Novak Djokovic and Wim Hof discuss Cold Therapy and Breathing Exercises
Hey guys
Nice to see everyone
today we have a very special guest they will be joining us for the second episode of
project and
the conversations about
How we can reclaim the control of our own health how we can influence directly our own immune system
How can we be stronger?
physically mentally emotionally and today's guest is
Someone that perfectly embodies all of this properties. His name is wim HOF
Also other other names that he's been called with this Iceman, I'm sure you've heard of him
He's in a Guinness world record
Books for the longest underwater swim of 50 7.5 meters back in 2000. He climbed the Mount Everest
shirtless in
Is the only man that has ever done that in recorded history?
Yes, I'm very very excited to have him on board today. We are going to talk about his protocol
we're going to talk about his life and
The science behind it as well, which I think is very important and wim has
decided to take
what he has developed and discovered as a protocol to the science and
Do experiments and he allowed doctors and scientists who do experiments and tests on him
injecting him with bacteria that normally should cause a lot of
a lot of negative immune responses, but
You know, he he's there he's alive
He has proven that with the power of mind power of of control with the body mind and soul unity. We are able to
Stronger and we are already stronger much more than we actually think we are so I'm going to invite
wim to to join us just going to look for his comments right there as
Soon as he's there. I'm going to invite him in
I'm very excited to to welcome him today been a great follower and great admirer of
wim HOF Iceman
I've been doing his method and his protocol for four years now
very often going in the ice cold showers and water and
for some of you that follow me you've seen my videos in the
mountain streams as well
There he is. Okay. I'm going
Thank you very much so much for joining us today. Thank you for accepting this invitation
it's a great honor to have you and
I've did a little bit of introduction
Who you are? What what the background is and your protocol your method for anybody that is joining us now
you know wim HOF is
Also called Iceman because of the things that we're going to talk about right now and you have proven that we have we can
Regain the control of our own immune system. We can build our strength
mentally emotionally
physically and align everything into a super human power that
That will allow us to also in this kind of times with viruses. Be more serene
Mentally, I think because there's a lot of fear. There's a lot of panic there's a lot of uncertainty
So I'm really super nice super glad and super nice to have you today with us wind. Thank you so much for joining me
Wow, what a introduction
And yes
a lot of respect for your greatness
Not only because you are Top Sportsman
but because you I got out of being number one and then you got back and
That is exactly what I'm talking about
That's the power of the mind you took it on consciously and came back
That makes you even a bigger man than your talent is
Already, so that's great and now bringing it to a bigger audience in
podcasts talking about the mind/body the spirit the soul and not having fear to talk about it is
Yeah, it's challenging everything. There is the essence of life
And it all started with me
when I I
mean, I was very good at Yoga and going into the eyes and I
Was doing that all alone because it was not knowing
Everybody who was saying I'm crazy
I'm out of my mind, but let me tell you I just got very deep into my mind and
Then something happened into my life. I got a
Woman I loved very much
for children with her and
Yeah, we were living and then she got this mental illness
disorder and it only went
worse and worse and worse and was very heavy and depressive on our
Family is something unknowing happens in a family. You don't know how to deal with it
you don't have very little money and
just on ideals being there's the dream shadows and
What happens ultimately
Is that he is?
Jumping from a story eight story down in a suicide. That means a
emotional breakdown
Completely shattered everything my world
Picture of the world the way I hold it the world to control the world
It was completely shattered and I had to take care of four children. That is
asking for self mastery
but how when it is not in the books how when the whole
Psychiatry doesn't know how to deal with it how when all the yoga I did and all the ice
I did it did it. Help me at that moment
I had to go and go come back with it and I found there
suddenly consciously
Consciously, I found a way because I was in a nagging pain of a broken heart
When you have a broken heart
It's only you who is suffering the whole world keeps on cold. You have to take care of your cat
Children, yep, very little money and have to cut it. Keep on going. Otherwise you miss it
All you miss out on it all that asks for self mastery and self-mastery
begins by going inside
They take it on your own fear your own blockage your own suffering your own pain
Go through there the soar Apple whatever it is
You have to go through and there is only something that really helps. That is go to help
So no, talky talky. No philosophies. No, you got to do this
Try this
No don't know nothing of that all it was the ice water
The ice water every day going inside make my mind still
because what you do learn to do in the ice water is
Surviving you are not busy with worrier. You are not busy with the broken heart. The pain is gone
The pain is the eyes
the eyes is the pain and it
Demands that you are there
completely and I learnt to take on the ice water the ice called as a
way to steal my mind to get out of this whirring out of this broken heart and
get a
Complete halt within the ice water staying longer and longer. I
Loved it. I
It was like love for something that healed me
It was not like oh, I love it so much olan
No cold is gold eyes is eyes, but it yield me, but sorry
Sorry to interrupt with that. This is amazing. By the way. Thank you so much for sharing it. So
genuinely, and so passionately
With all of us. How did that come about ice?
