The Rise and Fall of the Wim Hof Empire

Time: 0.12

I was practicing the Wim Hof method uh

Time: 2.36

ended up having a hypoxic blackout

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underwater no life support for 4 weeks

Time: 7.919

when he did pass out under the water and

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no one noticed about approximately 30

Time: 12.16

minutes later that he was found and he

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was in like a um a meditative position

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underwater heart's beating but you know

Time: 18.24

there's just no brain activi he was sure

Time: 20.32

enough a goner anybody taking whims work

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and going into a pool in hyper venan

Time: 25.72

you're just playing roulette there is no

Time: 28.039

amount of money that can truly comp say

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for the death of the child but this is a

Time: 32.599

$67 million case there's nobody in that

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currently that understands the

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physiology I don't think they have a

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grasp on it

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orders do not talk to the Press people

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could have died people have died I never

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wanted to tell this story about Wim Hoff

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instead for years I've told you about

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how his breath work and cold exposure

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techniques helped hundreds of thousands

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of people develop resilience and control

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their anxiety depression and autoimmune

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illnesses this indomitable iceman has

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smed millions of devotees to his

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practices myself included in 2016 we

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climbed shirtless up Mount kilan gyro

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together while the temperature dipped to

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-30° I can honestly say that I love his

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method and think that whim is one of the

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most inspiring people I've ever met

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we've been good friends for a decade

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primarily because he understood that I

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would always tell the truth no matter

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what and that is why I feel so

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conflicted about what I'm about to tell

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you what you probably know about Wim Hof

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is a comfortable myth it is a story that

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recounts all of the most amazing things

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about the ice man and his Methods at the

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same time that it masks underlying

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problems within his organization and

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whims own meteoric rise into the

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Limelight after 10 years practicing his

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method and writing numerous articles and

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books that contributed to that myth I've

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come to the inescapable conclusion that

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it's time for me to report the full

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truth about how neglectful and deceptive

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activities at Wim Hoff's organization in

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fire as well as as what I believe is

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whims own culpability repeatedly

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teaching a dangerous breath work

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technique that has now led to the

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suspected deaths of at least 12 people

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this story is complicated but the most

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important thing to remember is that whm

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Hoff is best known for two techniques

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hyperventilation breath work that allows

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a person to hold their breath for

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seemingly superhuman amounts of time and

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Ice immersion when practiced separately

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these components components add up to

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the remarkable benefits that have

Time: 183.08

changed our scientific understanding of

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human biology when they're practice

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together they can turn into a toxic brew

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that can make a person pass out in the

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water and drown it doesn't help that Wim

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Hoff used this hyperventilation

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technique to set a Guinness World Record

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for swimming under sea ice even though

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he almost died the first time that he

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tried to do it don't just take it from

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me that this is dangerous I showed a

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video of whim teaching this techniques

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to cardiologist Rohan Francis who

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immediately recognized the danger there

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is a well recognized physiological

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response that uh hyperventilation

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followed by breathholding can trigger uh

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loss of consciousness and coupling that

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with immersing yourself in water then

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there is a risk of blacking out and and

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potentially drowning even in a small

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volume of water the phenomenon is called

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shallow water blackout and we'll get

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into the physiology later but know for

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now that it's intensely dangerous not

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only that but the phenomenon is made all

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the more dangerous when followed by a f

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long inhale something that looks like

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this which is what whim is teaching far

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too often while official whm Hoff

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channels include a few warnings against

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hyperventilating in water whim has never

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stopped te teaching the practices

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despite knowing that people were dying

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while practicing his method as far back

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2014 since then I've done a deep dive

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into the available news reports and

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discovered at least 11 cases where Wim

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Hoff method practitioners have drowned

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most likely because they were following

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whims example lest It Go without saying

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do not try this at home here he is

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teaching the exact method in an online

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course available on his website do the

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breathing go into the water keep on with

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the breathing keep on being

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focused are you

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said you

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immers you

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focus and you stay in the water the L

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Community has not been open to talking

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with us about this um they refer us to

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their website where they encourage

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people not to do it in water but we

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still see people doing it in in the

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water so how come on one end they're

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saying we don't encourage this but on

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another end we're seeing fatalities due

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to what they say they're not encouraging

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a disclaimer mentioned on the website is

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not enough when the leader of an

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organization presses a different message

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in person

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when I've asked whim about why he

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continues to teach these practices he's

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responded with well I think we need to

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get into that a little bit later because

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his response touches on deep problems

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where this entire organization is really

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going and it's just as concerning as the

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deaths themselves in order to understand

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what is happening right now we need to

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go back in time to how this all started

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in 2013 I traveled to Poland on a

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mission from Playboy magazine to debunk

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whm Hof as a charlatan Guru selling

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snake oil meditation practices that

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promised people false

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superpowers at the time I was making a

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career out of these sorts of stories and

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even ended up writing a book called The

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Enlightenment trap about the danger of

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intense spiritual seeking I thought

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whims mix of inspiration and limit

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pushing was the perfect recipe for a

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cult leader but after a week with the

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inveterate Iceman I came away with an

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entirely unexpected opinion much to my

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surprise his method worked I learned to

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hold my breath for 3 minutes at a

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stretch I meditated in the snow as Steam

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wafted up off of my body and I climbed

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an icy Mountain without a shirt I wrote

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an article that ultimately helped launch

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his career and soon after my article

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came out Vice followed up with a

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documentary where they talked about how

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my change of heart provided the

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foundation for Hoff's credibility Scott

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County is an investigative journalist he

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came from America to this place to cut

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through the crap and the charlatan

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business and all that and that was me

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and now he's uh you know he wants to

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write a book and bring it to America and

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everything it's hard for me to express

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how much meeting whim changed my life as

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far as I was concerned the method was

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nothing short of miraculous and whim

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deserved the

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accolades a few months after the episode

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on Vice Joe Rogan brought Wim Hof on and

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soon it seemed like the whole world was

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singing the same song of breath work and

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inner fire you have the longest time of

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holding your breath and swimming under

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ocean ice ocean ice too right yes ocean

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ice have been

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[ __ ] incredibly cold water where salt

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water freezes over right I continued my

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journey with Hoff and wrote a book

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called what doesn't kill us that ended

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up on the New York Times bestseller list

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I became one of Hoff's Chief evangelists

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going on almost 300 TV shows podcasts

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news articles spreading Hoff's message

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the entire time and I practiced the ice

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bathing and his hyperventilation

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techniques almost every day as a result

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an autoimmune illness that had plagued

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me since childhood cleared up and I was

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taking control over my life in a way

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that I never had before I knew beyond a

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shadow of a doubt that his method worked

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for me and hundreds of other people that

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I met who had similar experiences

Time: 559.839

honestly there are hundreds of thousands

Time: 562

of people who have directly benefited

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from this method and we can't discount

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that but there was something that

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needled me that whole time yes Wim Hoff

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might have been an icy Prophet who

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opened the door to these practices for

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millions of people but he was also a mad

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man I like to think of him as crazy in a

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good way it takes someone a little crazy

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to actually want to make ice water a

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lifestyle the flip side of that equation

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though is knowing that when the tendency

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towards crazy crosses a line when you're

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supposed to back off and I was seeing

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more and more of his crazy every single

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month he peppered interviews with things

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that science just couldn't back up his

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stunts had almost killed him on several

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occasions and even left him permanently

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scarred maybe even

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disabled when I followed whim up Mount

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kilamanjaro without a shirt at the

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conclusion of what doesn't kill us his

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focus on achieving some IL defined

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record led the group to mutin against

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him when he said that we should push on

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to the final Ascent without food we had

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a little uh disagreement uh about an

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hour ago and most of the group stayed

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behind they wanted lunch which you can't

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really blame him his poor judgment and a

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focus on quote pushing past perceived

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limits which is the subtitle of a book

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that he put out in

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2011 had time and again turned a

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wonderful practice dangerous I

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constantly worried it would lead to

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either whim or his followers getting

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injured or even dying after all there

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are certain limits that you won't push

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past and live to tell about whim

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appeared on hundreds of celebratory news

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programs podcasts and TV shows and

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somewhere along the way the public

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perception began to be that whim had

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invented the method out of thin air this

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was fueled not only by the media's

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glorification of him but also by the

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fact that whim stopped talking about his

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trips to India in the 1980s where he

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learned impressively long Sanskrit

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mantras and even wrote a book on yogic

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techniques very few people have

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mentioned that whims signature breath

