625

Maybe it's the loneliness of the long distance runner

Time: 2168.625

but that's kind of how I center myself

Time: 2170.083

is just going out and being in my own head for awhile.

Time: 2172.291

And I seriously yesterday for 90 minutes

Time: 2174.666

just thought what does that mean

Time: 2175.833

and what does that mean for me moving forward,

Time: 2177.625

how do I apply it to my own life?

Time: 2178.875

I feel like I've had a chance

Time: 2180.416

to at least sit down with every one of you for

Time: 2182.625

whether it's five or 10 or half an hour

Time: 2184.916

and I've just taken a nugget,

Time: 2188.25

one nugget from each of you

Time: 2189.75

that is just almost overwhelming

Time: 2191.916

and I have to just throw my hiking boots on

Time: 2193.791

and go process it,

Time: 2195.166

but I'm so grateful that if every one of you came out here

Time: 2198

because it's really impacting me

Time: 2201.916

and helping me in a major, major way.

Time: 2203.458

So that's the gratitude,

Time: 2205.041

and if there's one thing that I've really learned

Time: 2208.333

in two days here,

Time: 2210.208

the commonality between the breathing exercises

Time: 2212.791

and the ice baths

Time: 2214.25

it's that we've got monkey brains.

Time: 2217.208

At the end of the day,

Time: 2218.25

we're animals and as soon as I go into holding my breath

Time: 2221.958

or the second I went into the ice bath,

Time: 2223.833

I'm like fuck this, this sucks.

Time: 2226.25

I want oxygen

Time: 2227.583

or I want to get the fuck out of this cold bath.

Time: 2229.833

That's my monkey brain

Time: 2231.125

and then as soon as I push through

Time: 2232.541

that first 15 seconds in the breath holding

Time: 2235.541

or as soon as I push past

Time: 2236.958

the first two minutes in the ice bath,

Time: 2238.416

I settle into this really neat, happy comfortable place

Time: 2243.125

and it gets bad again.

Time: 2245.75

At three minutes or at seven minutes in the bath tub,

Time: 2247.833

it gets bad again,

Time: 2248.916

but it's maybe a lesson

Time: 2250.041

to not always avoid painfulness,

Time: 2252.833

not always avoid discomfort,

Time: 2254.625

that there's a real happy place that can be found

Time: 2256.916

if you embrace it initially.

Time: 2258.375

So I'm trying to apply that lesson

Time: 2261.166

in more areas of my life.

Time: 2263.833

- Love that, love that.

Time: 2265.875

I love that Nick was looking at all of us

Time: 2268.916

thinking that we're hot shit

Time: 2270.416

when he's a two-time Olympian and US National champion.

Time: 2273.208

- [Nick] I was like,

Time: 2274.291

why the fuck is Lewis inviting me to this?

Time: 2276.708

Did you run out of people to call or something?

Time: 2278.458

- No, I love your energy man.

Time: 2281.5

You're an inspiration to me.

Time: 2283

- [Nick] Appreciate that.

Time: 2284.208

- And before you go,

Time: 2286.458

what was the exact line that you said

Time: 2288.416

about why you crossed America?

Time: 2291.25

We'll pass the mic back to Mike.

Time: 2293.333

'Cause I think it was a great line

Time: 2296.333

and we all really resonated with that,

Time: 2298.291

so the reason you walked across America.

Time: 2300.5

- Yeah, I had to actually do my walk

Time: 2303

to get to this answer.

Time: 2305.5

When people asked me before I did it,

Time: 2307.458

I didn't really know what to say,

Time: 2309.041

I just knew I needed to do it

Time: 2310.125

but there's a lot of time to think out there,

Time: 2314.208

but when people ask,

Time: 2316.666

why did I walk across America, I would say,

Time: 2319.541

I walked across America

Time: 2321.875

to become somebody I'm actually proud of.

Time: 2325.208

The person that I want to be, he did that walk.

Time: 2329.5

So let me go try and become him.

Time: 2332.291

It's really the same idea

Time: 2334.333

as what Jesse was saying earlier,

Time: 2335.833

it's just different words.

Time: 2337.416

It's like if somebody asked me

Time: 2339.75

who my hero is

Time: 2341.5

or who inspires me,

Time: 2343.291

I love all you guys

Time: 2345.166

but I don't want to fucking say,

Time: 2348.375

I don't want to have to say Jesse,

Time: 2349.666

I don't want to have to say Wim,

Time: 2351

I want to be able to say fucking me, I inspire me.

Time: 2355.125

So I try and organize my life

Time: 2357.5

to where that dream,

Time: 2361

that superhero version of me becomes real me

Time: 2365.041

and it's an never-ending mission.

Time: 2366.458

- [Lewis] That's right, I love that.

Time: 2367.333

It's kind of like Snoop Dog.

Time: 2369.375

- I got tired of watching podcasts,

Time: 2372.166

docs of inspiring people

Time: 2375

and not being one of 'em.

Time: 2376.791

It was like fuck that, man.

Time: 2378.458

- [Nick] 'Cause you are.

