Wim Hof Method | Lyme Disease Trial
This Lyme Trial was set up with 22 people
All diagnosed with post-treatment Lyme disease
They got together for over 10 weeks.
Once a week, we get together, we practice all the exercises together in a group
At the beginning, it was new for them
And some of them are fighting Lyme for many years.
The intention is to have a follow-up after half a year
And then, measure again and see if there's any progress in their functional daily lives.
We created a Facebook group
With all the people involved
They share their experiences.
The bad ones, the good ones
And when it was snowing outside here, in The Netherlands
They all went outside and challenged themselves with little snow angels
That created a beautiful atmosphere
And I think that was really the power of the Facebook group.
I felt how good it was for me in Poland
I felt the strength of the method but after that I also had a little drawback
And after a few months I could feel that my life was getting better!
It's certainly a long-term commitment
I kick-started the method in 5 days
And after that I also had a drawback
And had to get through that
And then, in the long-term it started to work for me
As good as it does now.
This was a really successful trial
And in my opinion, I really hope that this is the starting case for Lyme patients all over the world
To help them with this method
Because the results with such a small group already gives us big promises for the future.
I think this project is amazing
I mean we started off and didn't really know what to expect
It was the first project that we did like this
But it was amazing to see that during the 10 Weeks
You just saw the spark in everybody's eyes returning
And I'm really proud of what they did
It was really tough at some point
And they were still full of commitment
They really wanted to go for it and saw this as a new chance
I'm really proud of them all!
The reason we set up this project
Is because if you want to have the real big scientific studies you need a lot of funding for it
It takes a lot of time
And here, we were able to set it up really quickly
And also see really quickly the results with the participants
You only had to have 20 people with Lyme disease
You have a location
You have instructors, like me, that are more than willing to help out and give back to the community
And in that way, we already see results now
Hopefully, it inspires science and the rest of the world
To take on this method and see what it can do even more for Lyme patients.