Maria Manounos interviews Wim Hof
thanks for having me i I've been
fascinated with you since I started
going to Tony Robbins seminars three
years ago maybe it was a little more
than three years ago now and I've just
been saying since I started this radio
show I'm like I need to talk to him
because I love talking to people who
defy the odds and I love talking to
people who understand and obviously you
understand more than any of us that the
mind is so much more powerful than we
use it for it has so much more to give
and we don't access at all and and it's
it's just it's fascinating to me and I
know there's so many things I want to
talk about but I guess for those who
don't know you let's explain to them who
you are and where your journey started
with all of this because you're not just
somebody who's you're not doing tricks
it's not like hey look at me I can sit
in ice for an hour it's so much deeper
than that
yes actually is 20:21
records in our 26 its 2600 anyone's
growing all the time that's why you
gotta update that room yeah yeah I'm not
going to be mad we did another research
because you move so fast we can't keep
up with you and yes I'm really moving
fast why I've been in nature so long and
so many more challenges I took on there
is more than meets the eye and that was
my beginning psych you know was on a
soul search about only 17 how are you
searching at 17 because I've watched a
lot of interviews with you and I've done
my research and when you said you were
soul searching at 17 I'm like most
people are drinking and getting wasted
and yeah no exactly so I wasn't clearly
I was and I took it on a lot of esoteric
disciplines and traditions cultures
religions languages
think of that practices like yoga kungfu
karate and buddhism Sufism or all kinds
of things but nothing was able to
connect me with the depth of myself like
the cult was I've just felt this
attraction when then and since then I'm
hooked which is 41 years ago 17 hours
and I found out by intuition instinct
this is it and it's not in the books or
whatever it is it makes me feel
wonderful great powerful to within so
wherever you feel that you go back no
matter what so I took on a regular
practice every winter in the Duchy
winters are quite cold and it's freezing
and and the water is yeah conducting in
it a lot of cold if you go in so you got
to do something there I learned to
become aware that with deeper breathing
you're able to withstand a cold impact
that's power on your body aggressive
energy like coal ice cold make you look
there I learned to control that with
that I learned to control deeper
physiology and then I came became aware
that it was able to sit all night long
and freezing temperatures in shorts
outside what do you think then at that
moment you feel it's tremendous in from
the inside being able to withstand key
impact which is going on your nervous
system on your vascular system on your
mind and you are able to counteract with
your mind subtly something we did not
learn in books in the school we learn to
run in the in a systemized
civilization call we can shoot people to
the moon yet we don't we know little of
our own deep physiology mmm-hmm and now
it seems
like four years ago I did studies with
the university showing people within a
couple of days being able to tap into
this deeper physiology because I know
the way it works now from nature go
through laboratory settings and make
people within four days able to tap into
the autonomous nervous system something
what was in medical history known as
weak at will we cannot tap into that
yeah now all the person's twelve of them
they hundred percent score we're into
the autonomic nervous system the innate
immune system and the endocrine system
with the hormonal you're talking about
the experiment that they did on you
right yeah so so let me explain to
people really quickly so basically and
I'm going to see if I sound okay so you
taught yourself how to control your
heart rate your breathing in your blood
circulation these functions are all
regulated by the autonomic nervous
system and autonomic must I mean I don't
know what it means officially but it
must mean it works on its own
automatically right so you can't
interfere with it so science tells us
that the autonomic nervous system can't
be influenced by your own will but yet
when manages to do this by steering the
hypothalamus which is the area of the
brain that controls body temperature so
so you have figured out how to control
something that no one has ever thought
was controllable and and then also there
was a study that they did for you I
think it was University of Holland yes
okay so they injected him with an
endotoxin to prove that he can auto
regulate his immune system is the
autonomic system part of the immune
system yes it had a D innate immune
system is part of the autonomic nervous
system together with the endocrine the
hormonal system okay so they injected
him with an endo toxin which you imagine
is a toxin and he also taught 12 people
his method so there was a control group
of 12 people and then there was winds
can group
twelve people and the control group had
told people they all got sick and wyms
wim and his 12 people did not get sick
etc okay so how first of all you are
unique obviously and you figured
something out that not a lot of people
have figured out how did you convince 12
people to allow them so I understand why
you would be able to take on that risk
how did you convince 12 other people to
pop this toxin into their body and use
your method I made him able without