Time: 2380.416

- I'm trying to, thank you.

Time: 2382.541

Thank you.

Time: 2383.958

- I love that Snoop Dog speech where he was like,

Time: 2386.25

I want to thank me

Time: 2387.833

for all the hard work I put in,

Time: 2390.666

for all the late nights I put in,

Time: 2393.541

for the effort,

Time: 2394.458

I want to thank me.

Time: 2398.958

- Hey guys.

Time: 2399.791

I want to definitely thank everyone in this room

Time: 2402.333

for like bringing me in

Time: 2403.458

and tell you how grateful I am to be here.

Time: 2405.791

It almost feels like an understatement when I say that

Time: 2408.625

because I honestly feel like

Time: 2411.583

the most fortunate person in this room right now.

Time: 2415.208

The talent and inspiration here is like it's moving.

Time: 2421.291

And thank you, Enahm

Time: 2422.125

for probably letting me

Time: 2424.458

slip through the cracks on this email

Time: 2426

to get in here

Time: 2427.333

'cause I don't know how else I would've made it in here.

Time: 2431.458

Like being in a room full of guys who like

Time: 2436.541

just want to see you get better is like

Time: 2441.166

worth all the money in the world.

Time: 2443.541

So I appreciate all of that.

Time: 2447.541

I definitely came here like looking for

Time: 2452.625

performance and along those lines

Time: 2455.5

I'm really interested in it

Time: 2456.625

and interested in all the things Wim's done

Time: 2460.541

and I think what I got out of it was

Time: 2465.5

just how much like baggage I've put up over the years

Time: 2469.833

and levels of like stubbornness

Time: 2472.958

that I've just layered on.

Time: 2474.75

And so after today's session,

Time: 2476.416

I feel like I was able to peer into somewhere

Time: 2481.333

where I haven't been in a long time.

Time: 2483.291

So yeah, thank you, Wim.

Time: 2486.625


Time: 2490.75

- My name's Taylor.

Time: 2491.791

Lewis brought me along

Time: 2493.458

to help document this experience

Time: 2494.833

and help tell the story for you guys.

Time: 2498.625

It's been incredible to watch all of you high performers,

Time: 2503.291

thought leaders, just incredible human beings,

Time: 2506.416

go through this experience and rally for each other,

Time: 2510.666

seeing you all chant in the ice bath yesterday

Time: 2513.083

and Mike singing some crazy notes

Time: 2515.791

and everybody smiling and having a good time

Time: 2518.583

and pushing through that pain together

Time: 2520.458

and developing that brotherhood

Time: 2523.208

in such a natural and powerful way.

Time: 2526

It's been incredible to watch

Time: 2527.208

and I feel so grateful

Time: 2528.333

that I'm here to help tell that story and share.

Time: 2533.416

I think my biggest takeaway

Time: 2534.708

is that this stuff is powerful

Time: 2536.791

and we're so privileged

Time: 2538.875

and we've been given the responsibility to share this

Time: 2543

and it needs to be out in the world.

Time: 2545.666

And so I'm excited to see

Time: 2546.916

moving forward, watching all you guys

Time: 2549.166

support this mission and support this work

Time: 2551.208

and really grateful that we had this experience together

Time: 2554.083

to share it with the world.

Time: 2557.416


Time: 2560.666

- So quick story,

Time: 2562.25

me and Lewis and April

Time: 2564.416

got a workout in together

Time: 2565.625

and I asked him, I said,

Time: 2567

"Who's been inspirational in your life?

Time: 2569.75

"What are you doing this year that's pretty crazy?"

Time: 2571.916

And he says, "Well someone that I'm really up to

Time: 2573.708

"is Wim Hof

Time: 2575.458

"and I'm actually gonna go to Poland with him next January",

Time: 2579

so now and do some Wim Hof experience with him.

Time: 2583

And I let no air in between that sentence

Time: 2585.208

and I said, "I'm in."

Time: 2586.875

- [Lewis] I didn't invite you yet.

Time: 2590.166

- That was it, that was it,

Time: 2591.958

I flat out said I'm in, I said I'm in

Time: 2594.208

because just like you two said

Time: 2597

there's not gonna be a day or a week

Time: 2598.666

or a month that goes by

Time: 2600.166

that I'm not gonna see the Mitch Matthews

Time: 2601.208

that I know I'm on Earth to become,

Time: 2602.916

no chance, it's not gonna happen.

Time: 2604.958

And so hearing guys

Time: 2606

who are a little bit older than me say that,

Time: 2608.791

it's like I'm already there, I'm in.

Time: 2612.208

You guys go on a run yesterday

Time: 2614.041

and I was in the bathroom

Time: 2615.708

somebody yelled out this idea and I scream upstairs I'm in

Time: 2617.875

'cause I'm not gonna let someone twice my age

Time: 2620.625

go get a run in

Time: 2621.958

and I'm not freaking in.

Time: 2622.791

And so I'm here to maximize my potential

Time: 2625.916

and give everything I have to everyone

Time: 2627.666

but I'm grateful for everyone's vulnerability.

