Mike Posner: "Wim Hof breathing is like a cheat code"

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My name is Mike Posner.

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Today we are at the Wim Hof training facility.

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Give it all you’ve got.

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Good morning!

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Give me twenty!

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I’ll give you hundred.

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Without breathing...

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The first time I heard of Wim Hof...

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was when he was featured on the Tim Ferriss podcast.

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Fast forward, maybe five years later,

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a friend of mine, Lewis Howes, invited me on a retreat to Poland,

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to train with Wim himself.

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And I thought “I better show up to that pretty special invitation.”

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I’m from Michigan. It gets cold there.

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We swim a lot in lakes there, we have some big lakes.

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And when I was younger,

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I just noticed that I always felt good after I came out of that water

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and so just on my own, I started to take cold showers

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because I just felt good after. I felt alive.

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I'm not a coffee drinker, but I always say that that’s my ‘coffee’.

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Of course, but then when we practiced with Wim,

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the water was much colder and we were in there much longer.

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And I felt...

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high from it.

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Easy money!

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It was really a life changing experience.

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Learning from him was so powerful

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and I took their practices with me.

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I certainly know what it's like,

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to just feel uninspired and to not really...

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be excited to get up in the morning and this kind of feeling.

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And when I'm in those seasons of my life

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and my meditation mantra feels like sand in my mouth

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and nothing's working...

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The cold and the breath. They seem to penetrate.

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when other things don't.

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Fully in. Belly, cheast, head...

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The first time I did the Wim Hof breathwork seriously with Wim and these guys

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in a workshop environment...

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The way I felt and the way I do feel,

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We did the breathing today and I felt it again,

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It's damn powerful.

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It's damn powerful.

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Fully in.

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Let it go.

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It felt like I was putting a cheat code into my body or something,

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we would play these old video games,

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when I was a kid on a Nintendo 64...

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And If you’d hit certain buttons in a certain order it give you some special power.

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This is kind of what it felt like.

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It's like if you breathe in a certain way, you know, three times, and then like...

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BANG! You get this special power.

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It’s like...

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Well how did I not know about that?

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I’ve been in this meat sack for 33 years now,

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and so it's pretty surreal.

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His zeal...

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It's not even a belief, it's a knowing,

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and his enthusiasm is infectious.

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With the limited time I spent with him...

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I've seen his enthusiasm...

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supersede people's own beliefs about what they can do,

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what their limits are,

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His knowing in what people can do,

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transfers over to them.

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People that are just terrified of cold water and cold in general...

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their hands always get cold.

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And I watch them sit in the ice bath for ten minutes.

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And they're fine.

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Staying at Wim’s Place is fun.

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and because I met with him before,

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I know that we just go with the flow I’m not going to get a schedule

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or itinerary, or anything like that.

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Cannonball exercise.

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Ass jump.

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There is a whole host of characters that come here every day,

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and all beautiful people.

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I recommend to people all the time.

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Just because it feels so good.

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And it's a way of reclaiming your sovereignty,

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especially if you're someone who thinks “I could never do that.”

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This water is looking a little...

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That’s from our feet.

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Through the garden we accumulate

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the Earth soil...

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and it’s getting in there.

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When it comes to the cold a lot of people have this kind of aversion to it,

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then the opportunity is even greater for you.

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Not only will you feel how it feels, which is really fricking good

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after you get out of ice baths, you know you feel a real...

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kind of body high for many hours after.

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But also you have the added benefit of...

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breaking through this self-imposed limit.

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This story which is...

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“I'm not one of those people” or “I could never do that”

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I believe is just a thought we think repeatedly over time.

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Breaking through of that belief is powerful.

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It builds momentum

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and you start to get better at doing hard things by doing hard things.

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And this is a power that you take to other parts of your life.

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When I met Wim, I was training to climb Mount Everest,

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which is the tallest mountain in the world.

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And the higher you go it get’s pretty cold up there,

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the more you expose the body to cold it acclimate.

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I was living in the mountains

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and training,

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and I lived right by this icy river.

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And so after I'd learned the

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cold immersion from Wim, I would just get in that river

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and take really cold showers and all of a sudden,

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zero degrees Celsius is actually pretty warm temperature to me.

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After doing this for months and months.

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Wim Hof

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at 19.000 feet

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When I was on Everest I was a lot more comfortable.

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Obviously, when you get up on the mountain,

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it gets to negative 15, negative 20.

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While I'm still in all the gear.

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It's important to be safe.

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But I know that it felt warmer to me,

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than it would have if I didn't do that cold immersion work.

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It’s pretty high...

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Do you feel good though?

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I’m out of breath for sure...

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Mount Everest is really high,

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and the higher you go, the less oxygen there is,

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you need to take three to five breaths to get what you would from one breath.

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And it's really intense.

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This won’t be here...

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In a week...

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I used the breath work to help myself acclimatize,

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because my body was lacking oxygen just by being alive there.

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thanks to those practices.

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Also my team, I gotta shout them out...

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Dr. Jon Kedrowski, Dawa Dorje Sherpa and Dawa Chirring Sherpa

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I was able to summit Mount Everest.

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Get up there Mike!

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Touch the top of the world baby.

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Touch the top of the world!

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This took everything.

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It was a nice sunrise up there.

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And more importantly,

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we got down safely with no injuries, all our fingers and toes and...

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Here enjoying life now.

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It’s not very high but it’s still scary.

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To me at least.

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Not to Wim...

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That’ll do it.

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Powerful look at this.

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You let it happen.

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It's been a real blessing

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to spend time with women, both in practice and conversation.

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There's no, like other Wim Hof is only one of these guys

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is a gift to the world, you know, and all these things that he teaches

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you figure it out on his own, you know, a lot of it.

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Of course, he's

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had many inspirations and influences, but I guess what I'm trying to say,

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this is just a real, real blessing, real privilege to be here and learn.

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