This method is simple but really effective” | Wim Hof Method | Fundamentals Video Course
Time: 0.02
What I find really powerful about this method
Time: 2.42
is that it's so simple!
Time: 4.86
It's just breathing, going into the cold and there's some mindset
Time: 8.32
But you just do it!
Time: 9.72
But within these very very easy exercises there's so much to explore.
Time: 14.08
Every week we did we did some yoga, some stretches.
Time: 17.66
We did the breathing, some variations of course and some variations of going into the cold
Time: 22.54
But in its essence is very very simple!
Time: 25.32
But within this simpleness there's so much to explore.
Time: 28.36
It works for everyone
Time: 29.38
And that's what I found really powerful about the method
Time: 33.18
You don't need to do advanced Yoga movements.
Time: 37.04
You just breathe, you go into the cold, and you feel the effects!
Time: 40.88
And it's really powerful!