One Week Training with Wim Hof | Short Documentary

Time: 0.083

Do it very decently!

Time: 16.333

Well I wanted to come here and experience this with Wim Hof because there’s nothing like first hand experience.

Time: 22.208

You can listen to a podcast, read a book and I watched all the videos about Wim...

Time: 26.541

But to get a chance to come and actually stay at the master’s house…

Time: 31.458

It’s like going to see Yoda.

Time: 32.583

I couldn’t pass that opportunity down.

Time: 41.25

There’s nobody else like Wim Hof.

Time: 42.458

There’s nobody else who has the body of knowledge that he has...

Time: 46.583

And there’s nobody really in a close second.

Time: 49.25

I decided to come to the experience because I didn’t want to come.

Time: 52.083

I Googled 'Wim Hof'.

Time: 53.166

Saw what he was doing and was like “Oh hell no...I don’t wanna do that.”

Time: 56.291

But the rule is ‘Fear is a compass'

Time: 58.583

‘Gotta do what you’re afraid off'.

Time: 60.416

Going and hanging out with strangers for five days and not being able to escape

Time: 64.541

is like massive discomfort.

Time: 67.458

I spent my life giving speeches and running courses and retreats for other people.

Time: 72.541

So it’s always on my terms.

Time: 73.583

So to go somewhere where someone else is in charge...

Time: 77.25

And in this case it happens to be...

Time: 79.458

This crazy 'iceman'

Time: 83.291

Who’s got his own agenda every day.

Time: 85.458

Who is known for going rogue and throwing out all of the plans and doing something complete...

Time: 90.083

So you...

Time: 91.25

So much of it is why I’m not in control here.

Time: 94.583

And for me personally that’s a good thing.

Time: 98.375

To experience not being in control.

Time: 102.583

I guess I’m not deciding...

Time: 119.333

Oh the jumping...

Time: 122.458

This is colder than any water I’ve ever been in.

Time: 129.083

Do it very decently

Time: 151.333

F##k this Wim.

Time: 153.125


Time: 154.208

I’ve you go...

Time: 155.25

to the black...

Time: 156.5

Not to the side?

Time: 158.083


Time: 159.125

Wim was eyeballing the rocks to see where it was safe.

Time: 163.416

I’m like “Why is he…?”

Time: 165.416

He knows this thing.

Time: 167.041

So why is he...?

Time: 168.25

Like seeing where it’s ok to jump here or here.

Time: 172.5

Yeah you can do that one yes.

Time: 182.416

That was more terrifying

Time: 183.541

Because now I wasn’t just afraid of the cold water,

Time: 185.291

I thought “Oh I’m gonna..."

Time: 188.208

You know

Time: 189.208

Jump onto a rock.

Time: 190.458

Not to close…

Time: 191.25

There about 3 meters...

Time: 193.333

2 meters out.

Time: 194.375

Past that white?

Time: 195.416

Yes past that white...

Time: 196.458


Time: 197.333

Over these two?

Time: 198.416


Time: 199.458

Over the beginning here.

Time: 201.333

Besides of that.

Time: 202.625

The big one...

Time: 204.541

Let’s go baby

Time: 206.083


Time: 207.083


Time: 207.625


Time: 209.041


Time: 215.083

When I landed the shock of the cold water was a little bit lost on me.

Time: 221.083

It's like I came out and it was...

Time: 222.5

It was almost so fast that I didn’t have time.

Time: 225.5

That has been one of the big things that I have taken away from this.

Time: 229.583

The amount of time thinking

Time: 231.541

That leads to overthinking

Time: 233.458

That leads to overanalyses

Time: 235.083

That leads to paralysis.

Time: 236.375

That leads to shame.

Time: 238.333

Because now you can’t do it.

Time: 240.083

You create all these blockages

Time: 242.083

because you thought so much about a thing.

Time: 248.125

You good?

Time: 249.083

Always good.

Time: 254.458

Let’s go baby.

Time: 260.041


Time: 266.125

Yeah that’s good.

Time: 269.166


Time: 271.666

I have no swimming experience...

Time: 274.25

I’ve never jumped in water before.

Time: 275.75

When I was getting ready to jump I was super scared.