Time: 2630.541

Like there's freaking billionaire families here,

Time: 2632.75

there's guys that have started crazy businesses,

Time: 2634.083

there's humongous influence in this room

Time: 2636.166

but to be able to hold each other in bear hug position

Time: 2638.291

and pass out with each other is pretty spectacular.

Time: 2641.833

To have that vulnerability is pretty spectacular

Time: 2644.083

and I'm grateful to see that.

Time: 2645.75

In my life, I look for challenges.

Time: 2648.708

I've created my own challenges with working out twice a day,

Time: 2652.208

healthy eating for 10 straight weeks

Time: 2653.958

and things like that

Time: 2655.458

and challenges like this,

Time: 2657.875

I'm looking for those opportunities

Time: 2659.625

but I'm grateful Wim for you in challenging us

Time: 2664.125

to create something like an excursion

Time: 2667.875

or some record-breaking thing that we're gonna do, I'm in,

Time: 2674.041

that's what I say to that, I'm in.

Time: 2675.041

I want to help you get this out

Time: 2676.25

'cause it's changed me,

Time: 2677.083

it's aligned me.

Time: 2679.208

Usually when I go on vacations for three or four days

Time: 2681.416

I get almost anxiety,

Time: 2682.791

like I have to get back to work,

Time: 2684.625

but I'm gonna go back to work and back to my business

Time: 2686.958

and have anxiety that I'm not here with you guys

Time: 2688.916

being vulnerable and changing myself.

Time: 2691

So it's just realigned me to what's really important.

Time: 2693.791

So thank you everybody for being here

Time: 2694.958

and for letting me be all in with you.

Time: 2698.875


Time: 2700.708

- I'm Matthew Hussey.

Time: 2702.416

In terms of what I'm grateful for,

Time: 2705.083

I truly am just

Time: 2708.125

grateful to be considered an energy that's worth having

Time: 2713.208

on this week

Time: 2715.291

this is rarefied air

Time: 2717.375

and to be around you guys,

Time: 2720.083

the greatest compliment I can receive

Time: 2722.333

is that you thought I would in some way contribute to this

Time: 2725.25

'cause I know you wouldn't have invited me

Time: 2726.458

if you didn't feel that.

Time: 2728.041

- It's just the accent.

Time: 2729.5

- Right, we need someone who sounds intelligent.

Time: 2735.583

So I truly am just grateful

Time: 2737.25

to be in the company of you guys.

Time: 2739.125

In terms of why I came,

Time: 2744.5

I had a really difficult year last year,

Time: 2747.833

it was really tough.

Time: 2750

I didn't know what I would get out of this

Time: 2752.041

but I did know for sure it would shake things up,

Time: 2754.916

even if I had a terrible time.

Time: 2756.375

I'm like it can't not shake things up

Time: 2758.375

and I had a pretty terrible time

Time: 2760.5

in several ways last year.

Time: 2762.166

So I thought, well, it's not gonna,

Time: 2765.041

another terrible time can't hurt me that bad.

Time: 2770.75

- And before you go to the next thing,

Time: 2772.75

one of the reasons,

Time: 2773.875

I chose each person here for a specific reason, right,

Time: 2777.333

you all have an energy or some reason

Time: 2779.208

why I thought you would contribute

Time: 2780.291

to the group, the collective group,

Time: 2782.541

and the reason,

Time: 2784.583

one, we're close friends,

Time: 2785.958

we've been friends for years,

Time: 2787.208

and we hang out in LA a lot,

Time: 2788.708

but two is because,

Time: 2790.5

I was with you through the pain of last year

Time: 2793.5

on many different occasions

Time: 2795.333

and I just knew that if I could get you here

Time: 2797.958

maybe it's not gonna solve all your problems

Time: 2800.125

but it's gonna give you a lot of tools to support you

Time: 2802.166

in overcoming the pain better,

Time: 2804.583

even if it's for a week or two or relief,

Time: 2807.458

I knew it would give you something

Time: 2808.875

to clear the energy, clear the mind

Time: 2811.541

and move into a better year and a better decade

Time: 2815

without the baggage of the past.

Time: 2816.916

And so that's why Matt was in and then he was out

Time: 2820.541

and then I was like dude, I want you here

Time: 2823.083

because I know this will help you.

Time: 2825.541

- Yeah, and the reason that I was in and then I was out

Time: 2828.916

was because, I literally, Lewis texted me and said,

Time: 2832.583

"Hey, I've got this thing."

Time: 2833.5

I was in like a happy holiday mindset at the time,

Time: 2837

I'm like yeah, let's do it

Time: 2838.458

and then I actually watched some stuff.

Time: 2843.875

- I sent him the link.

Time: 2845

- It's not an exaggeration

Time: 2846.291

to say I did not sleep that night.

Time: 2847.666

I just thought what on Earth have I done?

Time: 2849.75

And now I've got to embarrass myself

Time: 2851.333

by going back to Lewis and backing out

Time: 2853.291

and now how am I gonna remove myself from this thing?