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work almost exactly resembles yogic

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breathing patterns called nasheka

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rashaka pranayama and ostria kumaka

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pranayama also absent from the

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conversation was the use of hydrotherapy

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in the late 1800s and profry ivanovs

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whose icy religious movement was wildly

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popular in Russia and Europe until his

Time: 734.519

death in 1983 we ignored the teachings

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of the stoics in ancient Greece who

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philosophized that man could only get

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stronger by pitting themselves against

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the harshness of Nature and we seemingly

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forgot how Friedrich nii reinvigorated

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the stoic methods in his book thus spake

Time: 752.24

Zara thra when he wrote quote with a

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wickedness I do begin every day I mock

Time: 759.639

at the winter with a cold

Time: 762.56

bath for almost 8 years the media

Time: 766.44

neglected all of that history and placed

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Hof on an almost impossible pedestal as

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the creator of cold

Time: 775

exposure most of the features done on

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him built up the myth that whim was a

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breathwork founder and expert without

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reporting on his ballooning ego and the

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deadly effects and consequences of his

Time: 790.6

actions his followers started to look at

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him as an infallible Guru not a flawed

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person who merely opened the door to a

Time: 798.8

beneficial practice I am far from the

Time: 801.519

only person who has noticed this change

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in whim over the last decade a few weeks

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ago I spoke with a neuroscientist AO

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music at Wayne State University who fits

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in with this pattern in 2018 music

Time: 815.639

published an ofen cited paper about

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Hoff's ability to willfully control his

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autonomic nervous system viim Hof

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anybody can do that my problem with with

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Rim Hof that they say oh it's magic and

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it's it's kind of you know unique you

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don't need Rim Hof you don't need to go

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to the snsh it kind of lost its purpose

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it just becomes a

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business and I don't want to be

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associated with that music went on to

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say that his paper doesn't only apply to

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the Wim Hoff method but also just about

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every other Environmental Training

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technique out there to quote him again

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many techniques do the same thing but

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inner fire wants to present it like

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their method is somehow special the

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results apply to anything that causes

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hormetic stress unquote in other words

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the Wim Hoff method's benefits aren't

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nearly as unique as whim claims they

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are when all of this started for me at

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his dilapitated farmhouse in the

Time: 876.48

backwaters of Poland I came with the

Time: 879.12

intention of debunking a cult leader

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before he turned into a danger to

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himself and others now I'm starting to

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wonder if maybe I got to my assignment

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just a little bit too early I was

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dazzled by the mindboggling effects of

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the method but hadn't for foreen how the

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Future Would unfold now that whim is

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properly famous the alarm bells are

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going off maybe it was just destiny that

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things would eventually go off the

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rails so here I am at the beginning once

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again as strange as it might sound my

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purpose for being here today is that

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more than anything else I want to save

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the reputation and future of the breath

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work and Ice training from what I think

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could be the impending collapse of the

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organization that has promoted it for

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the last decade you could say that I'm

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trying to save whims teachings from whim

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the icon and return to the spirit of

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those early days when everything was

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magical the the man is more important

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than the method I'm I'm getting hints of

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like Guru Worship in what you're saying

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100% this is 100% is what's going on and

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it's funny because you get like you get

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them you get people talking about oh I'm

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not I'm not the guru or I'm not you know

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the gurus is in you and it's like yeah

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you're literally setting this up for you

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to be the

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guru that was Brian McKenzie and like me

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he has been part of the Wim Hoff story

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for close to a decade he even got close

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to forming a partnership with whim in a

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plan to release an ice work and breath

Time: 986.16

work business across America we

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acknowledged that there were some things

Time: 991.199

a little bit off about whim and the

Time: 992.92

organization around him but at that time

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we thought that the message would

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ultimately Prevail despite some initial

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concerns and I'll be honest I was guilty

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of this too when I put out what doesn't

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kill us my editor and I had a Frank

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conversation about what we should do

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with the stories about Wim Hoff that

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didn't reflect him in the best possible

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light after all when I when I first met

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whim I noticed that he had a large

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bulbous nose that resembled the noses of

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Alcoholics I'd grown up around I'd seen

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him black out drunk on several occasions

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and he smoked like a chimney despite

Time: 1031.799

presenting himself as a paragon of human

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health but it wasn't only those

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superficial aspects of his daily habits

Time: 1039

that concerned me Hoff also embodied the

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worst possible model for Parenthood that

Time: 1045

any of us could imagine after his first

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wife Hoff committed suicide whim

Time: 1051.12

abandoned his four children at a squat

Time: 1054.12

house in Amsterdam and took up with a

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woman who I'll just identify her by her

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first name which is Caroline in another

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city he left them in poverty alone

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without any support at all this is

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Marcel Hoff his brother whim wasn't

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there and he he made the choice for uh

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for Caroline it's it it was another nice

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relationship finally it came to an end

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it did did pretty long like a or 10

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years and I think during that period he

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didn't saw his uh own family much a lot

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of wine involved a lot of uh alcohol it

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was this that way of suppressing his

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feelings clearly those weren't the kind

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of stories that fit with the Superman

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image that the media was pushing add to

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this that whim often made claims that

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were far beyond what science can muster

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like suggesting that his method can cure

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cancer covid and even AIDS

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having chemo having cancer you are able

Time: 1113.2

to make the absolute difference he has

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adopted a decidedly conspiracy theory

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forward stance on vaccines fouchy and

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how a shadowy new world order controls

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the world's medical system and

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governments on several occasions he said

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to me that if he wanted to he could stop

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breathing with his mouth and lungs all

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together and instead breathe exclusively

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out of his

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anus at the time my editor and I decided

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that since the book was about the health

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benefits of cold water and breath work

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that including more details about his

Time: 1150.679

actual history might undermine the

Time: 1153.08

message that we were trying to get

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across and this was the same choice that

Time: 1157.039

just about every media outlet that

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covered him also made we focused on the

Time: 1162.799

inspiring message of self-mastery and

Time: 1166.159

minimized the madness in light of recent

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events I need to tell you everything

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that I know so that there's a complete

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record the only way that we can really

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evaluate the best parts of whm Hoff is

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to also understand and look at the less

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than Savory side with clear eyes if we

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take it all in the good and the bad and

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the deadly I think that we'll all see

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that on the balance whim is an

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exceptionally fascinating and inspiring

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person whose method need needs to be

Time: 1198.72

taken seriously but will also have the

Time: 1202.2

context to understand what his own

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limits really are and how much Faith any

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of us should put into that man himself

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and the organization that enables

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him now before I get into these details

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I want to pause for just a second and

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ask you to do me a favor for reasons

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that you'll understand soon certain

Time: 1227

individuals associated with with the Wim

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Hoff method are afraid of the truth

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coming out and never want my work to see

Time: 1234.039

the light of day I've received threats

Time: 1236.6

and harassment pretty much continually

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for the last several months since they

Time: 1241.799

can't actually counter the facts in this

Time: 1243.6

video they are attempting to use

Time: 1246.24

YouTube's terms of service in what seems

Time: 1248.919

like an unfair Way by claiming that I am

Time: 1251.44

violating their privacy by merely even

Time: 1253.679

mentioning their names most recently Wim

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Hoff's son what you you are seeing right

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now includes some blurred images and

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some beeps when a certain name is

Time: 1265.2

mentioned don't worry you can probably

Time: 1267.919

figure out who it is anyway he is after

Time: 1270.72

all a very well-known person who doesn't

Time: 1273.159

have a problem being public in TV shows

Time: 1275.72

and other YouTube videos and podcasts

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and other places like that but for some

Time: 1280.279

reason he feels very strongly that his

Time: 1282.96

privacy has been violated by being

Time: 1284.84

mentioned here and there's a chance that

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this video and even my entire YouTube