How did it come about what what did you did, you know anything about the effect of going into the ice cold water?
That before that moment happened in your life. We experience a lot of sadness did you know anything about it or you just
Long before I was already into from 17 years on
35 in terrassa when it happened with my wife
17 I was so eighty years before that. I began to go into ice water, but that was more part of a
Exercise was nice great
Loved it going to do it discipline like you go play tennis
You have to go and discipline and you build up and you do it every day every day every day every day every day
Repeating repeating go go, but that when I suffered to death my wife
my heart was broken, so
Much and I I could not
Think of anything that could heal me but I found out that the ice water going in
began to still my mind it began to I
Have to be here nowhere else and the ice water makes you being there. I became conscious of
This nagging pain going away
While I was being in the ice, I never had
experienced something like that before
These are the lessons of life they come suddenly and you don't know what to do that the ice water
made my mind still and
that was a great discovery for me and
My I always say the ice water healed me the going into the water
It healed me my children made me survive the ice water heal me and now
I'm showing this how to
To healed from a broken heart to heal from pain to heal from suffering
You go back into nature
You find that there is a way past the pain past the suffering past a broken heart
It's always there. Don't forget anybody who is watching this don't forget for
Emotional pain which is where is it? Where is it? Where is it?
if you go into the ice water, you got to be here and
then it goes and then suddenly this where it is is no longer and it doesn't play part like
Ghosts coming up you and nobody sees it but you feel it and that is going to eat to be healed
so I did that and
I I became very energetic because the cold water trains also
physiologically the
vascular system
cardiovascular system and the cardiovascular system is like a hundred thousand kilometers long and every person in the world and
it contains millions of little muscles and
Normally, we do not train those muscles because we wear clothes all the time
but when you expose yourself to the cold then these hundred
hundred thousand kilometres of vascular and channels
Those are capillaries for our veins and arteries
With containing and millions of primitive muscles. They are stimulated
They are exercised and then the blood flow goes a lot better
Through the system to the cells and the heart rate goes down. That means more energy and
less stress
It's amazing. And so I I was without any joy
I always say get high on your own supply. I
got so blood is much energy and that is because of going into the court they say I
Comfort comfort we will comfort you know
What is real comfort go out of your comfort zone and get into power? That is possible. That's that's
awaiting that's wonderfully said wim and and and you're so right and one of the things because I've been I've been a great admirer of
yours and of course of your of your story and your protocol and your method I've been using it in my own life for
last couple of years especially
especially since we last met in
LA summit you remember and you told me that after that you were going to go to San Francisco?
To do some studies and experiments
And and I will get into that
I want to ask you something a little bit more about
The science and scientific experience that were done on you and what what are they telling us, but I want to firstly ask you
When did you?