Time: 2856.083

But you know what,

Time: 2857.541

one of the big reasons I came,

Time: 2859.5

and maybe the biggest reason I came

Time: 2861.208

was when you said this to me

Time: 2864.375

and I had such a visceral,

Time: 2867.375

really like deep, deep fear,

Time: 2870.916

I didn't just think this would be uncomfortable,

Time: 2872.833

it terrified me,

Time: 2874.666

and that was enough to keep me up at night

Time: 2877.541

and I thought how often in my life

Time: 2879.916

do I actually genuinely,

Time: 2882.416

I'm always telling people, my audience,

Time: 2885.458

I'm always doing programs,

Time: 2886.708

getting people to go and do things

Time: 2888.083

that scare the shit out of them,

Time: 2889.791

how often in my life do I actually do something

Time: 2892.333

that scares the fucking shit out of me, really?

Time: 2896.541

And I mean in my whole life,

Time: 2898.25

'cause the easy answer is I used to do things that scared me

Time: 2902.125

and then I built this successful business

Time: 2904.5

and this audience

Time: 2905.333

and I did all these uncomfortable things to get there

Time: 2907.583

and now that I'm here,

Time: 2908.541

I've not taken a risk in awhile.

Time: 2910.5

That's the easy answer

Time: 2911.541

but the truth is even the things I did to build my business

Time: 2916

weren't terrifying to me

Time: 2918.166

because I was good at them.

Time: 2921.125

Starting business, going out and persuading people,

Time: 2924.791

going and giving speeches,

Time: 2926.583

those were things I knew I could be good at,

Time: 2929.333

even when I wasn't good at them,

Time: 2930.625

I had some belief that if I do this,

Time: 2932.458

I kind of think I have an ability here.

Time: 2934.791

So even those weren't truly scary.

Time: 2937.958

This was something,

Time: 2940.25

I hate the cold,

Time: 2942.041

and I grew up,

Time: 2943.5

like we would go on skiing trips

Time: 2945.25

where out of my family,

Time: 2947.041

my fingers, you nicknamed me extremities this week,

Time: 2952.041

my fingers were the first thing

Time: 2954.166

to send us back home,

Time: 2956.125

'cause they were just numb and white.

Time: 2958.791

And so I thought this is not something I can go

Time: 2963.208

and be like I'm gonna be one of the best in the group.

Time: 2966.791

And I rarely ever, ever, ever

Time: 2969.083

put myself in situations that are genuinely terrifying.

Time: 2971.666

It's always a fake terrifying.

Time: 2973.25

Oh, this is uncomfortable,

Time: 2974.333

but really, I'm still good at that shit.

Time: 2976.75

So that was a big reason I came.

Time: 2978.791

It was to genuinely scare myself

Time: 2980.583

so that I have credibility when I do a retreat this year

Time: 2983.75

and going to my audience

Time: 2985.25

and I know there genuinely terrified of coming to my retreat

Time: 2988.208

'cause they're gonna deal with real vulnerable stuff

Time: 2990.708

that I have credibility standing there

Time: 2993.125

and telling them to confront that.

Time: 2995.541

In terms of what I took from it,

Time: 2999.791

it's a self-help cliche that peer group is important

Time: 3003.75

and I think in a way cliches are dangerous

Time: 3005.833

because you forget how true they can be.

Time: 3008.666

And to be around you guys

Time: 3011.041

I realize how little of peer group I've genuinely fostered

Time: 3015.416

in the last decade of my life.

Time: 3017.833

I've been working,

Time: 3019.166

seeing maybe the same two friends,

Time: 3021.708

spending time with family,

Time: 3022.875

maybe a girlfriend, and that's it

Time: 3024.958

and I tell myself that's enough

Time: 3026.333

and it's a very ignorant perspective

Time: 3028.708

because I'm here and I see just amazing people

Time: 3031.291

and insights and people who've done things

Time: 3033.291

and people who just put me to shame

Time: 3035.5

in all different ways in my life

Time: 3037.208

and I'm like how ignorant have I been

Time: 3039.75

in the last 10 years

Time: 3040.75

that I haven't done more of this

Time: 3043.25

and spent more time on peer group?

Time: 3044.875

So it's a cliche,

Time: 3046

I even talk about it being important

Time: 3047.75

when I do programs,

Time: 3049.208

how much of it have I really done in 10 years?

Time: 3051.458

So that's been huge.

Time: 3052.958

The importance of physiology

Time: 3054.291

and how we always think we're gonna think our way

Time: 3056.958

into a better emotion.

Time: 3058.708

Let me logically process why this isn't a big deal,

Time: 3062.125

why I should,

Time: 3063.208

but actually just to change your physiological state

Time: 3065.791

with something radical like this

Time: 3067.125

and the effect that that can have

Time: 3068.75

reminds me sometimes we just overthink everything

Time: 3072.333

and we give feelings way too much importance

Time: 3074.625

instead of just shocking our system,

Time: 3076.666

whether it's working out, ice bath, breathing,

Time: 3078.916

just gonna change our state automatically

Time: 3081.041

without us having to think our way into it,

Time: 3083.375

and lastly, speaking of hypocrisy in my own work

Time: 3090.458

and things I need to do a better job of living up to,

Time: 3093

there's a story that I tell on my retreat every time

Time: 3097.083

that this program,

Time: 3098.333

this experience has made unbelievably,

Time: 3101.25

viscerally real to me.