Time: 1290.559

channel will be removed from the

Time: 1292.12

internet quickly based on their

Time: 1294.64

complaints since I want to be able to

Time: 1296.919

tell you the story in full and keep in

Time: 1300.2

touch I would really like you to sign up

Time: 1301.919

for my newsletter in the description

Time: 1304.08

down below besides regular Hoff updates

Time: 1306.559

I also send out updates on Consciousness

Time: 1308.64

meditation Cults and history so please

Time: 1311.84

hit that link and let me show up in your

Time: 1313.76

inbox from time to time and since I

Time: 1316.44

don't know exactly how things will pan

Time: 1318.48

out I've also started a new podcast

Time: 1321.24

called Scott Carney investigates that

Time: 1323.679

you can find on all of the normal

Time: 1325.159

channels and I'm also mirroring all of

Time: 1327.4

my content on Rumble so that if this

Time: 1329.52

video does disappear you can still share

Time: 1332.24

it with people who need to watch it the

Time: 1336.6

most okay with that out of the way let

Time: 1339.96

me tell you a story that I think

Time: 1342.4

perfectly encapsulates whims Madness was

Time: 1346.52

yeah yeah this also this EX you know

Time: 1349.559

where he almost his stomach was totally

Time: 1351.919

open he almost died perhaps you've

Time: 1355.12

noticed the scar on Wim Hof's abdomen

Time: 1358.4

it's not a small one you can see that

Time: 1360.32

his belly button protrudes outwards and

Time: 1362.36

there's a triangle that seems to be

Time: 1363.72

gouged out in the whole area well the

Time: 1366.559

way he got that scar tells you a lot

Time: 1368.76

about the man it started back in 2008

Time: 1373.039

Wim Hoff had not seen his youngest son

Time: 1375.799

in almost 10 years but he was starting

Time: 1378.08

to get some recognition for his Feats in

Time: 1380.36

the ice and was making a little money

Time: 1382.6

doing so he wanted to make amends for

Time: 1385.48

his 10 years of absence so he set a time

Time: 1388.96

to meet his son at beatric Park in

Time: 1391.2

Amsterdam whim arrived a little early

Time: 1394.039

and perhaps because he was nervous he

Time: 1396.36

decided to calm himself by going for a

Time: 1398.44

swim in the Park Pond while he was

Time: 1401.039

waiting he paddled out to a fountain in

Time: 1403.88

the center and well I'm just going to

Time: 1406.88

let whim describe this part it's just a

Time: 1409.2

fountain and I put it up my ass and I

Time: 1411.919

cleans cleanses all my uh [ __ ] in my

Time: 1415.159

intestines and you [ __ ] it out like that

Time: 1419.4

and all goes and you feel good I had

Time: 1422.24

done it already like 100 times so he

Time: 1425.679

positioned himself over the spout and

Time: 1428.36

the pressurized water cut through his

Time: 1430.559

intestines Like a Knife I sat on it with

Time: 1433.84

my pants but it got through my pants and

Time: 1437.679

uh through the the [ __ ] up into the

Time: 1441.76

intestines and it just

Time: 1445.08

cuted and I got my stomach or my

Time: 1448.36

intestines full of uh dirty water

Time: 1451.48

knowing he was seriously injured whim

Time: 1454.84

managed to make it to the shore just as

Time: 1457.24

his son arrived a few minutes later

Time: 1459.4

whims first words to his son was that he

Time: 1462.919

needed to go to the hospital and fast

Time: 1465.919

now after whim first told me this story

Time: 1468.2

in 2013 I asked him if he wanted to hurt

Time: 1471.2

himself intentionally in order to show

Time: 1473.279

his son the depth of his grief uh you

Time: 1476.76

get a feeling you want to kill yourself

Time: 1478.76

you want to end the story but not not

Time: 1482.399

deliberately but unconsciously sort of

Time: 1485.32

yeah stop this stop this [ __ ] even if I

Time: 1488.44

have to die almost I want to stop

Time: 1491.679

this something like that was going on

Time: 1494.96

this was a hard time in his life his

Time: 1497.44

marriage Mar to Caroline in a nearby

Time: 1499.2

City had broken up and he was $30,000 in

Time: 1502.799

debt to the government he had abandoned

Time: 1505.32

his children and hadn't seen any of them

Time: 1507.6

in 10 years but think about all of this

Time: 1511.52

in the context of the movement that's

Time: 1514.08

grown up around him he is a man who was

Time: 1517.88

clearly Reckless with his own life and

Time: 1519.88

whose own subconscious desire to die

Time: 1523

actually led him to almost actually

Time: 1525.48

dying would you put your life in the

Time: 1528.039

hands of a man who makes decisions like

Time: 1530.32

this would you follow a general into

Time: 1533.159

battle who had a death wish all right

Time: 1536.44

well let me give you another example one

Time: 1539.799

of the things that whim is best known

Time: 1542.08

for is a now broken world record for

Time: 1545

swimming the longest distance under sea

Time: 1548.399

ice but all was not as it seemed in his

Time: 1552.2

first attempt to make the crossing he

Time: 1554.559

abandoned the safety protocols that he

Time: 1556.799

had established and tried to Sprint

Time: 1559.12

twice the distance as he had planned

Time: 1561

originally and he had warned the crew

Time: 1563.039

about in the book becoming the Iceman he

Time: 1566.679

wrote that his corneus froze in the

Time: 1569.32

water and he went

Time: 1571.039

blind Marcel Hoff his brother was with

Time: 1574.24

whim for the record attempt and he

Time: 1576.52

remembers whim hyperventilating before

Time: 1579.36

his underwater swim deeply in and let

Time: 1582.279

him go deeply in all the things he did

Time: 1584.2

for years and he's still doing not

Time: 1586.32

different but I think maybe he took it a

Time: 1588.679

little too far and then there's a point

Time: 1590.72

yeah the oxygen is gone the energy is

Time: 1593.039

gone then you let go and I think he

Time: 1594.76

reached that point whim passed out and

Time: 1597.32

only survived because of the quick

Time: 1599.32

action of a rescue diver whim went on to

Time: 1601.919

break the record the next day the

Time: 1604.08

footage of him being under the water

Time: 1605.84

ended up in a TV program for the

Time: 1607.88

Discovery Channel and it was one of the

Time: 1609.76

ways that he first started getting

Time: 1611.919

recognition for his

Time: 1614.2

abilities shouldn't we remember how he

Time: 1617.24

almost almost drowned on that initial

Time: 1618.799

attempt before we offer up accolades

Time: 1621.32

about his superhuman abilities these are

Time: 1624.279

just two examples of Hoff's General lack

Time: 1626.88

of good judgment we only tell half the

Time: 1630

story there are at least a handful more

Time: 1632.44

that I can think of yet these stories

Time: 1634.32

get sidelined in favor of the myth that

Time: 1636.88

we want to believe well not many people

Time: 1639.399

are going to follow his example and

Time: 1641.399

clean out their bowels with Fountain

Time: 1643.279

spigots the story about swimming under

Time: 1645.919

sea ice is Central to the image that his

Time: 1648.72

8 million social media followers see the

Time: 1652.36

way he presents that message could well

Time: 1654.64

be what is leading people to die now

Time: 1657.48

that's a big statement so I need to give

Time: 1659.24

an example in 2018 I shared a stage with

Time: 1663.679

Wim Hoff in Los Angeles in front of a

Time: 1665.559

crowd of about 300 people I was pretty

Time: 1669.159

excited to cross-promote my book with

Time: 1671.08

whim but more importantly it was a great

Time: 1674.2

way to see how Wim Hoff actually teaches

Time: 1676.36

his method to a crow crowd in America

Time: 1679.559

the session included the usual bits of

Time: 1681.96

whim revving up the crowd with a Litany

Time: 1683.64

of records that he achieved as well as

Time: 1685.32

the promise that would only take them an

Time: 1687.08

afternoon to learn the tricks that gave

Time: 1689.76

him such amazing Powers the whole crowd

Time: 1693.48

breathed in deeply in unison for 50 deep

Time: 1697.039

breaths under his Direction This was

Time: 1699.6

enough to get people's fingers and toes

Time: 1702.159

tingling some would have felt

Time: 1704.48

lightheaded then as he was giving these

Time: 1706.76

instructions the movie screen behind us

Time: 1709.559

flipped over to that famous footage of

Time: 1712.44

whim swimming under the ice and then he

Time: 1714.559

told everyone to hold their breath for

Time: 1717.679

the entire duration of his swim he took

Time: 1720.799

about 10 Strokes underwater covering

Time: 1723.159