Develop the the breathing part of the protocol and the meditation or mental training part of the all the protocol
It's amazing and it's an amazing story and it's actually a genius
You know why because I was not there because I followed my gut I followed my intuition
That's make and that makes a person a genius
Then the genius the genius is able to come because you are not there. Hmm
The presence is able to end down inside. They see the splendor of nature of your inner nature, and it's amazing
When I went into the cold water the first thing you do
when you go into the cold water is
That is gasping is deeply breathing is what we normally never do
we don't do this because we have a non stimulated behavior, but when you do sport
you go because you want oxygen now when you go into the cold you need oxygen and if you
Breathe deeper more oxygen comes in body becomes alkaline
And the adrenal axis is beginning to a be activated
It's because of the cold you begin to breathe deeply then you go
so deep that the adrenal access has been activated and he
Adrenaline is shooting out you are able to stay for quite long times in ice water
Which is a great aggressor. It's a big stressor
You are able from within through deep breathing to make it. Ah, it's nice
okay, okay exert enough and so
Then I began after doing this in
1718 years I was very
Intensive training and going into this breathing
It's a long time always doing it too long because everybody thought that was crazy
And I say I'm still bloody crazy
I'm crazy about life and my wife but it's not crazy to go into cold water and now people begin to
understand what this all means
Especially because it is endorsed with the new science
we talk about this later, but
Well, then back then I follow my intuition. I got into these breathing techniques
shaped me and shaped by going into the cold water every day in every winter and
It makes you able to go through the breath and change the chemistry deeply in
inside the physiology
It's amazing what you can do with that and then I began to separate he breathing
So I went into the cold water anyway, but then at home, I began to do these same breathing techniques
I had
been shaping up through gold into the cold water every day and
Amazing what I saw
amazing what I could I could quit all like four minutes five minutes six minutes seven minutes and
And I saw all the lights
You know all what they have been writing in these books about these
Chakras and the lies and I saw it all it was boring
So much
No, you know why it's boring because they make it so esoteric
so far away and now it was it is just here and it is here for
Everybody and that's my goal
My goal is to make this accessible and effective through signs for everybody
We will come back on that with the signs
because now with the
Pandemic the coronavirus we we took the bacteria inside
ejected doing these breathing techniques
They show to change the chemistry insights so much that the bacteria injected could do nothing
That's amazing. And that is what the world needs
Absolutely, and and you had you before you have done that before you've conducted yourself with that experience where they injected there?
Is it I wrote it down? It's my bucket
Or toxin, right?
endotoxin endotoxin right soak
So it was basically it was supposed to challenge our understanding of in of nervous system right off of how it responds
How your what is your immunity going to respond like to that?
And for most of the Cape most of the people literally nine out of ten
I guess you are not in that group. You would have quite severe
Immune response you would get a fever you'd start your your physiology or your metabolism would get compromised
But what happened with you?
Did you did you do breathing and cold as well before that or he was just breathing?
Before they injected bacteria just breathing
Just breathing and myself. He was before he was before or also after you've done breathing techniques
No, not before while I was in the hospital
Okay, then they came with the injection. And of course I said to the guys listen, I'm here to prove
That the autonomic nervous system
Plus the innate immune system
Which is thought of through in science?
Inaccessible not accessible by humans, but I will show that we are able to access. I'm a human
I'm a man
I'm simple and here I will show that we are able in contrary of what you guys have been
writing hundreds of years in medical science, and they said
Yeah. Ok, you try you maybe yeah you are
okay, let's go and that they gave me the injection and my mind was already there convinced that I
was able to go into the innate immune system and
Into the autonomic nervous system, and this was thought of until then
impossible for humans to go into and
I showed it a half hour later an hour later when the peak of the bacteria
injected should have made a
lot of symptoms
They saw nothing. There was no fever. No one controllable shivering. No pain. No agony
No, nothing was their domain. Yes
Is it because did you is this it when when is it coming?
it should have come there at that moment fully that means
Sixty thousand hundred and thirty-four people before me in the same
Experiment got sick. Very sick
And you wonder you were the only one and the first one they didn't get sick
exactly, and then after the whole experiment they saw in the blood that my all D values that I
Was survived that I had suppressed
That what makes us sick that is inflammation
the inflammatory
Markers in the blood with me went fully down and then I said to the guys to these doctors
But like hey guys, you think because I'm the Iceman that I'm special over an anomaly
Extraordinary and only I can do it. I say everybody can do it
give me a group of people and
I will show that within
Ten days, I will train them to go into the autonomic nervous system and innate immune system
Where and where in science is thinking it is impossible for humans?