Time: 3104.583

There's a moment in the movie Lawrence of Arabia

Time: 3108.958

where Lawrence is lighting matches

Time: 3112.5

and letting the flame

Time: 3114.5

burn all the way down to his fingertips

Time: 3117.875

and when it gets to his fingertips it goes out,

Time: 3119.875

and one of the other officers looks at him

Time: 3123.625

and he's like how does he do it,

Time: 3126.958

how does he do it,

Time: 3128.625

how's he doing that.

Time: 3129.458

So when Lawrence isn't looking,

Time: 3130.541

he grabs the matches and he lights one up

Time: 3133.041

and he lets it burn all the way down to his fingertips.

Time: 3138.333

When it gets to his fingertips,

Time: 3139.541

he goes (winces) and it burns him

Time: 3142.666

and now he's angry.

Time: 3145.583

So he looks at Lawrence, angry now, and he says,

Time: 3150.041

"Go on then, what's the trick?"

Time: 3154.041

And Lawrence says to him,

Time: 3155.875

"The trick is not minding that it hurts."

Time: 3160.958

And that to me, this week could not have been

Time: 3166.291

more of a representation of

Time: 3168.666

is that we spend so much of our lives trying to avoid pain

Time: 3173.375

but the trick isn't avoiding hurt,

Time: 3175.5

it's not minding that it hurts.

Time: 3177.958

So thank you for making that not just a story to me

Time: 3181.875

but something very, very real.

Time: 3184.5


Time: 3187.166

- Nice.

Time: 3188.416

You're up.

Time: 3189.875

- Well, I'm definitely grateful to be part of this.

Time: 3193.166

I must say I'm still a little bit starstruck

Time: 3196.416

being surrounded by these people this year--

Time: 3200.916

- [Wim] But you area star of yourself.

Time: 3203.458

What is your name? - Peter.

Time: 3204.958

- [Wim] Peter the star.

Time: 3206.208

- The camera guy.

Time: 3209.333

Actually this talking to a lot of people

Time: 3214.541

is my ice bath,

Time: 3215.833

like I don't really feel comfortable doing that stuff,

Time: 3219.291

that's why I chose a life behind the lens.

Time: 3223.375

But we all gotta learn

Time: 3224.458

and do things that are scary

Time: 3226.25

and this is one of the things

Time: 3228.375

and I'm grateful for spending these days with you

Time: 3232.25

and that we're gonna climb a mountain tomorrow,

Time: 3236.041

it's gonna be awesome.

Time: 3238.416

- [Lewis] Big lesson, big lesson so far for you?

Time: 3243.583

- From the last few days.

Time: 3247.583

- [Lewis] From either what you've witnessed

Time: 3248.958

watching behind the camera

Time: 3250.166

but also you've experienced and participated as well.

Time: 3253.291

So both sides.

Time: 3255.791

- Well it's not something from the last few days

Time: 3257.875

but just opening up, being vulnerable

Time: 3260.291

has been the thing from the last couple years.

Time: 3264.333

I've definitely learned that from working for the company

Time: 3268.166

with Wim and vulnerability is key.

Time: 3273.416


Time: 3275.75

- I actually just met Lewis like a week before this trip.

Time: 3280

So this is definitely new for me

Time: 3282.083

but I'm super thankful that I got to meet all you guys.

Time: 3284.583

And I think for me,

Time: 3287.708

in high school, I heard this quote that was like,

Time: 3290.25

leave the world a better place than you entered it.

Time: 3291.875

And for some reason, I always remembered that,

Time: 3294.75

and that's kind of been my goal in life.

Time: 3297

So I think being 21 years old,

Time: 3300.833

I don't really like a lot of kids my age.

Time: 3302.416

I think a lot of 'em are lazy and entitled.

Time: 3304.75

So if I can be that example that proves that wrong

Time: 3309.291

and shows them like just how powerful being vulnerable is

Time: 3314.333

and where hard work can get you,

Time: 3316.833

I would love to leave the world

Time: 3318.625

a better place than I entered it

Time: 3319.75

and I would love to be an example for my generation

Time: 3322.5

and spreading just more love and peace

Time: 3326.416

and I don't know that's kind of just my mission.

Time: 3329.625

And I do that through telling stories through video.

Time: 3332.75

I like to capture stories

Time: 3334.041

and document experiences like this.

Time: 3336

And I get to learn a lot

Time: 3338.208

by being behind the camera

Time: 3339.458

and editing and watching these clips through 100 times.

Time: 3342.583

And I think my biggest takeaway as of now

Time: 3345.916

is to be more vulnerable,

Time: 3348.041

the power of community,

Time: 3349.541

and to rest a little more.