what he estimates was 70 M the whole

Time: 1726.6

crowd strained under their urge to gas

Time: 1730.159

it worked on a theatrical level the

Time: 1732.48

people found that it was relatively easy

Time: 1734.64

to hold their breath for the minute or

Time: 1736.279

so that it took we whm to paddle across

Time: 1738.76

the screen but I was in shock because no

Time: 1743.96

one should ever practice the Wim Hoff

Time: 1747.279

hyperventilation breathing method in

Time: 1750.159

water period warning labels in my book

Time: 1754.159

as well as all over Wim Hoff's own site

Time: 1756.279

repeatedly caution people that

Time: 1758.519

hyperventilation is not a free diving

Time: 1761.399

technique and yet here whim was in front

Time: 1764.64

of a crowd implicitly saying the hyper

Time: 1767.399

ventilation will help them push past

Time: 1769.72

their perceived limits and swim

Time: 1771.96

underwater just like him now if you're

Time: 1775.84

new to the world of breath work you're

Time: 1777.96

probably wondering why I'm making such a

Time: 1780

big deal about this it would seem that a

Time: 1782.72

technique that allows you to hold your

Time: 1784.48

breath for a long time would also be

Time: 1786.679

useful swimming indeed in my book what

Time: 1790

doesn't kill us I wrote How The Big Wave

Time: 1792.48

Surfer lired Hamilton briefly

Time: 1794.44

Incorporated a similar hyperventilation

Time: 1796.919

technique and breathhold in his xpt

Time: 1799.679

training program but lir and pretty much

Time: 1803.48

every other breath worker changed course

Time: 1806.559

when a pair of Navy SEALs died of

Time: 1809.08

something called shallow water blackout

Time: 1811.08

in a pool in the midwest in

Time: 1813.44

2015 anybody taking whims work and going

Time: 1816.799

into a pool in hyperventilate you're

Time: 1818.84

just playing roulette you're almost

Time: 1821.159

guaranteed at some point to go out when

Time: 1823.88

you do that newspapers began running

Time: 1825.72

stories about extreme fit swimmers

Time: 1828.919


Time: 1829.919

drowning now the danger comes from the

Time: 1833.519

strange and unintuitive mechanisms of

Time: 1835.96

the mamillion respiratory system when

Time: 1838.96

you hold your breath the urge to gasp

Time: 1842.08

doesn't come up because you've used up

Time: 1844.399

all the available oxygen but because of

Time: 1847.12

the buildup of the gas that you exhale

Time: 1849.6

which is carbon dioxide in the lungs and

Time: 1852.559

bloodstream the gasp sensation rises in

Time: 1856.36

lock step with with CO2 levels until you

Time: 1859.159

feel well like you're going to pop Wim

Time: 1862.08

Hoff style hyperventilation blows off

Time: 1864.639

all that CO2 and confuses the body's

Time: 1867.519

alarm system to temporarily shut off

Time: 1871.44

this is why people can hold their breath

Time: 1872.919

for 2 or 3 minutes doing the method

Time: 1876.399

unfortunately just like when you remove

Time: 1878.32

the battery from a smoke detector when

Time: 1880.44

the toe starts to burn the margin that

Time: 1883.039

you bought yourself comes at a price the

Time: 1886.48

gases get so mixed up that you can use

Time: 1889.6

up your O2 and pass out before you feel

Time: 1892.799

that Sensation that you're in trouble

Time: 1894.919

and it gets even more dangerous when you

Time: 1896.919

want to maximize your breath hold with a

Time: 1899.039

full lung inhalation of air at the end

Time: 1901.44

of that hyperventilation what happens

Time: 1903.88

then is that you have so little CO2 in

Time: 1907.2

your body and so much volume of air that

Time: 1910.2

it's almost impossible for you to detect

Time: 1912.559

any Sensations at all that you might

Time: 1915

pass out it is a deadly combination now

Time: 1919.279

if you're lying down on dry land it

Time: 1921.36

usually isn't a problem you faint and

Time: 1924

your body hits the reset button and you

Time: 1925.679

just start breathing normally but if

Time: 1928.12

you're in water that reset means you're

Time: 1930.88

going to drown so hyperventilating is

Time: 1933.12

more likely to make you pass out in the

Time: 1936

water because you just shorten the

Time: 1939.799

reflex to breathe longer which creates

Time: 1943.2

an illusion that you can hold your

Time: 1945.76

breath longer you blow off all the

Time: 1948.559

oxygen in the red blood cells and it

Time: 1951

depletes it and your brain and nervous

Time: 1953.96

system protect you by shutting you down

Time: 1957.96

very quickly whim knows that this is

Time: 1961.96

dangerous he is well aware that people

Time: 1964.96

have drowned doing his method in water

Time: 1967.88

this knowledge alone should have been

Time: 1969.96

enough for whim and the organization

Time: 1972.039

around him to set up a firewall where he

Time: 1975.76

never endorsed these sorts of techniques

Time: 1977.799

publicly in any way ever there should

Time: 1982.32

never be confusion about it as far as I

Time: 1985.6

can tell there's not even any benefit to

Time: 1988.519

learning how to do this sort of method

Time: 1990.799

in water at all after the conference in

Time: 1994.159

Los Angeles I reminded whim about the

Time: 1996.679

dangers of shallow water blackout and

Time: 1999.24

well he Shrugged it off saying that

Time: 2001.559

there were warnings on his website about

Time: 2003.44

not mixing his breath work and water

Time: 2006.039

indeed a full two years before we went

Time: 2009.039

on stage together a Dutch newspaper

Time: 2011.48

connected four deaths of Wim Hoff

Time: 2013.639

practitioners to hyperventilation and

Time: 2016.32

even got the CEO of inner fire Wim

Time: 2018.36

Hoff's son to comment here's the quote

Time: 2020.88

that ran in the newspaper it's pretty

Time: 2023.6

lame but then you shouldn't do the

Time: 2026

exercises underwater everywhere on our

Time: 2028.639

site and with all our Expressions we

Time: 2030.6

warn people we can do no more well I

Time: 2035.039

don't know if lame was quite the word

Time: 2037.84

that I would have chosen but at least it

Time: 2040.12

was an acknowledgement that inner fire

Time: 2042.039

is aware of the problem and this is what

Time: 2046

had me reeling why weren't they doing

Time: 2049.359

more to address the problem than just

Time: 2051.56

slapping a disclaimer on their website

Time: 2054.119

and why was whim still making a

Time: 2056.159

connection between his breath work and

Time: 2058

the water on stage I asked Brian

Time: 2060.919

McKenzie about this the last

Time: 2064.76

time anybody wanted to take

Time: 2067.839

responsibility for having a catastrophic

Time: 2072.56

problem with something they

Time: 2076.72

created is I I don't recall many

Time: 2080.159

instances of that Ian maybe Brian was

Time: 2084.119

right just maybe whim didn't want to

Time: 2086.359

change course on something that he has

Time: 2088.2

been doing all along could it be that

Time: 2091.159

he's simply Too Proud to admit that he's

Time: 2094.04

got something wrong in fact after I

Time: 2096.96

start poking around I learned from one

Time: 2098.44

of the 1500 Wim Hoff method instructors

Time: 2101.4

that one of the courses that innerfire

Time: 2103.599

sells on its website includes a week of

Time: 2106.52

hyperventilation in a cold shower while

Time: 2109

standing up with the same full lung

Time: 2111.68

exhale that can make someone pass out I

Time: 2115.28

know several people who have tried this

Time: 2116.88

exact maneuver and ended up bruised on

Time: 2119.839

the floor and then on week eight of the

Time: 2122.839

course whim leads a lone student into

Time: 2126.4

the water

Time: 2127.4

hyperventilating and dunking his head in

Time: 2130.96

the text next to the video there is a

Time: 2133.96

bizarre disclaimer that reads the guy in

Time: 2137.48

the video is Guided by whim to learn to

Time: 2140

deal with the cold he is not doing the

Time: 2142.48

breath retention and then putting his

Time: 2144.359

head underwater okay so that's the

Time: 2146.72

disclaimer but these are the

Time: 2148.48

instructions that whim is giving in the

Time: 2150.52

video do the breathing go into the water

Time: 2155.04

keep on with the breathing keep on being

Time: 2158.72

focused and you sit you imerse you

Time: 2166.96

focus and you stay in the water 20

Time: 2170.72

seconds 25 30 35 doesn't matter he this

Time: 2174.92

is the exercise and then he gives the

Time: 2177.76

instructions again withh holding breath

Time: 2180.2

is control and then in ice cold

Time: 2184.56

water at the end of the video after

