Wim Hof Method: Exertion As Relaxation | Professional Canoeist

Time: 2.639

My name is Maarten Hermans

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I am 23 years old and I’m a professional slalom canoeist

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I train 2 to 3 times per day

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I actually use the Wim Hof Method to relax

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There’s a strong focus in professional sports on exertion; how to get better, faster

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But when I talked to Wim it quickly dawned on me that exertion is in fact relaxation

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As you improve your ability to relax, you raise your limit of exertion

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This became a focal point of my training

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I see it as meditation

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When I do the breathing exercises, I force my body to relax completely

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If I don’t do them, I quickly run out of oxygen

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When I’m in a race, and I have 10 seconds before the buzzer sounds...

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I have to attain a certain calm, while also maintaining a certain level of alertness

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The trick is to walk that line

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To be able to relax during exertion

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I have done cold-shock training as well

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This is gaining popularity in professional sports

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When you deal quick, measured blows to your body, over time it recovers more speedily

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Athletes monitor their food, their training, their nutrition, but not their breathing

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You can go a week without food; 3 days without water

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But how long can you go without air? 30 seconds, untrained?

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I’ve already pushed that to 7 minutes

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I’m showing that things do change

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Some people who don’t really think outside the box will think it’s nonsense; it’s impossible

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But it is possible

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The Wim Hof Method is really a tool

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Teaching people this tool is worthwhile in and of itself

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But the philosophy behind it is to push your boundaries; see no boundaries

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I believe this is a really important message that Wim Hof imparts

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And that is helpful to a lot of people

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Which is why I recommend it to everyone

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