Time: 3351.375

I overwork myself a lot.

Time: 3352.791

So this has given me a lot of anxiety

Time: 3355.5

the first few days

Time: 3356.333

like not working at all

Time: 3358.291

but when I get back I can't wait to

Time: 3361.041

make this a monthly thing

Time: 3362.333

where I go with friends and rest and talk

Time: 3365.583

and be open.

Time: 3367.25

So yeah, thank you guys

Time: 3368.416

and I feel very grateful

Time: 3369.666

to be in the presence of all of you so yeah.

Time: 3371.291

- [Lewis] Awesome.

Time: 3372.875


Time: 3375.583

- I found brothers.

Time: 3377.458

They are not looking up to me,

Time: 3379.708

you are still looking up a little bit, yeah?

Time: 3383.625

I mean I'm a simple guy, I'm humble,

Time: 3387.666

I want to change the world

Time: 3389.333

and now I'm going to change the world

Time: 3391.333

together with all of you.

Time: 3394.125

It's like almost boring

Time: 3396

because I do it as a mentor.

Time: 3398.458

I'm a man on a mission every day

Time: 3400.833

and when I have the ability

Time: 3404.041

to reunite with bigger forces, bigger powers,

Time: 3408.541

then I'm the first one to take it on

Time: 3410.458

and tell the story again.

Time: 3412

If I go into an Uber,

Time: 3414.416

I'm into the stories,

Time: 3415.833

I'm into the mission,

Time: 3417.416

and when he drops us off,

Time: 3420.666

it's always embracing,

Time: 3421.916

we are always hugging

Time: 3422.75

because we end up in love

Time: 3425.083

and changing the world

Time: 3427.083

and until it's not done,

Time: 3428.916

things like this need to happen

Time: 3432.083

and being vulnerable,

Time: 3434.25

I'm fucking vulnerable.

Time: 3436.333

I'm getting older and I'm still doing this shit,

Time: 3440.458

yeah man, I'm still doing this shit.

Time: 3442.75

But now seeing you here empowers me.

Time: 3447.791

And thank you,

Time: 3448.625

not only from the heart

Time: 3450.125

but yeah, let's make a lot more happening from here

Time: 3455.166

and it's happening already

Time: 3456.791

so actually sometimes I do not need

Time: 3461.5

the need of words to tell

Time: 3464.541

that I love this, I love this

Time: 3467.25

and the world needs change

Time: 3469.916

and we are able to give it.

Time: 3471.958

So thank you, thank you very much

Time: 3475.416

for kicking my ass too

Time: 3479.333

because that's what you do too.

Time: 3480.958

I'm always on top of it all

Time: 3483.208

and oh shoot man,

Time: 3486.291

the building is there,

Time: 3490.333

I see everybody man, it's beautiful, thanks brothers.

Time: 3493.958

- I think one of the,

Time: 3496.791

I think a lot of people will look at Wim Hof

Time: 3499.25

and they'll look at the cold

Time: 3500.708

and that's an important part,

Time: 3501.875

it's an important part to be able to push yourself

Time: 3503.625

past your fears

Time: 3504.875

and recognize it's something that's good for you

Time: 3507.166

you may be afraid of

Time: 3508.416

but if you push past that thing

Time: 3510.083

it's gonna be good for you and beneficial.

Time: 3512.208

And a lot of focus gets put on that

Time: 3513.875

but I think

Time: 3515.166

what's really we're seeing here in the breath work

Time: 3518.875

is something else that's really special and powerful

Time: 3523.083

and that's the release of emotions that have been stored,

Time: 3526.125

of things that have come up.

Time: 3528.958

I do breath work a lot.

Time: 3530.291

The second round here today

Time: 3532.416

I was so happy that I started crying

Time: 3535.916

because I recognized

Time: 3537.166

how often in my life I'm not that happy.

Time: 3539.916

And that came up from the breath.

Time: 3543.166

And why was Mike crying?

Time: 3545.833

He doesn't really know

Time: 3546.75

but there was something there to be released.

Time: 3548.458

Why did Jesse see his face interposed with his child's face,

Time: 3554

his younger face interposed,

Time: 3555.083

why are these things happening?

Time: 3556.458

There's things that are beyond just the cold

Time: 3560

and just the simplicity

Time: 3561.25

of pushing yourself past your limits.

Time: 3563.958

There's a deep spiritual foundation here.

Time: 3566.208

There's some kind of magic that's happening

Time: 3569.375

within the consciousness itself

Time: 3571.875

and he's giving access to that,

Time: 3575.041

through all the means,

Time: 3576.25

and these means are free,

Time: 3578.291

free cold, free breath and free medicine

Time: 3581.625

and I think that's just beautiful

Time: 3583.583

and I just hope that as everybody shares this message

Time: 3587.041

you share not only the courage

Time: 3589.25

to do the things that are hard,

Time: 3590.916

because that's kind of easy for a lot of men

Time: 3592.791

to do the things that are hard,

Time: 3593.791

we've all done things that are hard

Time: 3596.5

but also do the things internally

Time: 3598.416

that release and open up those spots,

Time: 3601.791

like hearing Mitch cry yesterday

Time: 3604.625

and express that he wasn't proud of himself,

Time: 3606.916

like fuck yeah, man, that's amazing,

Time: 3609.583

every single person when they do that,

Time: 3611.75

like Marq hearing you today man,

Time: 3614.25

like that's the shit,

Time: 3616.333

like I know you've run some long distances,

Time: 3619.083

like I'm not that impressed to be honest

Time: 3623.5

but I'm fucking super impressed with you

Time: 3625.958

from what you just said there,

Time: 3627.708

like I admire you for that,

Time: 3629.916

like I absolutely admire you for that.