Time: 2186.72

after he's given these instructions

Time: 2188.2

several times someone offs screen's

Time: 2190.68

voice appears and reminds whim to uh

Time: 2194.28

mention the potential dangers to which

Time: 2197.119

whim says that water is dangerous but

Time: 2200.119

that people should trust their own

Time: 2202.079

senses and don't overdo it because you

Time: 2205.72

know the battle with in nature you

Time: 2208.56

always will lose finally because there

Time: 2211.8

is no competition keep to your feel to

Time: 2214.8

your sense and to your logic and see how

Time: 2217.839

much you can do and uh

Time: 2221.04

witness and then surprisingly you will

Time: 2224.359

see you can do a whole lot my guess is

Time: 2227.72

that the disclaimer was a lazy after the

Time: 2231.16

fact addition to avert liability once

Time: 2234.079

they realized it might give people the

Time: 2236

idea that it was okay to hyperventilate

Time: 2238.359

in water because the video clearly shows

Time: 2241.839

the opposite that's whim

Time: 2244.8

hyperventilating in water

Time: 2247.599

in general I'd say that inner fire does

Time: 2249.92

a pretty bad job warning people about

Time: 2252.68

the potential side effects and dangers

Time: 2255

associated with the method they've been

Time: 2257.28

reticent to mention the abnormally High

Time: 2259.68

numbers of people who report getting

Time: 2261.24

long-term ttis after a few rounds of

Time: 2263.68

breathing I did a video about that a few

Time: 2266.48

months back that was temporarily removed

Time: 2268.96

from the Internet by Inner Fire even

Time: 2271.48

though I eventually reposted a modified

Time: 2273.4

version that is still somehow

Time: 2275.2

miraculously alive

Time: 2277.8

the truly insane thing about this well

Time: 2281.64

one of the truly insane things is that

Time: 2284.2

hyperventilation doesn't do much of

Time: 2286.8

anything to warm you up in fact for most

Time: 2290.8

people it actually lowers their core

Time: 2293.44

temperature that's the wrong way to do

Time: 2296.8

the Wim Hoff method in the snow it's

Time: 2298.88

only going to make me

Time: 2300.64

colder this is why when he first taught

Time: 2303.119

me the breath work in Poland in 2013 we

Time: 2306.119

practic it in our sleeping bags to stay

Time: 2308.8

warm despite this whim teaches workshops

Time: 2312.72

where he tells people that the breath

Time: 2314.359

work will heat them up um there's nobody

Time: 2318.28

in that organization

Time: 2320.44

currently that understands the

Time: 2323.839

physiology I don't think they have a

Time: 2325.92

grasp on it whim is just wrong studies

Time: 2329.64

on the whm Hoff method adjacent yoga

Time: 2332.28

technique concluded that suyaa pranayama

Time: 2336

increased energy expenditure as reported

Time: 2338.599

earlier to perform various vital

Time: 2341.079

functions optimally without increasing

Time: 2344.2

the body

Time: 2345.52

temperature from what I've been able to

Time: 2348.16

understand from the science of it whims

Time: 2350.44

breath work triggers the sympathetic

Time: 2352.119

Pathways in a way that will make you

Time: 2354.4

colder in the short run it's only after

Time: 2357.28

you learn to relax in the stimulation of

Time: 2359.88

cold stress that you build up endurance

Time: 2362.04

in the ice and start to warm up after

Time: 2365.359

what I'd witnessed on on the book tour I

Time: 2367.56

felt that was only a matter of time

Time: 2370.2

before something bad happened on an

Time: 2372.24

official whm Hoff method Expedition so

Time: 2376

even as I continued to practice his

Time: 2377.839

methods daily I kept my eye out for any

Time: 2380.52

breaking news involving whim and his

Time: 2386.2

method well no one has drowned at an

Time: 2389.28

official Wim Hoff event the global body

Time: 2392.2

count has continued to tick upwards over

Time: 2394.96

the years no no one keeps official

Time: 2397.76

records on this sort of thing but I

Time: 2399.44

wanted to find out exactly how many

Time: 2401.079

deaths there had been so earlier this

Time: 2403.599

year I started looking for news reports

Time: 2405.8

that specifically mentioned a connection

Time: 2408.2

between drowning and the Wim Hoff method

Time: 2410.599

and I found 12 of them as well as

Time: 2413.48

several accounts of people doing his

Time: 2415.359

breathing and blacking out in water only

Time: 2417.72

to just barely

Time: 2419.52

survive Britt Jackson at the

Time: 2421.92

organization shallow water blackout

Time: 2424.2

prevention that tries to raise awareness

Time: 2426.16

of the dangers of this little known

Time: 2428.119

condition says that an increasing number

Time: 2430.599

of people that she learns about have a

Time: 2432.839

connection to practicing the Wim Hoff

Time: 2435.24

method I showed her a video of what whim

Time: 2438.96

calls a baptism at one of his many icy

Time: 2442.319

ceremonies and this is what she said on

Time: 2445.2

one end they're saying we don't

Time: 2446.48

encourage this but on another end we're

Time: 2447.88

seeing fatalities due to what they say

Time: 2450.04

they're not encouraging are people doing

Time: 2451.92

this on their own this video would

Time: 2453.96

suggest differently that they are

Time: 2455.599

actually teaching

Time: 2457

hyperventilation before submersion which

Time: 2459.16

is the recipe for a shall

Time: 2461.44

blackout in January

Time: 2464.04

2022 Christopher koven was just one

Time: 2468.079

person who was confused about whether or

Time: 2470.68

not to do the Wim Hoff method in water

Time: 2474.52

Chris he did this often in which he

Time: 2478.28

would go to the gym and he would sit in

Time: 2480.319

the hot tub um and he would practice

Time: 2483.64

breath fling he would do whm Hoff prior

Time: 2486.599

to going under the hot tub water he

Time: 2489.319

would time himself and so there was a

Time: 2492.76

clock on the wall and he'd go under and

Time: 2494.8

he'd count in seconds and so he was

Time: 2496.88

always trying to increase his breath

Time: 2499.119

holding and hold it longer just for the

Time: 2501.48

fun of it and the skill of it that's his

Time: 2504.359

girlfriend Cara Spencer Christopher

Time: 2506.76

dreamed of becoming a Navy SEAL but

Time: 2509.2

washed out during the intense screening

Time: 2511.16

session called buds still he always

Time: 2514

wanted to find new ways to push his

Time: 2515.96

limit he had probably done it over 20

Time: 2519.079

times you know with nothing happening

Time: 2521.68

but um when when he did pass out under

Time: 2524.92

the water and no one noticed qan hovind

Time: 2527.599

spent 20 minutes under the water before

Time: 2531.4

someone raised the alarm according to

Time: 2534.359

the list that I collected at least three

Time: 2537.04

people died under similar circumstances

Time: 2540.559

in 2022 alone I mean I I think it's um

Time: 2544.8

putting people at risk for sure because

Time: 2546.64

you can never ensure that the same

Time: 2549.2

person who watches the YouTube video is

Time: 2551.88

also going to catch some information on

Time: 2554.559

another site talking about how you

Time: 2556.64

shouldn't do something and even so if

Time: 2559.24

you're doing one thing and then saying

Time: 2561.24

another creates a message that's really

Time: 2562.839

confusing and ultimately I think the

Time: 2564.559

person that's going to go with I

Time: 2566.88

probably do whatever whm Hof the master

Time: 2569.2

of this method method is doing himself

Time: 2572.2

because it seems like if he's doing it

Time: 2574.48

then the implication is it's safe enough

Time: 2577.68

another case this one out of Southern

Time: 2580.2

California Andrew and Cenas drowned on

Time: 2583.24

Labor Day in 2019 my brother Andrew was

Time: 2587.28

a very Avid whm Hoff follower uh watched

Time: 2590.76

all his YouTube videos it was always

Time: 2592.76

something that you know he's done in

Time: 2595.2

water he's done in showers and on the

Time: 2597.559

Labor Day weekend in 2019 there was my

Time: 2601

brother in the shallow end and he was in

Time: 2602.8

like a um a meditative position

Time: 2605.079

underwater passed out so I came out I

Time: 2608.599

jumped the pool fence lifted him out of

Time: 2610.599

the pool started you know delivering CPR

Time: 2614

he got his heart beating when he got to

Time: 2615.72

the hospital they said hey his heart's

Time: 2617.079

beating but you know there was just no

Time: 2618.4

brain activity he was sure enough a

Time: 2620.359

