What do I want to be remembered for? | #AskWim
Hi guys!
Another ‘Ask Wim’
’Wim’... That’s me.
‘asking’... you do
‘Ask Wim’
what do I want to be remembered for?
I think for...
the ‘method’
People going into the cold...
I just had a cold shower...
and it was amazing.
when you feel a thing like that...
It kind of ‘attacks’ you...
It attacks you like a monster...
An amazing monster.
So whenever somebody thinks,
“OhWim Hof, this and that.”
If you take the damn cold shower...
You’ll FEEL what I'm talking about, and then you might think...
“Oh that Wim Hof is a great guy”
So I think the cold...
and having it brought to the mainstream.
And yes of course. The breathing as well.
They will remember me because the breathing and the cold
are really so much to the surface now that they are...
The exponential powers of life itself.
How can I not be remembered?
if I were to wake up tomorrow
with something I still want,
then that would be...
I don't know.
I think I got it all.
No, there is no real wish of what I would want.
Of course I would like...
maybe, you know...
to get rid of a little bit of this...
This collateral fat.
Yeah, but that is in the possibilities of mine as well.
So I don't need to want that.
Like, something miraculously happening.
like an unfulfilled wish.
I do not have unfulfilled wishes.
The three things that me and my partner have in common...
that is to make stupid jokes
to be very observative
and trying to ‘cut’ each other out because you know each other well.
So it's a sort of...
a spiritual competition,
but it's good.
My partner is mirroring me,
and I like it.
What roles do affection and love play in my life?
They don't play...
They are a serious part of my life.
And I like my family.
I love to share with...
It's just amazing.
The spiritual connection with people...
makes me really grow and feel the excitement of...
being and to explain more,
and to go deeper and to go for more
and to challenge together,
to share,
Love and affection?
I think that's the super drive of every person in the world,
at least mine...
Gold mine.
if I would become a 100 years old,
would I prefer a mind of a 30 year old?
or a body of a 30 year old?
If I make a direct choice, it would be the ‘mind’.
because the mind grows neurologically untill you die.
You keep on expanding consciousness
that's ’meat’ inside...
It's growing.
And the ‘antennas’, they grow more and more..
You see more and more.
So I choose the mind
is there anything I have dreamed of for a long time?
And why didn't I do it?
There's nothing I dreamt of that I haven't done.
I did it all
At a certain moment I was thinking
“What kind of challenge do I have to do now?”
Go backward in a thong up on Mount Everest?
and then...
Do crazy stuff during the climb?
No, it's ridiculous.
And I asked myself in all those challenges when I did them...
At a certain moment I was like...
”Hey, this is ridiculous now...”
And it had already showed itself
because later the science came in.
And what I want to bring are not the self indulgent world records...
What I want to bring/give is your health, your happiness and your strength.
That's what I want.