Time: 3631.666

And the other stuff's rad too,

Time: 3633.25

don't get me wrong, like that stuff

Time: 3636.041

but that's like a special thing

Time: 3638.125

and I think so it's just not looking at that thing

Time: 3641.083

that might be the dazzling accomplishment

Time: 3643.291

but knowing like internally the diamonds,

Time: 3645.666

always talking about the diamonds,

Time: 3647.041

where's the diamonds?

Time: 3647.875

The diamond's in the fucking heart,

Time: 3649.5

it's in the heart.

Time: 3650.333

How much can you show of the diamond in your heart?

Time: 3653.083

Like how bright can you let that thing go?

Time: 3655.583

And if you have anything obstructing it,

Time: 3657.333

any kind of mistruth,

Time: 3658.708

any deception, any delusion, any projection,

Time: 3661.375

you're gonna be clouding that diamond,

Time: 3663

so let's polish that fucking thing

Time: 3664.958

and let it shine for the world so bright

Time: 3667.583

that it's a lighthouse for everybody to see

Time: 3669.708

and the ships are crashing,

Time: 3671.458

they can look up at the sky

Time: 3672.916

and they see it and they know,

Time: 3674.625

they know that the heart is there

Time: 3676.166

and the heart is always gonna be there,

Time: 3677.625

it's unborn and it's undying,

Time: 3679.333

it's untarnishable, it's unbreakable,

Time: 3681.458

and we all have it,

Time: 3683.25

nobody's special, we all have it

Time: 3686.666

and that's what we're here to remind people.

Time: 3687.875

- Mmm, yeah.

Time: 3689.583


Time: 3691.208

- [Lewis] Nice, nice.

Time: 3694.208

- [Enahm] That was a sermon.

Time: 3695.583

- Any final thoughts from anyone

Time: 3697.375

or anything else that opened up that they

Time: 3699.666

didn't get to share? - How do you follow that?

Time: 3700.958

- I know, right.

Time: 3702.541

- [Marq] He only said it 'cause he meant it.

Time: 3704.833


Time: 3707.416

- I admired that too, that was great, that was great.

Time: 3713.583

That was fucking great.

Time: 3716.583

- What Aubrey finished on, actually,

Time: 3718.541

in terms of no one's special is actually interesting

Time: 3720.958

because there are certain,

Time: 3725.458

nobody's special but there are certain people

Time: 3727.25

who kind of take up the mantel

Time: 3728.5

to come into a room and change the energy of that room,

Time: 3732.041

and anyone could do that,

Time: 3733.583

anyone could come in

Time: 3734.5

and change the energy of an entire dynamic if they chose to,

Time: 3737.625

that's what leadership is, right?

Time: 3739.75

What's really interesting, Wim, about you

Time: 3742.166

is there is a,

Time: 3744.25

no matter how afraid everyone is,

Time: 3746.625

you walk into a room

Time: 3747.833

and everyone sort of feels safer,

Time: 3749.875

you go sort of like we're gonna be all right,

Time: 3753.333

and it is like,

Time: 3755.041

there are certain things we do this week

Time: 3756.333

that are terrifying

Time: 3757.166

and I've watched, it's fun.

Time: 3758.416

One of the things various people have said it this week

Time: 3761.208

has been the most fun, Jesse you said it,

Time: 3763.25

has been to watch all these grown powerful men

Time: 3767.375

terrified out of their minds at different times

Time: 3770.208

and to see that, that's been cool.

Time: 3772.333

But Wim, you walk into a room

Time: 3775.708

and your energy sort of announces you

Time: 3778.958

as you walk into a room

Time: 3780.708

and you know when you're in that room.

Time: 3782.708

And that I think is really powerful,

Time: 3784.666

and I think it's something we should all take back to--

Time: 3788.208

- [Mike] You know he's in the house.

Time: 3789.041

- You know he's in the house, yeah

Time: 3791

and that, whether we go back to our families, Steve,

Time: 3795.416

or our businesses or our audience

Time: 3798.458

or our colleagues or our staff

Time: 3801.333

knowing that we are each individually

Time: 3805.291

these very important centers of energy

Time: 3808.25

and to honor that by,

Time: 3810.541

we think so much about ourselves

Time: 3812.5

and what I'm afraid of, what I'm going through,

Time: 3814.75

what I'm dealing with,

Time: 3815.625

and it takes the focus off of

Time: 3818.041

how am I changing the energy

Time: 3820.458

of the room that I walk into

Time: 3822.416

and what am I bringing to that room?