goner they rushed Andrew to the hospital

Time: 2623.599

but it was already too late I asked Yama

Time: 2627.72

akabari the cardiologist at UCA Hospital

Time: 2631

who ultimately declared Andrew brain

Time: 2633.079

dead to describe exactly what happened

Time: 2636.92

while he was hyperventilating he had

Time: 2639.119

less blood flow to his brain he

Time: 2640.96

basically got dizzy it's like putting

Time: 2642.48

somebody in a in a choke hold he fell

Time: 2644.839

down and unfortunately if he would have

Time: 2646.4

been in in not in water he probably

Time: 2649.68

would have started breathing again in

Time: 2652.119

this case he had he had um fluid in his

Time: 2654.88

lungs so he probably while he was semi-

Time: 2657.839

passed out he probably tried to take a

Time: 2659.64

few breaths underwater and I mean you

Time: 2662.319

don't need much you know even if it's as

Time: 2664.079

as shallow as this if you go face down

Time: 2666.839

you're breathing water in another case

Time: 2669.24

out of New Zealand a young man named

Time: 2671.44

Hamish Jameson did several rounds of

Time: 2674.079

whmh half breathing in a community pool

Time: 2676.72

and passed out in June 2020 I was

Time: 2680.16

practicing the wimh half method ended up

Time: 2682.44

having a hypoxic blackout underwater

Time: 2684.88

unnoticed for 8 minutes I had CPR and

Time: 2689.4

five defs to get my heart going again

Time: 2691.88

and I ended up on EO life support for

Time: 2695.24

four weeks

Time: 2696.92

yeah I I didn't know the risks feel very

Time: 2699.599

grateful for being here but the only way

Time: 2702.04

that I found out that he was doing the

Time: 2703.92

Wim Hoff method in the water was because

Time: 2706.64

he survived and that a newspaper then

Time: 2709.079

covered his story as part of a local

Time: 2712.52

inquest even famous people have gotten

Time: 2715.16

into trouble with the Wim Hoff method in

Time: 2717.24

water two years ago Josh Watkin uh the

Time: 2721

kid from the movie Searching for Bobby

Time: 2722.839

fiser who is an avid whm Hoff method

Time: 2725.16

practitioner told the author and

Time: 2727.16

podcaster Tim Ferris that he

Time: 2729.44

enthusiastically tried to prolong his

Time: 2731.48

breath holds underwater by doing what he

Time: 2734.16

says was whm Hoff inspired breathholds

Time: 2737.079

in a New York City Pool he passed out

Time: 2739.88

for 4 minutes only to be rescued by a

Time: 2743.04


Time: 2745.72

swimmer given the proliferation of cases

Time: 2748.88

and the fact that whim continues to

Time: 2751

teach the dangerous combination of

Time: 2753.48

breath work and waterw work it's no no

Time: 2756.119

surprise that some people have opted to

Time: 2758.76

pursue legal Solutions no more Young

Time: 2761.64

Americans should die doing the whim Hof

Time: 2764.319

breathing methods which we've seen have

Time: 2766.839

a proven track record of leaving deaths

Time: 2769.839

and drownings in their wake the amount

Time: 2772.52

we're seeking is going to be very

Time: 2775.16

significant there was a legal complaint

Time: 2777.76

filed in Los Angeles County court on

Time: 2780.72

December 21st

Time: 2782.64

2022 about the death of high school

Time: 2785.24

senior meline Rose meter according to

Time: 2789.72

the complaint meline had practiced the

Time: 2791.76

Wim Hoff method for about a year finding

Time: 2794.52

it helpful to regulate stress and

Time: 2797.24

anxiety that morning it was a Hot August

Time: 2800.079

day she had an argument with her mother

Time: 2802.24

on the phone she then put on a bathing

Time: 2804.72

suit and went out to the pool and

Time: 2806.839

practiced Wim Hoff breathing at which

Time: 2809.16

point she passed out and drowned in the

Time: 2811.8

shallow end the complaint goes on to say

Time: 2814.16

that she was a strong swim swimmer her

Time: 2817.28

father Raphael Meer who is a personal

Time: 2819.88

injury lawyer filed suit against his

Time: 2822

ex-wife Tammy for introducing meline to

Time: 2824.88

the Wim Hoff method as well as Wim Hoff

Time: 2827.8

himself and inner fire BV this is a $67

Time: 2831.079

million case the lawsuit claims that the

Time: 2834.16

Wim Hoff method has no proven health

Time: 2836.52

benefits and that inner fire knowingly

Time: 2838.92

teaches a dangerous breath work practice

Time: 2841.96

in the water without adequate warnings

Time: 2844.839

the first and Prime Ary goal of the

Time: 2846.599

litigation is to obtain an injunction

Time: 2849.24

that will enjoin whm Hoff from marketing

Time: 2851.92

his deadly breathing technique in the

Time: 2854.119

United States when I approached Hoff for

Time: 2856.76

a comment on the lawsuits just before

Time: 2859.599

the publication of this piece he

Time: 2861.92

responded with this message which well I

Time: 2865.319

think I'm just going to let speak for

Time: 2867.88

itself do real research covid and origin

Time: 2871.16

of the Wuhan gain of function research

Time: 2873.92

vaccine lies and death death medicine

Time: 2876.92

side effects deaths and permanent

Time: 2879.04

disability Epstein list Ukraine proxy

Time: 2882.8

war environmental damage accidents

Time: 2885.88

coverup politics etc etc I help millions

Time: 2890

of people you do not seem to be

Time: 2892.319

interested in I work with seven

Time: 2894.359

universities now do real investigative

Time: 2897.079

research instead of these tendous

Time: 2900.28

questions cannot cooperate with magazine

Time: 2903.16

per se wanted to open dialogue but there

Time: 2906.2

seems to be none of real value here that

Time: 2910.839

to me seems like just a list of

Time: 2913.68

conspiracy theories and a deflection

Time: 2916.24

against what are important allegations

Time: 2919.559

and things that whim should respond to

Time: 2922.44

as of June 15th 2023 neither whm Hoff

Time: 2927.079

nor Inner Fire have filed an official

Time: 2930.079

legal response to the complaint in the

Time: 2932.4

LA courts all of the people on the list

Time: 2935.92

were whm Hoff method practitioners who

Time: 2938.359

died in water most likely I believe

Time: 2941.72

because of shallow water blackout there

Time: 2944

are some caveats of course no one can

Time: 2947.079

say with 100% certainty the exact events

Time: 2950.599

that led to each death and coroners

Time: 2952.72

don't even have specific codes to

Time: 2954.96

identify shallow water

Time: 2957.079

blackout however these numbers are

Time: 2960.28

indicative of a trend I believe it's

Time: 2963.64

likely a radical undercount of the real

Time: 2966.319

problem since most people who drown

Time: 2968.44

never end up generating news stories

Time: 2971.24

even though the data set is small four

Time: 2973.44

of those people died in

Time: 2975.799

2022 the first death that I have a news

Time: 2978.799

report for is in 2015 which to me

Time: 2982.599

indicates that the pace is picking up

Time: 2985.799

indeed even as I began reporting this

Time: 2987.96

story I added two more bodies to the

Time: 2990.88

total there are a few reasons for this

Time: 2993.76

the first is the most obvious in the

Time: 2996.24

last few years Wim Hoff's popularity has

Time: 2999.44

absolutely exploded there was a TV

Time: 3002.559

series in the United Kingdom and he's

Time: 3004.4

appeared on goop with gwenneth paltro

Time: 3006.76

and makes regular appearances with

Time: 3008.64

Russell Brand there are hundreds of

Time: 3011.04

YouTube videos explaining how to do his

Time: 3012.839

breathing technique and there's a movie

Time: 3015.04

in the works about whim a biopic

Time: 3017.52

meanwhile whm Hoff continues to conflate

Time: 3020.92

breath work and waterw

Time: 3024.44


Time: 3026.559

at this year's winter travel event in

Time: 3029.16

Poland a hundred people paid about

Time: 3031.799

$3,000 each to spend a week with whim

Time: 3035.28

pushing their own boundaries on the last

Time: 3038.64

day they jumped off a 30ft waterfall one

Time: 3042.24

by one all 100 of us jumped the

Time: 3046.72

fall so to answer the question if all of

Time: 3049.92

your friends jumped off a cliff would

Time: 3051.76

you do it

Time: 3054.319

too that that's Ricardo bengoa who was

Time: 3057.119

at the event and right after that whim

Time: 3060.76

got the idea after they all splashed

Time: 3062.68

into the water that everyone would come

Time: 3065.96

together with him and take a right of

Time: 3068.76

passage that he calls a baptism and then

Time: 3072.599

he just said okay we're gonna breathe 10

Time: 3076

times and um we're gonna hold our breath