prior experience in the cold to go on
day 4 by sense by feeling this power
making them able to go in shorts on a
mountain and then on the top of the
mountain five hours we were exposed to
the cold on the top of the mountain how
old - 7 27 27 degrees and it went up
from minus 10 to minus 17 minus 20
Celsius or Fahrenheit SSS Celsius where
it's very cold it's very cold is where
people normally not are not able to
survive and then ones are taught by
nothing nothing and then on top of it on
top of the top the summit we danced the
Harlem shake
oh yeah we did we did I got I got this
on the you know YouTube and everything
it's really funny but the thing is we
celebrated the power just lustful or the
power of life itself and then I knew
when I saw them and we danced together
afterwards these people are going to
fend off the bacteria injected the end
of doctrine is a bacteria e.coli
bacteria which clear normally causes a
fever uncontrolled shivering all over
agony headaches and all that Noah and
not nice and but I knew then I felt
instinctively they are going to do the
same I showed in university settings
administering the under 13 they will be
able to do it they got counted a contact
connection with their deeper physiology
the way nature mender to be so I'm the
but I became a wise man and how but by
taking the knowledge which is in nature
we have a lot of problems with all kinds
of diseases you because we have no
control over our deeper physiology
animal that's why we got these hospitals
and pharmaceuticals and and all that and
a whole lot of problems on depression
cancer on out immune diseases a teacher
something needs to be done I told them
on the way to the mountain I told them
listen guys about mindset we are going
to show the world how to win that war of
most casualties in history the war on
the bacteria the virus and the bad and
the backsaw and four days later they
were there I knew it and four days later
in the hospital they showed 100% control
within a quarter of our over this
bacteria injected when they injected the
bacteria were that was their main focus
as it was injected and for that time to
breathe the way you taught them yes
breathing plus focus okay
and I what's the focus on I'm going to
just focus just doing your best just
doing your best now two months ago I was
here in America in the u.s. to do
another to show you what the power of
the mind means it's not just focus and
do something with your mind and a be
motivated no no chemicals and these
neuro chemicals I will show you our
being in a brain scan I showed just
recently a being in a having a vest on
with cubes for ice water to go in so my
skin temperature is really exposed to
ice water
temperatures and I just by thinking
using theory and directing
neurochemicals making my body impervious
to the ice water injected or a port in
does the temperature skin temperature
remain the same first the first two
scans I did nothing
and it went plumped like 25 degrees and
then I said now I'm gonna do something
and then four times seven out minutes
exposure of ice water on the skin and
showing no degrees of temperatures
so the initial you let it plummet so
that you could show that your body isn't
some yes it's not the body it's that's
it you know are you lating this it's
your mind exactly now the new study is
going to be the mind not the body this
is the study I'm into and it showed in
the brain what was happening in the
brain where normally we have no control
over the hormonal system I was
mentioning that before the autonomic
nervous system
a part of that what is outside of our
world working is the hormonal system the
endocrine system they call is a fancy
name for the same thing another thing is
the innate immune system so those are
detecting cells within us they have to
fend off the cell bacteria back sole and
vaccine what is a virus that they have a
specific badass the bad stuff and we had
no control because it's about the T
cells and the B cells normally takes
five to seven days so when you got a flu
for them to work we make them work
within a quarter of hour through this so
anyway just breathing breathing and
believing yes
but believing now is no longer just
something abstract
it is neurochemical being able within
the brain while ice water is poured for
example ice water is like danger for the
functionality of the body could be heat
as well could be stress could be a
dangerous situation we have
this control within the power of the
mind to be within the mind while the
mind and the body are working together
like a witness we program it to be so so
then it's working
if you check I was just looking well the
the court was coming on to me I was
looking to the cold
was not cold at all I programmed it
before I wanted it to do to make a
difference I did not even know what to
do there but then oh I'm do what I
always do when I do these records at the
day when I am going to execute it I'm
peaceful I'm done I did all my best so
let it go now yeah not going to
interfere and this mechanism showed that
they were that I was producing by their
fancy names insula and prefrontal cortex
together with the brain stem I'm into
the peri aqua ductile grey hemisphere
which normally is autonomic you cannot
influence now and fully in it and then
producing endorphines opioids
cannabinoids serotonins
etc while ice water is coming in so good
field or moans well ice water is coming
in and getting the insula which is the
detector of sympathetic or
parasympathetic nervous system activity
which is action full action because I