I will make 100% score with twelve people give the injections and they will all
Get rich of the bacteria
And people finally said yes, let's do this. We have a control group of
18 or 12 people who are not at rate and
12 people who are treated by you and the people who were not trained they really got sick. Oh and
12 people I trained nobody got sick and then we had
scientific proof for the first time in medical science that the autonomic nervous system can be influenced deeply
Plus the innate immune system and now no buck
the innate immune system is the
is that what causes all the damage in the corona virus pandemic and
We have shown in natural ways how to get it down and they are not using it
I'm I'm really so I I go on I go on and next week. I got with the San Francisco
University yes, I will instruct
3,500 doctors
how to get into the breathing techniques to calm down the
Anxiety because not only you get into the immune system. You also learn to control
Your mood it
Deeply your anxiety you bring it completely down
Because what do you what do you learn when you go into the ice water to deal with stress?
to deal with anxiety and in the brain then
Neurological pathways are being constructed
to connect with stress mechanisms of the brain and
Normally, we have no control over that but that is logically illogical because we never go into
Discomfort but basically we win the worry what it sounds like, is that all the other?
people from different areas of
life, right and what they have talked about for the last
hundreds of years is
Where your attention goes, that's where your energy flows, right? Yes
it's it's it's also it's kind of like also this placebo effect where you are going to
Be or you are going to manifest yourself
what you are thinking about and how you set your mind and
And and in which direction you direct your thoughts your emotions and also, of course
Consequently your energy as well
So, I mean I I completely resonate with that because for me on the tennis court I can instantly
notice the difference in
my own perception of
simple experience of being on the court
when I make transformation from being in in let's say
doubtful state of mind where I
Allow, maybe some distractions and some
environmental factors to affect my
My focus my presence
or when I'm or when I'm completely blind and and I
basically, just I
Am present and everything flows and I'm not thinking because it's automatic because I already have it inside of me and I put enough work
preparation and training
Physically and mentally and I've hit enough balls that I believe that I'm ready to win that tennis match. So I go out and
then you
Know I know
Exactly when the distinction and when it went when I make this transformation from good to bad or bad to good whatever you know, whatever
Direction but it's really interesting what you're talking about because I can feel it on the court. It's the same court
It's the same opponent and the level of the quality of tennis
Change much. It's more or less at the same level, but I
control how I feel and how I act in this situation and by
Having in a way consciousness and awareness of this inner conversation. What is going on the thoughts or not? Good enough
He's great. I'm not feeling well Sun is in my eyes. Someone is screaming something from the crowd
Whatever if you start going that route and you have no control over your thoughts and you you know
it completely floods you you lost you lost focus and that's and that's why you feel completely inferior towards your opponent and
Contrary in the very same
Realistic conditions which are exactly saying nothing externally has changed that but internally you say to yourself
Okay, I'm gonna rain myself. I know I'm I'm good. I I
Believe in myself a confidence in myself. I'm gonna I'm gonna execute these shots and best blows away. Whatever happens. I accept it
I recover I go to the next one and then all of a sudden, you know
the whole game the
momentum shifts to your side and it's really interesting because it all come it all boils down what we're talking about to the power of
Mind that you mentioned at the beginning of the of the conversation, right? Because the power of mind is something that
that we have that we possess we can't expect someone else to
to grant us or to give us a gift or present or or something that is going to be a cure or a
Secret of success we got to do that work ourselves
But what you are saying and what is I think very important message for anybody that is listening out. Is that that this
Is the formula of success in anything in life?
even in the successful health
You know success with your health to reach the state of health that you want and well-being that you want to be on. It's
Solely dependent on you. So you can't you have the power biologically physiologically you already you're born with that, right?
So yeah, that's what whatever you are doing. Is it correct to say that anyone else in this planet can do. Oh, yes
Yes, it is
And you know what when I lost my wife I was brokenhearted I had to heal
From the inside there is only one way you have to go inside
That is the emotion. I think the emotion is the top
Within life if you are happy if you are able to regulate your own mood
then you are the master you are the master and
Then then it is because you go inside instead of that
the outside is regulated you you are regulating from the inside and who does not want to be
everybody wants to be happy, but nobody knows how to
Find the key. So what I did
when I lost my wife I had to go follow my gut follow my intuition and
finally I found
Myself with so much energy so here and now in control if you control your mind
Because it is a feeling and let me tell you when I went to the University for a new study in brain scans to
Shepherd to show
once again in another study in Michigan, Detroit
Where stress was coming upon my body in like cold water. I
Could just by using my mind
my thoughts
my thoughts
Making the skin temperature not going down
while ice water was being poured upon the skin just by the power of my thought and
How did that came about?
