Wim Hof Method Testimonials

Time: 8.079

I first noticed Wim on television

Time: 13.079

I think I noticed Wim Hof on Facebook?

Time: 16.079

I already had an impression of him by things I saw on the internet

Time: 19.28

and I really liked it.

Time: 20.4

He's a guy who pushes his own limits.

Time: 23.119

Yeah, I think he’s really cool.

Time: 24.319

Literally and figuratively speaking.

Time: 26.079

I’ve been diagnosed with rheumatism in 1984.

Time: 29.079

I’m diagnosed with Multiple Scleroses.

Time: 31.2

I have Osteoporosis...

Time: 32.2

problems with my hip

Time: 33.239

but decided to practice this method and it has helped me so much.

Time: 39

Because of the exercises.

Time: 40.119

The Wim Hof Method gave me something

Time: 42.28

that makes me feel confident that I have a say in what’s going on with my disease.

Time: 49.079

because it's not on the forefront anymore.

Time: 54

The blood levels improved.

Time: 55.2

The infection values decreased.

Time: 57.239

I became fitter, stronger, healthier.

Time: 59.239

I was convinced.

Time: 61.079

That’s what I like about the Wim Hof Method.

Time: 63.079

It’s all about feeling the body...

Time: 64.319

and to push your limits

Time: 66.479

Overcoming boundaries.

Time: 68.28

That is a really important message carried out by Wim Hof.

Time: 71.2

Based on love for mankind, not for personal gain or to be a guru.

Time: 76.2

No, he discovered something that’s so valuable in life and he has sacrificed so much

Time: 82.239

Now the time has come for other people to discover that.

Time: 86.2

Healthy people, but especially those who are dealing with health problems.

Time: 89.2

and people who are diagnosed with auto-immune diseases.

Time: 93.239

I think anything that can contribute without the use of pharmaceuticals is a plus.

Time: 99.4

The impact for my life is that my performance increased

Time: 103.36

to being able to do 80/90 per cent of what I was capable of.

Time: 106.879

When I return from work and practice the Wim Hof yoga exercises.

Time: 112.36

That makes me feel good.

Time: 114.159

It’s way more relaxing then watching TV

Time: 118.079

I train most of the time.

Time: 120.239

I use this method to enhance my athletic performance.

Time: 125.2

As a professional athlete you are always trying

Time: 127.28

to improve your techniques and ways to progress.

Time: 131.239

Because improvement can be gained by little changes

Time: 135.2

which makes this a valuable method.

Time: 138.079

I’m excited because it’s a really simple method and yet there is so little knowledge about it.

Time: 146.079

But when you read you think ’Yeah, this makes sense.’

Time: 148.319

Why does no one know about this?

Time: 150.239

I can recommend it to anyone.

Time: 152.119

With basic examples and simple exercises, he knows how to boil it down to the essence.

Time: 158.319

Your health and happiness is what matters most..

Time: 162.159

and to be the best you can be.

Time: 165.079

Considering the stress some people deal with nowadays…

Time: 168.319

These exercises as well as believing in your own potential

Time: 173.28

I want everybody to know this.

Time: 176.079

For me it has become a way of life.

Time: 178.28

I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

Time: 181.239

I’m sure about that.

Time: 184.079

For Wim.

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