just coming in no I get the
parasympathetic nervous system peace
control witnessing what's happening
well full adrenaline is going on to have
the functionality of the body maintained
and then they told me the professor's
over there this is going to change
mental healthcare and where did I find
this knowledge wisdom I call it it's not
mine it's wrong nature you you just pass
it on and now I'm here with you guys I
think it's very very important
because I use any window to get to
people listen we got did all the tools
the way nature meant it to be to become
happy strong and healthy because
happiness is so those are hormones we
can stay then we can direct them even in
the most difficult of situations we can
become strong because we control stress
hormone adrenaline epinephrine and at
noradrenaline we can control coffee so
we can control it which is a big thing
in our society he's exerting so much
neurologically of our brain and execute
a lot of cortisol going on without any
largest stress yes God is a stress and
these are neuro chemicals and we had no
control now we have control we showed
people lying in bed in being a little
bit higher breathing exercises and then
specifically going into it producing
more adrenaline than somebody going into
its first bungee jump Wow
you see what I mean that's controlled
stress hormone that's a way we could
take the stress upon us like witnessing
and easy are you going to jump again so
no it's okay just wanna fly yeah you say
and then he'll that's the control over
the immune system we had no control over
the innate immune system which is part
of the autonomic nervous system again
and now it shows that within a quarter
of hour we are able to fend off the
bacteria's reaction on the immune system
which is done normally creating fever
and headaches and agony inflammation so
what it shows that you within a quarter
of our diplomatic markers will go down
and then we assigns the root of all
disease a day you got I don't know what
what is you first make me Maria
ma'am every year what it is so that's
where we are we we bring love to the
world for every mother should be able to
guarantee love to his son
and Endora a child and how by showing
that we are none speculatively able to
activate that what causes health which
is the control of the immune system
strength which has controlled stress
hormone in the body and a happiness
which is endorphines and all those
hormones good feel hormones we should
bring that into schooling bring that
confidence and belief to every mother in
the world you know it reminds me of my
favorite movie in the world is The
Wizard of Oz and the favorite moment of
that movie is when the Good Witch looks
at her and says you have the power all
along to click your heels and you could
go home like you've had the power all
along and we have the power all along
however what we've learned in Western
culture is that we give that power over
to doctors to pills and to all of these
things come fix my problem rather than
looking within yes and rather than
looking for another another way you see
and it is it's not me to saying this
anymore we are found a way to to get
into the autonomic nervous system and to
battle tackle pain either pain
mechanisms it's also chemistry and we
are now able to after the new completed
study showing people who do these
techniques are able to receive charges
of electricity on their bodies with
through sensors like to the utmost and
there are so many people unnecessarily
suffering from chronic pains and if they
just click their heels then he could be
solved I say yes I say yes to a whole
lot more but we have to go past that
that what created disbelief that what
created a way of looking outside go back
have confidence and belief back inside
again now backed up with science
validated so there is no speculation
about it
and how that's what I have more studies
I mean to neuroscience I mean to
inflammation immunity and and all these
studies but I want a hundred studies to
show that Nature has the answer not all
and you can't our minds like I look at
my daddy's been type one diabetic for
over 40 maybe 45 years now and his his
mantra and his whole life was uh nothing
I don't have anything and he has no side
effects from a disease that ravages
people's limbs and takes them they get
all kinds of blindness amputations nerve
damage he doesn't have anything because
he doesn't believe he's sick
you hit him right on my ice man yeah but
he's been my role model for all of them
must be a nice man too he is wonderful
nice man wise man intuitively taking the
writer wrote yeah so you suffered from a
modern disease like autoimmune diseases
defect somewhere what and we don't know
how to go in he uses the power of it you
should do this breathing I want him to
my dad would love this you know the
other thing I'm thinking of is I'm
hearing you talk is cryotherapy
so when cryotherapy there was a german
couple that came to Los Angeles and they
introduced cryotherapy here and I was
dancing and had shattered my feet and I
went and tried it and it was miraculous
because it took all the inflammation
down in the body so I could keep dancing
on broken feet rather than having to
take painkillers and all of these things
I would go cryotherapy freeze my body
negative 250 degrees and it would take
the inflammation down and I would do it
every day so that I could keep staying
in the competition so the cold isn't
just a gimmick and it wasn't even just a
way to teach you how to control your
autonomic nervous system the cold is
