Wim Hof | It Takes Only 2 Days!
I found this shortcut I found the
missing link this is what I was looking
for what I felt was there I felt I fell
deeply inside it made silenced me I felt
this is it without thinking later I
began to know yes the the coal brings
you in a deeper connection with the
deeper parts of the brain which is the
adrenaline the reptilian mode the
primitive bring the reactionary brain
which is not thinking but only feeling
this is what I was looking for something
beyond religion we beyond concepts of
philosophy or if you do this this
happens ok ions of disciplines but never
this depth in my brain connected with a
depth of my body I've always been
looking for what what what is life about
what is the real sense of that and and
you cannot find it in their books you
are you gotta open up and begin to read
to be conscious of
what you have inside that's my
convenient conviction we are made to be
happy strong and healthy
we got it into the sense that we are
able everybody to tap into the autonomic
nervous system in two days I found this
short I found the missing link the key
to the depth of our physiology the way
nature has mended to me and that brings
about the ability to tap into the
deepest layers switches endocrine
systems mewn systems and what is
endocrine systems all that it makes you
happy or those are hormones happy
hormones all that makes you powerful
those are adrenaline hormones and what
is health is just tapping in all the
layers of the immune system and we got
it and now it's in the books in the
third year in the American University
books it's all there this chapter the
Iceman and the cream systems immune
a man is not able to endure 30 years of
mockery if he hasn't got this belief you
know I see this chair this is here you
cannot make me say it's not here what I
felt was there you nobody could say hey
you don't what you do is craziness no I
felt a whole lot better than ever before
if it would be colder here you would
breathe deeper naturally and that
activates all the veins we got we got
hundred twenty-five thousand kilometers
which is about 80 thousand miles of
capillaries arteries veins and all
channels of blood and blood transports
oxygen oxygen is being needed to make
the right pH levels in in the body
sometimes you got to go back to the way
the nature has meant us to me you say
anyone can do these breathing techniques
in three other responses and get back to
themselves yes sir
we are able to make iPhones right now an
iPhone iPhone 6 for example has more
intelligence than the whole Apollo 13
project that's the fruit of our mind
okay we are there we got all the
technology we cannot have control over
our happiness strengthen health it's
we take this intelligence and go with it
there is a way to tap into your
endocrine systems amuses or your
physiology that enabled Hubei buddy
connection to get a hold of your
happiness strength out