Time: 278.333

I was afraid of hitting the rocks.

Time: 279.666

I was afraid of not getting out of the water.

Time: 282.125

I was afraid of the cold.

Time: 284.125

But nobody was pressuring me.

Time: 285.416

I was feeling encouragement.

Time: 288.25


Time: 293.458

Let’s go!

Time: 308.375

There’s seven billion people in the world and we met with...

Time: 312.041

the best in the world at what he does.

Time: 315.125

And that’s a privilege.

Time: 316.458

And with that comes responsibility,

Time: 319

to absorb it.

Time: 320.25

And transfer it to my kids.

Time: 322.583

To anyone who wants to listen to me.

Time: 324.458

And to apply it to my own life.

Time: 331.583

We’re ready.

Time: 332.25


Time: 344.625

Yeah 10 minutes in the ice cold water...

Time: 348.75

The fear was so strong that I thought I’m not even...

Time: 352.166

Pride doesn’t even matter.

Time: 353.666

I just don’t want to do this.

Time: 358.666

Yes just 'boom'

Time: 362.208

The first minute I was rehearsing my apologies to the rest of the group.

Time: 366.208

Like "guys, I’m sorry. I though I could do this. I can’t do it. I gotta get out. Sorry guys.”

Time: 370.583

And being like “Crap I can’t get out. I can’t get out.

Time: 373.625

Hands on your thighs.

Time: 376.041

Let your body do what your body is able to do.

Time: 380.416

Even though nobody put any pressure you don’t want to be that first guy out.

Time: 385.625

You don’t want anybody to go out.

Time: 391.708

Eventually I just committed to it.

Time: 394.541

I’m not gonna lie.

Time: 395.75

I was still genuinely afraid.

Time: 397.25

What if I might hurt myself?

Time: 398.666

What if it doesn’t some kind of real damage?

Time: 401.666

That first minute and a half it just kept getting worse and worse.

Time: 404.625

Colder and colder.

Time: 406.083

Finally I focussed on my breathing and settled down

Time: 408.166

And the moment I focussed on my breathing and settled down…

Time: 412.166

The pain didn’t go away.

Time: 413.416

I just had a better relationship with the pain.

Time: 415.5

And it took another two minutes to just gain my composure.

Time: 419.5

And it made me think about how many things I cut short in my life,

Time: 422.583

Because I couldn’t handle those first two minutes.

Time: 424.583

It surprised my how resilient my body is.

Time: 427.416

How resilient my mind is.

Time: 429.125

And how simply focussing on your breath…

Time: 433.25

There’s nothing mystical and magical happening here.

Time: 436.416

This isn't a secret breath technique.

Time: 438.5

It’s just paying attention to how you breath.

Time: 441.75

And being very purposeful with each breath you take.

Time: 445.583

And how much that can help you and benefit your life.

Time: 448.583

Especially in the most difficult moments.

Time: 450.583

And I was shocked at how quickly learning that had instant results.

Time: 477.166

That’s 10 minute guys!

Time: 478.625

Ah yeah!

Time: 481.583

Easy money!

Time: 483.541

Easy money!

Time: 492.25

Good job!

Time: 496.291

We created a bond through discomfort.

Time: 498.458

We have to be uncomfortable.

Time: 499.875

We have to be uncomfortable with the people we care about,

Time: 502.458

And that’s the bonding.

Time: 506.458

I developed thirteen brothers and thirteen heroes on this trip,

Time: 510.25

and they're encouraging me to turn into my own hero as well.

Time: 513.875

It’s like we became a team.

Time: 515.958

A team of brothers.

Time: 517.166

Because we were doing hard shit.

Time: 518.666

We were really doing hard shit.

Time: 520.583

Everybody was there for each other.

Time: 523.083

Helping everyone else get through it.

Time: 525.416

And I know that helped me at times.

Time: 526.916

And I hopefully helped others at times,

Time: 529.25

As much as they helped me.

Time: 530.833

And I think that...

Time: 532.25

whenever you share something like that with other people,

Time: 534.625

There’s a connection there that can never break.

Time: 542.916

The authenticity of coming to where this whole philosophy came from,

Time: 550.541

You can just feel the presence of something higher than Wim.

