Wim Hof: "Everybody is doing cold exposure!"
Time: 0.25
Hi guys!
Time: 1.376
All these videos of people doing cold ice bathing immersions...
Time: 6.673
going in t-shirts in the middle of winter on their bike to work.
Time: 10.844
It looks crazy,
Time: 12.512
but it is not crazy to be crazy about life.
Time: 16.016
Through the cold, we are able to awaken this deep physiology.
Time: 20.478
And now look,
Time: 21.938
I am not alone anymore.
Time: 23.982
I feel like my family is growing.
Time: 27.068
A family that is happy, strong and healthy.
Time: 30.405
Let's show the wide world that we are the masters
Time: 34.367
and awakening our deepest of our physiology.
Time: 56.765
Well here we go, boys.
Time: 58.808
They're going into Lake Superior.
Time: 72.072
Cold addicts...
Time: 74.115
It’s so rocky...
Time: 88.254
It’s really cold mom...
Time: 90.799
No mom I don’t want to die.
Time: 93.51
Why would you die?
Time: 132.632
Now you make me want to do it.
Time: 168.376
Time: 173.089
This will give you an energy boost.