Time: 3079.04

for 20 seconds you know underwater

Time: 3082.319

Ricardo benoa enthusiastically joined

Time: 3084.68

the circle and one of the members there

Time: 3086.92

later posted a video of the whole

Time: 3089.319

ceremony on the internet it shows whim

Time: 3092.68

leading the whole group in a series of

Time: 3095.319

12 deep breaths and then a full inhale

Time: 3099.16

before submerging their heads together

Time: 3101.52

in the water now while I doubt that

Time: 3104

anyone in that particular video would be

Time: 3106.799

in danger of drowning in this instance

Time: 3109.799

the problem is that wi is spreading a

Time: 3112.88

message that is okay to connect these

Time: 3115.68

two practices at all they're starting to

Time: 3118.96

seem like a guru sort of thing where um

Time: 3121.799

anything that he says is going to be

Time: 3123.559

right as I've said before I greatly

Time: 3127.16

admire whim in many many ways since our

Time: 3131.24

first meeting he and I have been on

Time: 3133.799

friendly terms we send text messages

Time: 3136.319

back and forth about the science of

Time: 3138.4

breath work and funny pictures of our

Time: 3140.88

pets but after I started collecting

Time: 3143.52

information that connected whim breath

Time: 3145.92

work to Deaths whim started to get

Time: 3149.359

defensive his answers over text message

Time: 3151.839

were characteristically odd he wrote to

Time: 3155.079

me that 28,000 people drown every year

Time: 3158.48

and that I was blaming him for all of

Time: 3161

their deaths and then well he wrote this

Time: 3164.359

I'm going to quote him here look into

Time: 3166.599

baptism the real meaning of it you might

Time: 3169.28

learn something I know what I do baptism

Time: 3172.64

the real one is shutting down our over

Time: 3175.599

controlling mind and activate deep

Time: 3178.119

healing mechanisms in the body not going

Time: 3180.48

to explain this physiologically to you

Time: 3183.559

not into competition Sports here which

Time: 3185.92

is entertainment since the Roman Empire

Time: 3188.88

who killed an innocent man called

Time: 3192.559

Jesus now I have trouble telling you

Time: 3195.4

exactly what this message specifically

Time: 3198.72

means except that it has a certain air

Time: 3202.319

of whim comparing himself to Jesus

Time: 3205.799

I don't know about you but this is the

Time: 3208.04

sort of message that I would expect from

Time: 3210.48

the leader of a cult indeed this message

Time: 3214.28

along with the one that he sent me after

Time: 3216.16

I asked him about meter's death pretty

Time: 3218.68

much devolve into a Litany of conspiracy

Time: 3221.24

theories and deflection and don't appear

Time: 3223.96

to take the gravity of the situation

Time: 3230.44

seriously and this leads me to another

Time: 3233.839

aspect of inner fire which is is whm

Time: 3235.68

Hoff's organization and it Bears a

Time: 3238.559

second look since it might color the way

Time: 3240.96

we collectively understand what's going

Time: 3242.72

on like other groups that I've written

Time: 3245.04

about before while covering up the

Time: 3247.359

insular politics of spiritual Pursuits

Time: 3249.76

inner Fire's first reaction to anything

Time: 3253.48

that contradicts the image that they

Time: 3255

want to present inevitably leads to a

Time: 3258.16

knee-jerk instinct to cover up the truth

Time: 3262.079

they pull from the same Playbook even

Time: 3264.839

against instructors that they have a

Time: 3266.88

falling out with well whim doesn't play

Time: 3270.079

much of a role in the day-to-day

Time: 3271.96

operations his son yes one of those

Time: 3274.799

children that he left homeless for 10

Time: 3276.68

years is CEO and manages everything with

Time: 3280.319

a characteristic aggressive Mo uh they

Time: 3284.359

take an awfully big cut of what you are

Time: 3287

doing and they threaten you on a regular

Time: 3289.4

basis with

Time: 3290.48

lawsuits he'll yell like he'll yell at

Time: 3293.359

people to get his own way he'll bully

Time: 3295.599

people to get his own way and he'll use

Time: 3298.64

the cake if it seems right but really

Time: 3302.24

he's just going to tell people you're

Time: 3303.68

doing it my way or Not by his own words

Time: 3307.4

enam doesn't practice the method himself

Time: 3311.28

you know I don't practice his method

Time: 3312.839

right he's also clear that his decision

Time: 3315.28

to rekindle things with his father after

Time: 3317.4

10 years of absence didn't necessarily

Time: 3320.76

stem from an enduring and deep bond 19

Time: 3324.039

years ago I saw a opportunity with my

Time: 3325.799

dad I I haven't I didn't spoke to him

Time: 3328.039

like for 10 years or something I made my

Time: 3330.16

little website blah blah he broke up

Time: 3331.839

with his wife uh in those times and I

Time: 3334.92

saw an opportunity I grabbed it you know

Time: 3336.72

because he was famous as the icem man wh

Time: 3339.079

of method did not exist it was like but

Time: 3341.48

he did have a lot of attention towards

Time: 3344.52

him now let me tell you a story

Time: 3346.319

about back in 2018 I'd begun reporting

Time: 3350.28

on a story that I'd heard about that 38

Time: 3353.88

whm Hoff method instructors and training

Time: 3356.599

got stuck on the top of a mountain in

Time: 3358.839

Poland during an ice storm they weren't

Time: 3361.16

wearing shirts and the situation was

Time: 3363.88

Dire but maybe not deadly still three

Time: 3367.4

instructors ended up with body

Time: 3369.359

temperatures of just 90° F flirting

Time: 3373.079

dangerously close to death they had to

Time: 3375.88

be taken down the mountain by polish

Time: 3377.839

search and rescue the weather could have

Time: 3379.72

been a little bit worse and it could

Time: 3381.52

have been way worse for for everybody so

Time: 3385.64

people could have died that's Steven

Time: 3388.96

pner who was on the mountain that day

Time: 3391.119

fortunately everyone was ultimately okay

Time: 3395.24

yet Adam's reaction wasn't to admit that

Time: 3398.119

there had been a problem but instead to

Time: 3401.079

cover up the event lest it make the

Time: 3403.599

organization look bad

Time: 3406.68


Time: 3408.4

orders do not talk to the

Time: 3411.68

Press designed a cover story he said

Time: 3415.28

they'd pin it on this other group of

Time: 3417.16

shirtless hikers in Poland that was

Time: 3418.76

scheduled to be here the next weekend

Time: 3421.359

and he told everyone to convince the

Time: 3423.48

media that it was that group not a Wim

Time: 3426.44

Hoff method group that had run into the

Time: 3428.599

trouble what we were do told this to say

Time: 3431.64

is it was Mountain Rescue was called for

Time: 3435.4

that group when I got wined that

Time: 3438.28

something was strange that happened to a

Time: 3440.88

large group of instructors I messaged on

Time: 3444.2

WhatsApp and he sent me 13 screenshots

Time: 3447.72

of information claiming that my

Time: 3449.839

journalism was irresponsible and that it

Time: 3452.48

was this other group that had gotten

Time: 3454

into trouble all along he fingered a man

Time: 3457.2

named mate and I'll include a link to

Time: 3459.68

all the screenshots of that below so you

Time: 3462.039

can see his exact words I also did a

Time: 3463.72

video on this that I'll also link

Time: 3466.319

to told that same exact story to

Time: 3470.48

everyone who asked my name is Ma shishka

Time: 3473.599

I'm a breathing train

Time: 3475.359


Time: 3477.359

physiotherapist next day television come

Time: 3479.64

to my house and stuff like this so so it

Time: 3482.799

was really bad it is hard to even

Time: 3484.64

imagine mate had no idea what was

Time: 3487.16

happening when polish television Crews

Time: 3489

arrived on his doorstep after all his

Time: 3491.44

group hadn't even started climbing the

Time: 3493.52

mountain yet but within minutes of the

Time: 3496.2

TV story airing his phone started

Time: 3498.48

ringing off the hook as 250 people had

Time: 3500.96

signed up for his expedition they all

Time: 3503.2

wanted to know if he was going to put

Time: 3505.88

them in danger the money that he was

Time: 3508.44

Raising for a sick child that was in

Time: 3510.799

Jeopardy of just disappearing they put

Time: 3513.16

it on

Time: 3514.599

me lied and he told other people to lie

Time: 3518.4

on his behalf not only that but just

Time: 3521.2

didn't stop at denying that something

Time: 3523.039

happened but actively sought out a rival

Time: 3525.48