Time: 553.791

It’s wild.

Time: 555.208

And I didn’t expect that.

Time: 576.458

I haven’t done a lot of breathing exercises,

Time: 579.25

So the effects of those I didn’t really know.

Time: 584.291

Fill up your last bit in your head.

Time: 586.875

And let it go.

Time: 589.166

Fully in.

Time: 590.583

Just mind about the breath.

Time: 592.875

Follow the breath.

Time: 594.791

The breath is the guide.

Time: 596.708

Fully in.

Time: 598.791

And letting go.

Time: 600.5

Fully in!

Time: 602.625

Let it go!

Time: 605.458

It was just...

Time: 606.791

kinda mind-blowing how deep and how mysterious the mental states...

Time: 612.333

I was getting into just by breathing.

Time: 615.416

Really powerful.

Time: 617.125

Let it go and stop.

Time: 620

Magic is going to happen.

Time: 622.166

You’re hit with different feelings.

Time: 626.041

You’re either hit with you know,

Time: 627.375

some people experience big emotional reactions.

Time: 630.416

I think everyone experiences a big physical reaction to that.

Time: 634.291

It is a crazy kind of high that you experience from doing that,

Time: 637.583

and then a very peaceful feeling afterwards.

Time: 642.833

Free your mind...

Time: 644


Time: 645.666

your past.

Time: 647.291

Release the traumas.

Time: 654

It’s time for you to rise to your capacities.

Time: 657.625

You are the one,

Time: 659.333

to make that difference.

Time: 662.666

Eyes closed for...

Time: 664.166

I don’t know.

Time: 664.958

The session must have been 90 minutes.

Time: 666.75

I’ve never done anything like that.

Time: 668.041

I don’t do yoga and I don’t really meditate.

Time: 670.5

And I got super emotional.

Time: 673.375

I just did not expect that.

Time: 674.791

I thought I was going to breath.

Time: 675.708

Feel good.

Time: 676.791

And enjoy my merry way.

Time: 679.041

And this was like…

Time: 680.75


Time: 682.125

The breath is the carrier...

Time: 684.416

...of your wilful consciousness.

Time: 687

The breath goes everywhere.

Time: 689.875

You can go everywhere…

Time: 691.75

And make changes.

Time: 695.583

I found myself at the end...

Time: 699.875

…like crying.

Time: 702

But the crying was almost like laughter.

Time: 704.458

It was hard to tell which one it was.

Time: 707

And it was unique because there was actually no thought or memory attached to it whatsoever.

Time: 714.125

It was just like pure emotion coming out of me.

Time: 717.833

Yeah give him a hug man!

Time: 720.958


Time: 723.541


Time: 724.875

Usually if I cry there’s a reason I’m crying.

Time: 727.958

Like I thought of something sad or I saw something sad.

Time: 730.583

Or I saw something beautiful.

Time: 733.166

But it wasn’t like that.

Time: 734.458

It was just like a feeling coming out.

Time: 737.708

So I don’t really know what that is or how to explain that but it felt powerful to me.

Time: 742.666

And it felt important to me.

Time: 745.375


Time: 747.75

Get back into your body.

Time: 750.791

Well done.

Time: 752.833

Well done.

Time: 763.916

I think what we’re really seeing here in the breath-work,

Time: 768.125

is something else that’s really...

Time: 770.833

special and powerful.

Time: 772.458

And that’s the release of emotions that have been stored.

Time: 775.875

And things that have come up.

Time: 777.416

You know like,

Time: 778.333

I do breath-work a lot.

Time: 779.708

But the second round here today…

Time: 781.791

I was so happy that I started crying because I recognised…

Time: 786.5

how often in my life I’m not that happy.

Time: 789.416

You know as a kid,

Time: 790.958

I was teased.

Time: 798.125

Got bullied a lot.

Time: 801.5


Time: 802.458

As a dad.

Time: 804

And as a father.

Time: 805.791

You want to...

Time: 808.333

Be able to shield your children away from that.

Time: 812.875

To go through this with a brand new group of guys that I really don’t know any of them.

Time: 817.458

And to see that outpour of emotion over the course of those four days of each one of them.

