No motivation to do cold showers? | Wim Hof
I've been reading a lot of comments...
and one of the....
the thing that stood right out of there was...
What to do when winter comes and the motivation is not there?
To go into the cold?
In the summer it's really nice.
There's a nice sunshine and when go out it's not so cold.
But when it is cold outside and going into the ‘deeper’ cold,
That's quite difficult and I can understand that.
I’ll tell you...
Especially in the winter, you get the most profit.
You receive the best results by doing this.
The cold trains your immune system to be boosted.
and that's what you need to avoid getting a flu,
no colds,
No inflammation,
All that is not going to happen.
How that physiologically works could be a whole book.
The thing is...
The result of going into the winter and have your motivation,
Your motivation should be: "Hey I want to tackle the flu...”
“...the cold, the depression, during this winter”
“Can I do it?”
What do you have to do?
Just take the damn cold shower.
I'm sorry.
Damn cold shower
It's a heavenly cold shower.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
I make of every winter a summer.
Behave as if you are in the summer. Think about that.
That is the power of your mind being able...
to switch your body into a powerful being.
Make from your winter a summer.
That should be your motivation.
Amazing exercises.
Not only physical...
but more so the mind.
The sky was not the limit.
The mind it is.
You can take it on this winter
Let’s go.