The Wim Hof Method Book | Out Now
Hi guys.
The book.
My life’s work...
It’s based on deep emotional trauma
and life itself.
And it’s amazing
How life’s lesson’s get to you.
It’s all in here.
And I beat the deepest of myself,
coming to the surface
Right here..
In this book
It’s all coming.
I hope you’ll enjoy it.
I’m going to read chapter number six...
To move forwards sometimes you’ll have to go back...
In this case...
It means going back to...
my years as a squatter.
And in a squatters home,
which was a large abandoned orphanage,
I was surrounded by 'free thinkers'.
and musicians.
Dwelling there with free minds.
Letting go...
Letting go off judgement...
Off pre conceived notions,
Allows you to see where you really are at.
…I’d come out and get dressed.
And do my exercises right there by the waterside.
Completely in control and within myself.
And in that state I was able to do
perform splits,
Do push-ups,
It was like my body had gained an unknown told power.
And the more I did it the stronger this power became...
It was within my awakening to this power that I met the woman I would marry.
I was at the gathering
at the squatters home,
and saw her dancing.
She was so beautiful.
Long curly hair, bright eyes, full lips.
Just lovely!
There she was.
Dancing right in front of me,
and I was mesmerised.
absolutely transfixed.
And then...
To my astonishment.
She came over and sat down next to me.
She told me her name...
So beautiful.
Something was happening there.
There was an energy between us.
But then suddenly...
she was gone.
I had gone for a quick dip in Vondelpark’s pond…
and she had disappeared.
I was heart broken.
So I went and sat down on the stage where they do performances in the park.
And then…
from out of nowhere...
I felt hands on my back.
It was Olaya,
and she was giving me a massage.
And in that moment I truly let go...
No fear.
No inhibition.
I just grabbed her and hugged her.
And I knew right then and there...
that we were in love.