Time: 3823.708

And your leadership, Wim,

Time: 3825

is what makes this experience.

Time: 3827.25

- The soul, that's it,

Time: 3829.375

the soul is what you are going to bring

Time: 3832.291

in every room you're gonna get in

Time: 3834.875

and that's gonna make all the difference, yes, sir.

Time: 3840.208

- Nice, anyone else want to share a final thought?

Time: 3841.916

- Yeah, I can't relate to that

Time: 3843.5

but I can relate to that with the rest.

Time: 3846.458

- Okay, the love of the family,

Time: 3850.541

the love of the family is the last bit,

Time: 3852.875

I did the Kilimanjaro, as you know,

Time: 3855.041

with 26 people with the cancer, Crohn's disease,

Time: 3858.375

all kinds of things,

Time: 3860.083

and we did it,

Time: 3861.916

not in three days, we did it in two days,

Time: 3863.875

more than successful,

Time: 3865.416

we did not need any physiologists, doctors,

Time: 3868.291

could have had the decency at least

Time: 3870.375

to ask how did you do it,

Time: 3871.75

how did you do it?

Time: 3872.875

Because we are doctors,

Time: 3874.291

investigators in life,

Time: 3876

we want to improve healing and methods and all,

Time: 3879.25

no question, no question.

Time: 3881.5

But we did it

Time: 3883.375

and I went to Serengeti, Serengeti

Time: 3890

after the Kilimanjaro,

Time: 3892.25

very successfully done,

Time: 3893.25

it was already in the public

Time: 3894.833

but I wanted to see the biggest elephant in the world,

Time: 3898.333

which is 7.8 tons.

Time: 3901.25

It's like 16,000 pound, is that true?

Time: 3907

Yeah, something like, no, I mean huge mother fucker

Time: 3911.833

and he is there

Time: 3912.666

and I am able to go with the messiah,

Time: 3915.625

the messiah, they are able to approach the animal,

Time: 3918.75

the lions, without fear.

Time: 3921.208

They have no religion,

Time: 3922.666

but they have respect for mother nature

Time: 3925.125

and they know how to approach the lion

Time: 3927.416

'cause they have no fear,

Time: 3928.625

the are divine.

Time: 3930.75

And I go with them, they are my friends,

Time: 3933.291

we go together

Time: 3934.625

and they let me approach

Time: 3936.083

the biggest elephant in the world.

Time: 3938.208

And there it is

Time: 3940.583

with this ultrasounds going on, this presence,

Time: 3944.5

it is alive,

Time: 3946.041

the being is alive,

Time: 3948.875

there you get close,

Time: 3950.5

you don't know what's happening,

Time: 3951.875

you get these waves over you,

Time: 3953.541

the ultrasonic, it gets into your brain waves,

Time: 3957.416

your whole body,

Time: 3958.375

you feel it everywhere

Time: 3960.291

and I get close to his legs,

Time: 3964.083

even bigger than the buildings,

Time: 3967.541

columns man, columns, all alive,

Time: 3971.416

his belly, it's a God feeling,

Time: 3973.5

man, God is over there

Time: 3975.208

and we are slowly but surely I get to the back

Time: 3979.416

and I lift up his tail

Time: 3982.208

and I see a big black hole,

Time: 3986.083

it's a vortex.

Time: 3987.458

I mean they can swallow you fully,

Time: 3990.791

they can swallow you fully

Time: 3992.833

if you approach it to much.

Time: 3995.958

I was struck by awe, completely flabbergasted,

Time: 3999.416

now my yoga control came in

Time: 4001.541

and I kept the poise and the control within myself

Time: 4006.208

and I went in,

Time: 4007.25

slowly but surely away from that massive, big being

Time: 4013.083

and (speaking in foreign language)

Time: 4014.875

and I came back in the mosque

Time: 4017.75

and I had reception on the telephone and I said,

Time: 4021.75

"Enahm, we did Kilimanjaro,

Time: 4025.625

"we were successful,

Time: 4026.458

"in two days, not three days, all transformed

Time: 4029.75

"and I saw the biggest one,

Time: 4032.375

"the biggest elephant in the world,

Time: 4034.333

"I saw the huge asshole,

Time: 4036.958

"but you mother fucker,

Time: 4038.291

"you are still the biggest mother fucker,

Time: 4040.75

"the biggest asshole."

Time: 4044.291

That's the love of the family.

Time: 4047.041

- We appreciate you, Wim,

Time: 4048.666

we're so grateful for your

Time: 4052

taking the time. - More than thanks,

Time: 4053.541

things are going to be done.

Time: 4054.625

- Exactly.

Time: 4055.833

So thank you so much.

Time: 4056.75

I'm so grateful you guys were all here

Time: 4058.416

and we got to jump in the hot tub now.

Time: 4060.666

- Yes. - Hot tub, let's do it.

Time: 4063.875

- Uncle Jesse's hot tub.

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