Wim Hof answers your questions about the law of attraction & more | #AskWim

Time: 9.888

Ask Wim! That’s me! I’m happy to answer!

Time: 19.428

What is the mind? Is it ego or Lego?

Time: 23.063

Are you playful or are you very serious?

Time: 27.715

You know you should be serious about exercising once a day.

Time: 32.158

Very intensive.

Time: 34.186

And have the ego suffer.

Time: 39.299

You know.

Time: 39.94

I do 5 minutes plank;

Time: 41.764

I go into the ice water every day.

Time: 44.967

I love it!

Time: 46.379

You have to die once a day.

Time: 48.868

You go through your ego through your conditioning.

Time: 52.632

Your conditioning is only showing:

Time: 54.632

''Hey I got a framework, this is the way it looks like, if you want to know more,

Time: 58.95

you gotta go through me and exercise more, push for more!”

Time: 65.349

You know how you push for more?

Time: 69.284

By helping others,

Time: 71.207

by having purpose in your life,

Time: 73.494

and bringing good to the world.

Time: 76.206

To the nature.

Time: 77.656

That’s your real neurological nature.

Time: 80.796

That surpasses the ego.

Time: 84.001

What do I mean with believe?

Time: 88.884


Time: 90.343


Time: 92.343

The trees?

Time: 93.096

My neighbour?

Time: 94.507

My wife?

Time: 95.436

My children?

Time: 96.397

A clear mind!

Time: 98.07

That’s what I believe in!

Time: 99.85

'I want to ride my bicyle, I want to …’

Time: 103.532

Just clear minded!

Time: 105.327

No clouds in my mind!

Time: 108.175

Just being clear or clear minded and sing!

Time: 111.685

Sing and bring!

Time: 113.841

To have clarity in your mind is to have no hindrances in the radiance of our brain.

Time: 124.976

And that is divine!

Time: 126.576

That is brilliant!

Time: 129.135

That’s belief.

Time: 130.337

I believe that we were all born to have a great day every day.

Time: 137.421


Time: 140.46

What is my favourite movie?

Time: 144.79


Time: 146.745

I loved Jurassic Park.

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Time: 151.157

That really hit on my primorial being.

Time: 154.564

Especially the T-rex and when it was coming in, and the sounds and the suspense.

Time: 161.193

Well done!

Time: 162.364

All emotional.

Time: 163.455

Any film that is emotional.

Time: 165.522

Some German films.

Time: 167.37

Very beautiful.

Time: 168.862

And Sarah.

Time: 170.113

Do you know Sarah?

Time: 172.004

Her name was Sarah.

Time: 173.697

You know when a movie hits you, is when you need to be hit.

Time: 178.876

And it brings it out and then you learn.

Time: 181.982

Then you remember your soul.

Time: 184.518

You remember why you’re here.

Time: 187.297

That’s a beautiful movie.

Time: 189.256

And it is not necessarily one particular movie for one person.

Time: 195.207

And there are movies a lot of people love.

Time: 198.106

Like Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings.

Time: 202.059

I love those movies.

Time: 204.064

They show the deep journey of the search for the soul, in different ways.

Time: 212.351

What do I think of the law of attraction?

Time: 217.041

I think it all works.

Time: 220.008

I think we are heading to a new paradigm where we have

Time: 223.962

much more control over our mind and thus what we want will manifest much faster.

Time: 232.869

The law of attraction, my goal and using that is manifesting now.

Time: 238.867

It took me like 4 decades and more.

Time: 243.524

But now it’s manifesting big time.

Time: 246.211

I’m reaching millions of people.

Time: 248.822

I want happiness, strength and health as a non-dogmatic choice for everybody.

Time: 255

That was my wish.

Time: 256.593

I used the law of attraction.

Time: 259.299

The law to make things manifest.

Time: 262.486

I used that and I stayed in the belief.

Time: 265.816

And now it’s going fast.

Time: 267.94

I’m reaching out to millions now, but I want to reach out to billions of people.

Time: 274.724

Love, strength, happiness for everybody.

Time: 278.103

That should be normal.

Time: 279.466

Not special, life is special.

Time: 282

I’m not special, life is special.

Time: 286.251

Alright guys, thank you for the questions!

Time: 289.038


Time: 289.538

I love answering!

Time: 291.429

Only sometimes I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Time: 294.539

But AYY that was a joke!

Time: 297.419

If you got more questions, put them in the comments and then I can think about!

Time: 302.185

Even I am able to think!

Time: 304.601


Time: 306.346


Time: 311.419

Look at that!

Time: 315.788

Mommy’s got things in the barn!

Time: 318.176

The chocolate milk has melted!

Time: 320.177

We gotta check!

Time: 321.889

Wait did you check??

Time: 323.447

Chocolate milk?

Time: 324.136


Time: 324.636

We got a mission!

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