Time: 821.958

Everyone had their vulnerable moments.

Time: 824.166

And that’s the beautiful thing about something like this,

Time: 826.625

There is no hiding because when people are afraid...

Time: 829.5

You see who they are.

Time: 831.166

You see their character you see how they respond to extreme stress.

Time: 834.625

Extreme fear and extreme discomfort.

Time: 838.166

And you also see how they play as a team member.

Time: 840.208

And how they connect in those moments.

Time: 842.541

And how they lift each other up.

Time: 843.708

It connected me to men again.

Time: 845.958

It really did.

Time: 848.041

The space they made for me to be myself.

Time: 850.333

The space they made for each other to be themselves.

Time: 852.083

The encouragement.

Time: 853.375

The positivity.

Time: 854.708

The second you start to share with them and become vulnerable with them,

Time: 857.375

They become actively involved.

Time: 859.25

And they get into it with you.

Time: 861.166

To help you.

Time: 862.458

Like Marc, hearing you today man...

Time: 864.583

That’s the shit.

Time: 866.25

I know you’ve run some long distances...

Time: 869.375

I'm not...

Time: 871.208

that impressed to be honest.

Time: 873.458

But I’m f##king super impressed with you from what you’ve just said there.

Time: 877.708

Like I admire you for that.

Time: 880.166

It’s like Aubrey said.

Time: 881.25

“I’m not impressed.”

Time: 883.125

No one cares about what you’ve done or who you are.

Time: 886.541

It’s like “What are you going to bring to the table here and what are you going to share?”

Time: 890.333

"What can I learn from you?"

Time: 894.666

Yeah group hug…

Time: 895.875


Time: 897.541

It’s important that everyones sees this kind of a journey for men.

Time: 903.166

To see what men can be at their best.

Time: 907.041

To see men afraid.

Time: 909.208

To see men vulnerable.

Time: 910.625

To see men open up emotionally.

Time: 913.541

To see how men care for each other.

Time: 915.916

To see how men don’t feel enough.

Time: 918.916

To see what they’re battling with internally.

Time: 921.791

This is so useful for men to see so they can see how they could be.

Time: 930.708

Let me tell you something man...

Time: 932.125

When you get thirteen guys that don’t really know each other.

Time: 935.333

You know?

Time: 936.166

That come together.

Time: 937.25

Grown men that are playing professional football are weeping.

Time: 941.041

And guys...

Time: 942.333

It’s unbelievable!

Time: 943.75

Here’s what I love the most.

Time: 945.166

…to be honest.

Time: 946.041

Every single event that we did.

Time: 948.708

At the end of it...

Time: 949.833

Everybody hugged.

Time: 951.5

If we got out of the cold pool...

Time: 953.5

We’re all hugging.

Time: 955.166

We walk over to the waterfall.

Time: 956.833

You jump.

Time: 957.583

We’re hugging.

Time: 958.458

If you don’t jump we’re also hugging.

Time: 960.041

We have dinner. We hug.

Time: 961.541

It was like…

Time: 962.333

Where do you get that camaraderie from strangers?

Time: 967.375

at 50 years old.

Time: 969.125

It just doesn’t happen.

Time: 972.708

We all just experienced these things every day.

Time: 976

We didn’t know if someone was going to get hurt.

Time: 978

If someone was going to get frostbite.

Time: 979.375

We just didn’t know.

Time: 980.625

We trusted.

Time: 985.625

Easy fu##ing day!

Time: 993.083

You know I kept saying it to everybody as much as can...

Time: 996.5

“Remember this!"

Time: 998.083

"Remember this. We might never get this chance again.”

Time: 1002.625

Whenever you get a chance to create an opportunity or a memory...

Time: 1006.75

Take it!

Time: 1007.75

Because you just never know when you’ll be healthy enough.

Time: 1010.666

And you might not get that chance again.

Time: 1016.333

Realise the completely illusory nature of the beings that we think we are...

Time: 1023.166

and get back again to the beings that we really are.

Time: 1027.333

Which includes...

Time: 1030.125

all this

Time: 1037.833

We are here...

Time: 1038.875

On the Sněžka mountain.

Time: 1040.791

I call it the 'holy mountain'

Time: 1042.916

It’s where people become all together.