business and said it was them all

Time: 3528

along this is the face of an

Time: 3530.48

organization that is so caught up with

Time: 3533.359

the myth of an indomitable Iceman that

Time: 3536.64

the truth no longer matters it's a sign

Time: 3540.16

that they will do whatever they can to

Time: 3542.16

control the message and go to Great

Time: 3544.48

Lengths to hide any of their own

Time: 3547.28

missteps I reached out to over email to

Time: 3550.839

comment on what I found during my

Time: 3552.599

reporting he sent two emails in response

Time: 3556.599

the first was to deny that Hoff ever

Time: 3559.599

teaches hyperventilation in water that

Time: 3562.4

he was unaware of the pending loss suit

Time: 3565.48

that whim and his sisters share equally

Time: 3568.319

in the company profits and that there

Time: 3571.079

was no coverup on sneska when I

Time: 3574.359

presented him with additional evidence

Time: 3576.28

to my claims he responded with this you

Time: 3580.039

have follow-up questions with lies

Time: 3581.96

supporting them they make no sense this

Time: 3585.24

is not journalism but just dumb silly

Time: 3588.24

actions of yours you should be ashamed

Time: 3590.52

of yourself I didn't lie to get success

Time: 3594.16

I Amon honest I give you honest answers

Time: 3597.4

and have nothing to hide you at the

Time: 3600.24

other hand just come with lies to try to

Time: 3603.079

get a reaction of me this will be the

Time: 3606.2

last time I spend some energy on you

Time: 3609.92

personally I just checked your videos

Time: 3612.4

and the only way to get views is to use

Time: 3615.44

our name that's because of our work and

Time: 3618.24

dedication you profited from a lot don't

Time: 3621.559

you feel embarrassed that you cannot get

Time: 3623.88

views of your own in your own ways do

Time: 3626.52

something constructive man you're just

Time: 3628.76

sinking lower and lower just a little

Time: 3631.68

free advice for you now

Time: 3635.119

whim and you have seen my evidence you

Time: 3639.4

can decide for yourself what you think

Time: 3642.16

the truth really is to some degree whim

Time: 3646.079

knows that his son is a liability to the

Time: 3648.359

reputation of the organization and a

Time: 3651

potential stumbling block for spreading

Time: 3652.799

the message around the world

Time: 3655.039

while might have been the right person

Time: 3657.079

to start the method initially his

Time: 3659.96

actions make inner fire look corrupt

Time: 3663.76

what needs to happen is need to step

Time: 3666.64

down from his pedal Stone there being so

Time: 3671.44

pedantic about what he what he is doing

Time: 3675.559

and that he thinks that he is the man

Time: 3678.799

and in power and thing is the we won't

Time: 3683.52

change and change needs to happen I feel

Time: 3687.319

awkward within the own

Time: 3690.92

organization the way it has been handled

Time: 3693.599

like I don't care guys you do this and I

Time: 3697.079

do this right and for the rest I have

Time: 3699.24

never been on my own website I don't you

Time: 3702.319

know I let it go feel endorsed for going

Time: 3706.039

for the good yes love on the other hand

Time: 3710.68

it strikes me that is also in a

Time: 3714.2

difficult position the disclaimers on

Time: 3716.64

the website and his occasional

Time: 3718.599

interruptions of whim speaking

Time: 3720.52

engagements to remind people of the

Time: 3722.72

potential dangers of following all of

Time: 3725.079

whims instructions to the letter might

Time: 3727.52

be the best that he can do to control

Time: 3729.88

the craziness of his father looked at

Time: 3732.559

from this

Time: 3733.839

perspective really has an impossible

Time: 3736.16

task he's been on the ground level of

Time: 3738.64

building a profitable business around

Time: 3740.88

his father's Charisma and

Time: 3743.359

Madness and now whims words carry so

Time: 3747.2

much weight that cannot control the

Time: 3749.88


Time: 3751.48

anymore I think these are all signs

Time: 3754.4

about an untenable tension at the heart

Time: 3757.96

of the booming Iceman movement or as Wim

Time: 3761.4

Hoff's brother Marcel observed and if we

Time: 3764.079

become too dependent on a person who is

Time: 3766.2

leading and that is the old Paradigm it

Time: 3768.599

doesn't work anymore when I stood

Time: 3771.039

shirtless next to whim at the base of

Time: 3773.52

Mount sesa 10 years ago I knew that

Time: 3776.319

there was a chance that this could be

Time: 3777.88

the beginning of a quasi religious

Time: 3780.24

movement that was destined to go off the

Time: 3782.839

rails I'd seen it before in my book The

Time: 3785.68

Enlightenment trap I wrote that gurus go

Time: 3788.599

through different stages of development

Time: 3791.079

at first they brim with enthusiasm and

Time: 3793.4

have a message that spreads in the world

Time: 3795.76

because it is legitimately beneficial to

Time: 3798.359

their flock but over time money and

Time: 3801.52

worldly considerations eventually stem

Time: 3803.72

the groups growth and a minor Scandal

Time: 3806.72

can upend the entire facade there comes

Time: 3810.2

a predictable pattern of deaths coverups

Time: 3813.76

and lies until ultimately the

Time: 3815.96

organization Falls to Pieces the reason

Time: 3820.079

that my initial reporting didn't bang

Time: 3823.16

that drum was because at the same time I

Time: 3826.279

knew there was potential danger there

Time: 3828.68

was also an amazing opportunity to

Time: 3831.16

spread a method that would let just

Time: 3833.2

about anyone find find happiness health

Time: 3836.279

and strength I chose to take the most

Time: 3839.68

optimistic Outlook because I did and

Time: 3842.559

still do believe that these methods

Time: 3844.88

offer very important benefits to the

Time: 3847.52

world I continue to be a daily

Time: 3850.24

practitioner of breath work and Ice

Time: 3851.839

immersion even though that I'm bringing

Time: 3853.559

out a story that no doubt will anger

Time: 3855.839

some people in this

Time: 3857.359

community this is because as a

Time: 3859.799

journalist I have a belief that the best

Time: 3862.599

way to make a path to a productive

Time: 3864.88

future is taking a long hard look at the

Time: 3868.599

facts we have to follow the truth no

Time: 3871.119

matter where it leads us I don't know

Time: 3873.4

what the Fate will be for whatever Wim

Time: 3875.079

Hoff does in the future I have hope

Time: 3878.44

though that things can turn back but it

Time: 3880.96

would take a fundamental change in the

Time: 3882.92

organization's practices and in our

Time: 3885.039

Collective desire to foster a myth

Time: 3887.039

around a Madman this is something that

Time: 3889.559

we can do we can appreciate how whim

Time: 3892.279

opened the door to a great set of

Time: 3894.52

practices without turning him into a

Time: 3896.96

guru whether he wants this role or not

Time: 3901.92

whim Hoff leads by example the cult of

Time: 3905.92

personality around him puts him on a

Time: 3908.4

pedestal that underplays the

Time: 3910.52

questionable parts of his past while

Time: 3912.88

overemphasizing the greatness of his

Time: 3915.52

achievements it is possible to hold

Time: 3917.839

these two opposing ideas in our heads at

Time: 3919.96

the same time but we need to accept whim

Time: 3923.039

as a prophet in the same breath that we

Time: 3925.64

know he's a Madman in my mind it's the

Time: 3929.079

only way to save his message otherwise

Time: 3932.799

it's likely that the suspicious deaths

Time: 3935.48

of 11 people in shallow water is only

Time: 3938.799

the beginning of another darker story

Time: 3943.039

thank you so much for watching this

Time: 3947.359

video you've been here with me like for

Time: 3950.2

more than an hour and you are a hero for

Time: 3954.119

sitting through my whole Exposition

Time: 3956.319

about the Wim Hof method

Time: 3959.599

however I want you to be sure and I want

Time: 3962.279

you to understand that Wim Hoff is still

Time: 3965.4

a huge part of my life and I love the

Time: 3968.279

method it has changed my perspective on

Time: 3970.559

everything so if you're still into

Time: 3973.24

watching a little bit more go check out

Time: 3975.079

this video about what 10 years of the

Time: 3977.16

Wim Hof method has done to make me feel

Time: 3979.839

well pretty awesome in just about

Time: 3982.76

everything that I do

Time: 3984.76

and again thank you for being

Time: 3991.18


Time: 3993.599


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