"Wim Hof Method has completely changed my life."
Time: 0.095
Yeah, back in November 2015
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I had an accident and
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on my lower back I fell, had a damaged lower back
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and for two months I struggled.
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A friend sent me the VICE documentary
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and I really took to it straight away,
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started the Wim Hof Method
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and I just love it!
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My job is
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I am the Head of Physical Education
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at the International School of Geneva,
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and it completely changed my life.
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If I was to teach young children again
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I would certainly introduce the Wim Hof Method at a very young age
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because it's so powerful.
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More powerful than any of the physical preparation
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that I've done in my whole career.
Time: 46.66
So yeah, right on!