Wim Hof Method on Auto-Immune Disease | Science Research Results

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Our immune systems are beautifully complicated.

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They've evolved through our entire evolutionary history

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to be as robust as possible in the war against bacteria, viruses, and other forms of pathogens.

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When our immune system comes into contact with a pathogen it triggers an inflammatory response.

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An alarm to excite and draw in more immune cells,

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to ramp production of useful proteins and to fight off the invader.

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For the most part this makes inflammation useful.

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It helps coordinate and rid our bodies of unwanted guests effectively.

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Now let's say one day the immune system gets confused:

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“Jeez I don’t understand what this stuff is?”

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“Hey Clancy, get over here!"

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"Hey what’s up?"

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"Look at this? What do you think this is?"

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“Aww Mikey that looks like a pile of garbage to me.”

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“Get rid of it. ASAP, Pronto, Right now."

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“Wait, you sure? It kinda looks like the stuff we use for bones and cartilage and stuff”

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“I mean, It would be a really bad idea, you know?"

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”I don’t care Mikey, I’m just doing my job. You dump all that that right now!"

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“Hmm, ok I guess your right...”

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“Ok fellas, let’s get to it!"

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[Whisper] This is what causes Arthritis.

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This is known as an autoimmune disease.

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It's when the immune system confuses something natural in the body as an invader.

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Then attacks and attempts to destroy it.

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In the case of Rheumatoid Arthritis the immune system attacks joints.

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This causes inflammation around those perfectly useful joints,

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mobilizing and activating more immune cells.

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Causing more harm.

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It is why in most cases of autoimmune disease,

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the medication and aim is to suppress this unwanted activation of the immune system.

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Diabetes, MS, Psoriasis are all forms of autoimmune disease, the list, it goes on!

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This is where the Wim Hof Method comes in.

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Someone suffering from chronic inflammation can use the method

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to manage this unwanted inflammation and suppress an overactive immune system.

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This was conclusively shown with the radboud study,

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But! Even more recently,

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with a new study attempting to integrate the Wim Hof Method

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as an add-on therapy for people already suffering from an autoimmune disease.

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Axial spondyloarthritis.

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Ok so we need more background on this:

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"Ok time to bring in the bones”

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"No, not those bones.."

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"Yeah. there we go, thank you."

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This is your spine. It's very useful for lots of things, Like standing.

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And not dying.

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This is your pelvis, it's very useful for lots of things, like sitting.

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And also not dying (again).

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Axial Spondyloarthritis affects the spine and these joints here.

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The sacroiliac joints.

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When the immune system attacks these areas it produces inflammation.

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This study had Wim Hof teach his method as a management therapy

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to participants with this autoimmune disease.

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To help them manage their inflammation and pain and to measure its effectiveness.

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But how to measure the effectiveness of the Wim Hof Method?

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It would have to be an observable improvement in inflammation.

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But then...

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How do we measure inflammation?

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With blood.

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Harmless, easy to hold, medically standard samples of blood.

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Now imagine a rack of blood samples:

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To the naked eye it looks like: BLOOD

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Our eyes are useless!

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So throw them in the garbage.

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Instead we need special equipment to see what the blood is made from.

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With this we will be able to detect the many proteins and cells floating in the blood.

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Some of these proteins are clear signs of inflammation.

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Proteins such as C-reactive protein and Calprotectin.

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C-reactive protein is a beautiful pentagonal looking protein

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excreted by the liver when the immune system is inflamed.

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Which makes it a reliable biomarker when measuring inflammation.

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Especially in the case of axial spondyloarthritis.

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The more C-reactive protein, the more inflammation,

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We also have Calprotectin.

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It doesn't have a nice shape like a pentagon and looks more like someone dropped a bowl of spaghetti.

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But still, it is a useful bowl of spaghetti when measuring inflammation.

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Using a sample of blood and finding all these proteins can help us accurately estimate the inflammation a person could be experiencing.

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We take for instance C-reactive protein and observe how many milligrams is present per liter of blood.

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If that number rises we can clearly see that there is more inflammation.

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But the study is aimed to lower these proteins.

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To provide an alternative to people already suffering from axial spondyloarthritis

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to manage their inflammation and pain.

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The question is:

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Did it work?

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For 8 weeks a participant would perform the method mostly by themselves sometimes in groups.

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Undertaking a regiment of cold showers, the WHM breathing and meditation.

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A sample of blood was collected before the training

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and then compared to a sample taken after the training,

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on the 8th week.

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And the result was...

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It was powerful!

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C-reactive protein was significantly lower.

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And this was very important because it was the primary inflammatory indicator used by the study.

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Calprotectin was also lower.

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These inflammatory markers were successfully lowered!

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Along side this, a series of questionnaires and surveys were tracking the progress of the participants.

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2 specifically for their axial spondyloarthritis and a few for general health and quality of life.

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The great news is, that they all showed improvement.

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So both the bio markers of inflammation like CRP and caprotectin reduced

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and the general reported health of the participants improved!

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This is wonderful news!

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This was all done in comparison to a control group that did not commit to the method.

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All of their scores remained basically the same.

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To wrap up...

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This study was unique in that it gave people already suffering from a mild form of axial spondyloarthritis

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the ability to manage it.

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Manage it using the method with real measurable results.

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There’s obviously something poetic here to be said about being in control and not letting the disease control you.

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Taking your life in your own hands to the best of your ability,

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despite its shortcomings.

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And turning it into something beautiful.

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For yourself,

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and for others.

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and Healthy.

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Thanks for listening

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We’ll see you next time.

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