The day before I went into the same
Experiment and they saw a bay de port called water upon my strength, and I could do nothing
it just went down the skin temperature and it went up when the water was warm again and that
they saw in the brain and
Certain parts of the brain at work and this is what normally happens
We have a limited power with a connected inside of our own brains
This is the way we are schooled in the West now
Then the other day
Expected me to make a complete change
Than all those other test subjects who all showed
temperature goes down on the skin
When ice water is coming in and you cannot do anything with your mind now
They asked me now you are the asthma make the difference. That was the other day that that morning. I was thinking
How do I have to do this?
And I have to do this now in an artificial environment in a brain scan with cold water coming upon me
this is not like nature on the Mount Everest stoic or
Kilimanjaro all being under the
Running marathons beyond the Polar Circle in short. This is completely different
This is artificial and then I found out that moment
There was a moment came to just be the way you always are when you are so
confident going into nature because before you
Premeditated and all you saw the challenge you felt the excitement you wanted to do it. You were ready
So we did sorry. Sorry to interrupt but did you visualize when you were in this artificial?
Let's say environment being tested. Did you visualize yourself being in the nature you?
Have not yeah, it was not necessary
Then this is always what I have if when a challenge comes up in nature up till then I only have done
Challenges in nature so I know that mechanism how that works when I feel I can do it
I can do it then it's done. Okay, but now which was artificial and then I came
At that morning sitting on the 16th floor
Looking over called Detroit and what?
What is happening weather or do I have to do then? I saw images coming
from Mount Everest from the Polar Circle
from being in the ice and being always okay and their confidence I had and at that moment I
It was a feeling it is guy comes with a feel then, you know, I I got it
Mmm, there was no thought anymore. I went to the University
Talked about this and dad was old because it was done
The power of the intention dam is so good
I went into the brain scan and I astound to medical world of
Psychiatry because I showed a part of the brain at work
They thought of is not possible by humans and now they saw this old
Activated and then they said this is a transformational technique that will change mental healthcare and you know what?
that it made my mission of
Trying to find a way that could have helped me
Back then in 95 when I lost my wife because I could not do anything in her
Brain in her mind now
I had found the key to go into the deepest part of the brain, which is
regulating the mood
It is
robustly, I was
activating opioid and cannabinoids while in
Stressful ice water was being on my skin and my skin temperature did not go down
Cold water calm cold water go cold water and cold water. Go skin temperature remained the same
That's the power of our mind and exactly the way you explained it on
the tennis court is also like
equal powers being there, but the difference is being made by having this control in your
Own mind and you know what you feel it. There it is
Then you are in the flow the power of intention, right?
These are writing that you are in control of your destiny
you are in control of your body your mind and and everything that happens internally and
Also by doing that then you are able to have a better outcome
Externally, basically, that's that's what you're saying because if you if you are telling yourself
We we all talked about the power of the law of attraction right and and and and science has proven that
that there is a
universal this this law of attraction that basically regulates
Your desires so it doesn't answer it doesn't it doesn't
Differentiate good from bad. It just follows your orders
So basically that that's how I explain when people say you are in control of your life
You are responsible for your life everything that happens in your life happens for a reason
so all these
invisible little powers that are in streams that are being
Created in your mind by your thoughts are actually
Connected with the entire planet with your entire life experience because if you tell yourself, okay, I am
incapable of doing certain such-and-such
That's it. It's going to be like that and you're right if you stand yourself, I'm confident. I
Have the power of my health in my hands. I'm gonna survive this
I'm gonna prove that that that I I am the healthiest person that I can be and
That and then you do it as well. It happens. And so people call that a miracle but science and you I
You were saying that basically it's not it's not the miracle. It's the nature. It's it's who you are
Exactly. It's who you are that that is the way we should be schooled in the same primary school to
begin with to learn that happiness strength and health is completely within our own control and
Now we make these techniques and we develop these techniques we show them to be able to receive
Bacteria inject it then if you do simple techniques then suddenly you are able to find out
Bacteria, if you do these techniques you're suddenly able to get rid of depression
What is this? This is good. That didn't work
This is my purpose in my life to make people happy strong and healthy. I call it a soul. I
want to soul to be recognized for every person in the world to be
Accessible not as we care and or not conditional you don't need ten cars to be happy
you are happy as you are, but you have to unwind
Within yourself and become one with your full potential. I found two keys
But I had to suffer at the suicide of my wife. I did not know nothing but the whole psychiatry doesn't know
how to tap into real happiness they don't know how to deal with the depression the whole science
Medical community they don't know how to deal with the coronavirus and yeah
the more vibrations coming up and the out immune diseases and the cancer a titre because they lost track with the
real potential which we all are
Born with and now I am finding me as a dropout from school
I find the way how to tap in and I show psychiatry all over the world
I show their people the immunologist
All over the world how to tap into your systems
Because it hasn't got to do with thinking you gotta feel it you yes
you gotta you're gotta practice what you preach basically right you have to you have to practically
Experience it and like leave the theory that you are
Verbally expressing basically that you're talking about that you're representing. I I'm completely aligned with that dream
This is amazing. I just wanted to ask you about the protocol. How did you come about?
