Mastering Cold Showers with @JordanBPeterson | The Wim Hof Podcast
If you're in pain
and I give you a lobotomy
this was done decades ago for pain control
I cut the connections between the pre-frontal cortex and the periaquedcutal grey let's say
You still feel the pain but it doesn't matter anymore.
The emotional significance of the pain is gone
and so, you feel much better as a consequence.
Now, I'm not recommending lobotomies for pain
although modified leucotomies are still sometimes used for intractable pain
Now, imagine that...
you're in pain, so you have your hands in the cold
or you're in a cold shower, or you're in a lake
and instead of running away from the pain and distracting yourself
you start to focus
and pay really close attention to all the sensations that you're feeling
even though they're aversive.
Like, you're paying extremely close attention.
So, I wonder if that is what's producing the connection between the pre-frontal cortex and the periaqueductal grey.
Pre-frontal cortex is opening the gates and exploring all the sensations
and learning to...
that it can do that, and learning that perhaps in principle also to master it.
So, maybe when I'm in the shower and I do the 30 seconds cold exposure
I should do everything I can to concentrate
It's weird cuz I can feel myself fleeing from it in the shower, you know
it's like "God, when is this gonna be over?"
I don't want to feel the sensations of the cold water on the front of my body
I don't want to move it on to my back
It's like...
but I guess what I should be doing is
turning around and facing the dragon
in as much detail as possible.
I didn't know that was possible with pain.
I know it's possible with anxiety, that's clear.
The literature is clear on that.
So, pain, yes...
Pain is very primordial
and anxiety.
These breathing exercises, they help very good against anxiety.