Time: 1045.791

Through exposure of the elements of nature.

Time: 1051.458

When you look out of your eyes

Time: 1054.041

at nature happening out there,

Time: 1056.083

you're looking at you.

Time: 1073.458

We were at that final stretch,

Time: 1076.916

Where it got tough.

Time: 1084.041

Like that wind was wipping.

Time: 1086.666

And the hail…

Time: 1088.083

You know how much that stung when it was wipping against your body.

Time: 1097.875

There were no ego’s. Everyone wanted everyone to complete the hike.

Time: 1101.416

There were no selfish initiatives and that’s so rare.

Time: 1106.166

And I think the reason why that got stripped,

Time: 1109.041

is because nobody was the master.

Time: 1112.291

We were all students.

Time: 1114.916

Easy does it.

Time: 1116.375

So we are at the top of this mountain called Sněžka?

Time: 1119.583


Time: 1120.75

We’re here with this group of men to really see what what we can do and how far we can push the limits.

Time: 1125.458

And Wim has done an amazing job of leading us and guiding us in this journey.

Time: 1130.625

It’s to be proud of everybody.

Time: 1134.458

It is. It is.

Time: 1136

Ah man...

Time: 1137.25

I’m just blown away by the whole thing.

Time: 1139.541

It’s one of those crazy things,

Time: 1140.958

How do you even put it into words?

Time: 1142.75

Man, I will say this...

Time: 1144.375

I don’t like the cold.

Time: 1146.416

I came into this genuinely afraid…

Time: 1150.541

of how hard it would be.

Time: 1152.458

This has really given me a sense of what other things I could do.

Time: 1157.541

Know that this wasn’t easy for me.

Time: 1160.166

I went into it genuinely afraid.

Time: 1163.5

And we did it.

Time: 1169.333

If I didn’t do this trip...

Time: 1171.458

I’d have so much regret.

Time: 1174.375

And I don’t want to have regrets.

Time: 1176.083

I’m just proud of myself for saying yes.

Time: 1178.666

I’d be hard to find a week where you create as many stories,

Time: 1183.125

as you do on this one.

Time: 1184.583

I know I’ll be going back with a lot of tales.

Time: 1187.916

You know?

Time: 1190.208

Look at that thing I did and that thing I did.

Time: 1195.333

I think I was most proud of realising...

Time: 1198.125

that the work that I have to do,

Time: 1199.875

is really internal.

Time: 1201.458

I think I realised that…

Time: 1204.5

You can live a life where you don’t have to put things off.

Time: 1207.75

You can live a life where your relationship with fear is dramatically healthier,

Time: 1212.708

And is just not causing you anxiety.

Time: 1216.791

You can live a life that allows you to feel better,

Time: 1221.541

without turning to your phone,

Time: 1224.833

a substance.

Time: 1226.166


Time: 1227.208

Outside distractions.

Time: 1228.458

You can actually do this with all the tools that you already have.

Time: 1235.208

Life is not always a comfortable ride.

Time: 1241.333

Everybody’s got scars that they hide.

Time: 1246.125

And everybody plays a fool sometime…

Time: 1251.583

So be as you are.

Time: 1254.958

Be as you are.

Time: 1258.166

Be as you are.

Time: 1261.041

Be as you are.

Time: 1263.958

Be as you are.

Time: 1266.875

Be as you are.

Time: 1269.833

Be as you are.

Time: 1272.708

Be as you are.

Time: 1275

Alright bring it back to me one more time!

Time: 1280.375

Let me hear you sing "Be as you are."

Time: 1283.083

Your turn.

Time: 1284.333

Be as you are.

Time: 1286.208

My turn.

Time: 1287.166

Be as you are.

Time: 1289.5

Take it.

Time: 1290.041

Be as you are.

Time: 1292.083

Come one now.

Time: 1292.875

Be as you are.

Time: 1295.916

Be as you are.

Time: 1297.666

Last one.

Time: 1298.541

Be as you are.

Time: 1300.541

Be as you are.

Time: 1308.833


Time: 1313.291


Time: 1314.166


Time: 1315.958

That song crushes me.

Time: 1319.083


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