you know the
one two and three minute protocols
Breathing Y 30 breaths in 30 breaths out. Why more oxygen in and and like longer inhale and
Shorter exhale how did that come about?
You know, whatever works and then massively is
the one we cake but in the end, I always say I don't care how
You get the air in if you want to blow through your nose through your ass three years
Through your mouth. It doesn't matter just breathing
It's vital force the force of life, but because we reach massless millions of people now
for that will take protocols and
in the protocols there is also
Developed the understanding
And the effectivity of the techniques to go into the autonomous nervous system
to make the deep changes within
guaranteed if you do the four rounds every morning then every morning you will be able to get into the deepest of the
physiology to get into the autonomic nervous system
Into the sleepers of the brain and change all the chemistry to your favor
This is what I want us in the protocol more or less
so for everyone for everyone that is watching now when
What would you suggest and how to start for anybody that that is watching you that just want to start?
How should they start when they should when should they do cold showers? When should they do breaths?
which one goes first and
First one is Amen. Do you really want this because this is the shit man. This is good it works
It's not a lot of blah blah. It's doing it and
You begin in the morning when you when you rise you are lying in bed. You are on empty stomach
Why not try it just for once
Because feeling is understanding we can talk that is good. What we you and me are doing right now is
Enlightening some obscurity that
Understanding and empower within is far away
No is here right now?
If you do it, then you will feel why and and it's simple because everyone can do it with everyone I mean everyone
is breathing
Yeah, so we take it so we would thank you for granted
We think well, we breathe what's so special about it. You know, we have to breathe and that's it
you know, we know how to do it biologically, but there is a
There is magic in conscience breathing, right?
There is some reason hundred if my consciousness is able by using it using it consciously
to Fant off cold water on my skin make my skin temperature not going down or
Injecting a bacteria by using my consciousness conscious breathing and then they're back here. He has no chance
Now that is power
There is a power nobody knows or has
Really hurt up
but you got it every person who is watching this you got that power and
It takes very little
exercising in the morning when you rise a
Cake on the free app on our website. The wim HOF method is a free app. We develop it
with all the love and
expertise and all the doctors and professors
It's all in there and it's all there. No
speculation big love big power coming to you because you are the one
to open up to yourself and that begins in the morning how
30 times 30 times doing this you become lightheaded. Yeah, tingling in your fingers
you're changing your chemistry inside and then suddenly
You are able to stay in a round number one one minute or one and a half minute
without air in your lungs
last one
And you stop and you watch and you allow yourself. Hey
Is no need for breathing. I feel okay
Actually feel very peaceful and then there's only a round number one
Then you go into round number two 30 breaths again, make yourself lightheaded and feel different
It's great do that because you are
Alkalizing your body. It's old positive
After the 30 breaths fool you let go and you stop after the exhalation again and you go for kill minutes
two minutes without breathing
Well having empty lungs that means a whole load of physiology is changing
Deeply the adrenal axis has been activated immune system goes up
Lymphatic system thought of inaccessible in science is being accessed
Into the cleansing is going on and that is only a round number two if they inject you at that moment
Then the bacteria has no chance
This thing should have done with the virus with the virus is causing inflammation the innate immune system
Evasion you can learn to bring it down
Now you do two rounds or more and then you are cleanse for the day
You've got a lot of energy because the flow inside then is uninterrupted
You push the truth every blockage inhibition
anything that
Upholds the chemistry goes slowing down not nice no much energy suddenly
It's flowing and it reaches out to all these cells and the heart rate is going down
You feel like great like Allah
And powerful because you got a lot of energy and peaceful because your heart rate is really down
That is the breathing. So I'm good still good win
And do you once they do that once we all do that in the morning?
