The Unexpected Story Behind Zac Aynsley Doing the Wim Hof Method | The Wim Hof Podcast

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Essentially my girlfriend,

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she was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer at the end of last year.

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And yeah, it was just a big panic for us, a big shock.

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You know, we just moved into our house and everything seemed great.

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It was like a real life fairy tale. Everything was perfect.

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You know, I was so in love. We were so happy together.

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Everything was perfect.

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I moved to Holland,

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It was just like a start of a new life, a new chapter.

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And then one week after moving in together, we got struck by this.

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And it was just such a big scare, you know, for both of us.

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More so for her, obviously.

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But when she was at the hospital

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getting the tests done to find out what type of cancer it was. Is it cancer?

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Even though the doctors are 95 percent certain...

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I was at home doing research immediately.

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“I need to stop this before it gets worse.”

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You know, I need to

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make her body alkaline, get CBD oil and all these different things.

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And then, yeah, I don't know what it was, but something just clicked in my head:

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"Wim Hof Method".

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I'm always very careful with...

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in bringing forward these....

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'Cures' towards ailments, right?

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And autoimmune disease, etc.

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Even though there is a lot of science of battling inflammation,

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My dad is a believer, you know, and he sees like miracles going on around him.

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But I act from the company's perspective, very careful...

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I mean, I wasn't thinking I'm going to Wim and 'cure' her cancer.

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you know, but but still you came and so and then there's a wall

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and then I'm there and I'm like , “Ok but wait a minute Zac.”

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“This is not the pinnacle cure or whatever.”

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BUT I have seen in our community that people with a

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low amount of white blood cells that are doing the method

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and in combination with food or with whatever,

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they would be able to raise it substantially.

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And that's that's what I brought forward to you like, “hey, man...”

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”Don't bring the number, you don't give the number.”

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“Keep it like...”

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Dont be like "we're going to not do chemo." No, let's do it and see what happens.

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Well, that's that's what I forgot.

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I mentioned we actually had the test done first before I contacted you, sorry.

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And yeah, she was told that she wouldn't be able

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to get chemo at this stage because her white blood cell count was too low.

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Yeah, I think it was like 0.2 or needed to be 0.5, for example.

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And yeah, I can't remember what it was, but something clicked

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in my head thinking the breathing technique could help.

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And I think I'm not sure if I heard it from somebody else

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or if I'd seen something online, but something just clicked in my head.

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And so I try to tell her I say, "hey, try this breathing method.”

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“It's going to help boost your white blood cells." But if you think about it,

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if your partner comes up to you and says, which by the way has cancer...

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if that partner comes up to you and says, oh, "breathe for ten minutes”

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“It's going to fix you,”

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you're going to sound like a fucking lunatic. So I thought

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that's why it would be amazing if we could get Wim on the phone himself,

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you know, because you're so respected and well known.

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And, yeah, you're the master of this essentially.

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If we could get you to maybe just sit down and talk with Melody

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about how it works, your experience, etcetera.

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Yeah. She might be, you know, tempted to try this

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and really give it everything and see how it works with her.

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And so, yeah, like thanks. Thanks to you, man.

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We came we came, met you,

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sat in the kitchen, had a really great talk for an hour and went home.

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First thing she did was get in the cold shower, then did the breathing method.

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And she loved him and she loved the breathing method.

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She didn't really like the cold at first - Me neither.

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But the breathing... She was she was doing it every day .

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Every day was something to look forward to...

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I really got into it and was going deeper and deeper into it.

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You know, the breath holds were getting longer.

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And, yeah, she's actually here now as well.

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But I'm...

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Please do come and sit.

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Yes, she explains it better than me..

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Hi. Welcome, Melody. Thank you. Thanks.

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Thanks a lot for everything you've done for us, first of all...

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And it’s good for me to share my experience.

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I think at our age, I'm only now 28, was 27 when I was diagnosed.

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We were young. We feel invincible.

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And when it strikes you at this age, you are not prepared for it.

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No one prepares you to have cancer , but even less when you're young.

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It's been a big shock for me.

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I think the worst was for my dad and Zach...

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For them to experience that they could lose someone that they love to [...].

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It's never good.

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So for me, the fight with this cancer was always

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I had to be strong for myself, but more for the others.

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I'm a strong person by my nature and...

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I've been always interested in looking out for alternative therapies.

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I was actually considering,

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before we met you, too, to do other things, next to chemotherapy,

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but it was worrying for my family.

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So I decided to do the chemotherapy.

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And we actually came to see you on the day of my first chemotherapy.

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And yes, like I said, it was really to boost my white blood cells

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because on the second chemotherapy I had

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I couldn't get it...

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My white bloodcells on the Friday were 0.3.

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And you need a minimum of 0.5 for neutrophils,

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which are the white blood cells that protect the body from infections.

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And I think I did

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after that breathing and the cold for two or three times a day

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over the weekend and on Monday, I could get my chemotherapy and it was 0.6.

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So my my numbers doubled, which is usually...

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They told me on Friday

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"Probably we need to wait until Wednesday before you can get your chemotherapy."

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They offered you injection as well didn't they?

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Well, then they said "You need to come back,

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we need to give you injections to get you that white blood cell boost.

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But yeah, by the

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time we came back for the second check up the white bloodcells had doubled.

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And she got the green light, but it didn't stop from there.

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You continued doing it, The showers got longer, the breatholds got longer.

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And yeah... I mean the results were great.

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...for something so simple, it wasn't like she's just beat a cancer

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because she started breathing or anything.

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That's crazy. But the results,

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we were seeing from something so simple, ten minutes a day of breathing

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and the time 30 seconds to a minute in some cold water, that's it.

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It changed so much in a couple of days.

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And also for the mindset.

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I really saw the benefit of the cold shower, it was giving me the endorphin.

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When I was coming out of the shower I was feeling alive.

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It was great. We turned it into a bit of a game, you know, because it wasn't fun.

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I mean, when I did my first coach, I was like fighting the water,

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you know, to try and get angry at it, to stay in longer.

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How much did you pay them to tell this?

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How much did you pay them?

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I almost was thinking you guys were getting paid to say this

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What’s going on here?

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I actually see that through all my friends.

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You know, it's great.

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And the breathing for me was just the way, especially at night, to calm me down.

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I'm a person that's always suffered with insomnia.

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I will usually take some natural medicine

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that I can buy in a pharmacy to help me sleep.

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I used to do just three rounds of four rounds of breathing at night,

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and it would calm me down and fall asleep so easily.

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Oh, so it was great.

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