We have the base but in say if later in the day we feel
Anxiety we feel like we need to go back to it. Do we do a shorter version or we have to do the entire?
protocol once again, it's like
when the wheels of anxiety go
You do one round. It's like putting a
stick in the spikes the
anxiety stops
Are gone because the cell memory will react directly on the extra supplement of
Oxygen you take it
When you are in anxiety
Profane breathing then your chemistry in the depth is not good that is causing distress that causes anxiety
So if you begin to breathe deep
You change the chemistry which is the foundation of distress and then you change the
Anxiety in one run. No problem. Just do it
fantastic, we last question and I'm going to
I'm gonna let you go. I wanted to ask you
Something that I started asking now, everyone on this project is in because we're talking about health. We're talking about retaining
first of all
Being conscious of all of the power and control that you have in your hands in your head in your heart over your health
First being conscious of that, but then also we talk about
what can we really truly do for ourselves and for the environment and
for our close ones and for our communities or a country for in our profession our private life so that we could
Be a positive example and we can see the change be that be what we want to see in the world basically
So I wanted to ask you how do you see the world of?
In terms of Hell perspective in the future. What would you like to see?
What is the most ideal scenario for all of all the people on this planet?
Yes happiness
strength health
That is help is the immune system control. We have shown in the universities. We have to bring it out
Hey, we have far more
Control over the immune system possible and very accessible very effective that can be done in a half-hour
Changes the breathing techniques just do the cold showers that is about the immune system. That is their health
Than the happiness the happiness is about the control OD or more system
Endocrine system they call it the hormonal system about the dopamine
They can have a noise the serotonins their endorphines the whole I always say get high on your own supply
You are the pharmacist you are the drug dealer of yourself
Take your time be happy because you can regulate that. You can regulate your mood
That is the happiness. That is the hormonal system. We have shown that in the university that we have a far greater
Control possible for everybody through these techniques over the hormonal system
So the immune system hormonal system
Which is the help and the happiness and then we get the strength
the strength is about the energy if we go do these breathing techniques and
The cold shower then the cells
Get a lot more oxygen inside it is called and robucket dissimulation
aerobic dissimulation creates more oxygen coming into the
Mitochondria the energy factories of the cell and create more molecules more energy
you got all the energy there you will or what you need and you got even
Energy so much that you have to give it away to others help it because you got so much you radiate like the Sun
You radiate like the life be like the light you are the soul
So all coming together the happiness the health and the energy the strength if they come together
There is the soul and with this salt that is the future
The future paradigm is where everybody is going to be happy strong and healthy and when there is happiness
There is no war where there is no happiness. There is no stealing over
somebody else's and
Accumulating positions because you have to appear that you don't get enough. No, you got it all
Already and it's here and it's now that is going to be the new paradigm
That is the future and the future is ours. Yes. Yes. Thank you. I
Love it. I love it. Thank you so much my friend truly from the bottom of my heart
Thank you for spending time and energy and your passion you've inspired me and I'm sure a lot of people on this chapter
are inspired
Please everyone here. I'm gonna save this video. I'm going to share it with everybody
Hopefully you can do it too. And for anybody that is just joining now. Please go to
women wins website and
Download the app go through the method try his protocol. It doesn't cost you anything
Everyone has a shower. Everyone has their breath and everyone has their stillness you can do it
Let's go well
There it is. God bless you. God bless you my friend. Thank you so much. You too, man. I love you. Thank you
Yeah, hey Jerry people. Bye. Thank you
Okay, so wow that was that was amazing that was definitely one of the best
Conversations I had for sure one of the best lives I did and wim is a dear friend and someone that truly
Is passionate you can see how passionate he is about
about life about health about
sharing the message and
being the example himself he went to
all the scientists and doctors in United States in Europe
He has conducted himself in all the scientific
and he has proven that even when you inject the bacteria inside when we're
99.9 percent of people would get some adverse
adverse physiological reactions
negative immune
Symptoms he has proven with the power of mind
With breathing with his protocol with his method that you can overcome that so this has inspired me a lot
And I'm definitely gonna do more lives with win in the in future