medicinal yes it is absolutely it
activates train stimulate the vascular
system and which is killer number one in
the u.s. cardiovascular system diseases
related and that's because
it has millions of little primitive
muscles and reflexes in the capillaries
it's like 80 thousand miles of blood
vessels we all every person have but
because we wear clothes
there is no stimulation going on thus
they don't work as good I know I didn't
know that yes so I always say like a
cold shower a day keeps the doctor away
you know just keep it simple and it's
not impossible you know what if you
if you do that then within a week you
see a big difference in taking the same
culture hour
why because you're up toned the tone is
of the these primitive muscles and
reflexes all over these 80,000 miles
another thing is when they our go to
help because the condition is bettered
of these muscles like training a muscle
then suddenly you are able to weigh more
or the blood flow is just simply gone
better be help heart rate is going
drastically down so lot less stress
already for the body just for the cold
shower just a cold shower and the immune
cells 7 billion cells we have and a lot
of immune cells they are better fat with
oxygen nutrients for their vitamins or
minerals cold shower day takes doctor
way Wow and trades the mind when you go
and so now I'm going to take a cold
shower then you train your mind and what
happens did you do the brain-body
connection with this 80,000 miles it's
going to go to up tone the vascular
system and then the body core
temperature which needs to remain at a
certain a good temperature a blood
temperature 37 degrees in the Celsius I
don't know 98.6 exactly and it remains
over there because it closes and you did
it with your mind and once you learn to
do that consciously you begin to become
you are go to begin to become aware that
you are able to control much more
systems the other thing I'm thinking
about is
with your breathing technique it's like
I think that the only times we breathe
in life or when we're doing an activity
if we're running if we're at the gym if
we're playing football if we're dancing
otherwise we don't really breathe as a
public as a general public we don't
breathe unless we're doing yoga unless
we're doing something that's making us
breathe and I think that's why the
stress is all over the place because
we're not breathing and that's probably
why this is so medicinal yes right like
when you breathe if you take a deep
breath I was learning this weekend your
your lungs push down and massage your
organs and it's like a it's like a
healing thing yes it all is there
because of a lifestyle
we are not stimulative to word our own
body and mind thus it becomes weaker and
the condition is less and that's stress
that causes stress and most of the
people live most of the day in stress
most in a condition where they should
not be in and that's why we get sick and
that's why we get sick and shaking this
is a signal it should not be suppressed
the signal that's what we do with
medicines and pills we should know that
no we should change our lifestyle yes
and become more aware of this brain-body
connection and then being able to
maintain help happy doesn't strike so
true we come back guys we're going to
take a short break when we come back I
want to talk to you about not only just
doing it for yourself is it possible to
use your mind to heal other people
because I believe I think I know the
answer to that but I want to know what
you think guys we'll be right back with
wim HOF aka The Iceman conversation with
Maria Menounos guys we are back with wim
HOF aka the ice and I'm looking at the
clock 16 minutes and I want to cry
because I want to talk to you for 50
more hours but we did break with the the
notion of or the question of can you
also use this powerful mind to help heal
others like tell me what you think about
that oh yes then I can
many miracles have witnessed now and the
miracle to simply bring people back to
their own deeper awareness of their own
physiology and physiology means our
brain that that's a hump of meat but the
mind which is unseen is able to go
within and activate awaken there the
healing power as in plasticity in the
body as in neuro plasticity in the brain
I see it's so so so many times and you
have to go back actually to a mother
who's dealing with a little kid baby it
was sick she begins to care for the way
her attention is there mm-hmm that's our
focus that our believing that our being
and as our love and most of their terms
we are able to heal the baby with that
power but because we got so complicated
in our behavior and everything going on
we have two distinct the mind more to
show that that it is not mingling with
everything now go back and learn to
activate and become conscious of it and
like our cares of Paracelsus did if the
doctor is really within these are simply
tools within us which we have and need
to ignite at the moment when we become
sick when we become sick we get signals
and it says it cries idler get back come
to me
I need you that's what it says any
animal in the world goes and retrieves
itself what we do we keep on thinking
and we have to do this and that enough
does neurologically we are not
connecting with what is going on and we
lose we don't use it we lose it so I'm
here to tell you studies that we are
able to heal ourselves to activate the
neuroplasticity in in the brain
in order for us not needing to open up
the brain to do repair the damage or
anywhere else in the body and so I say
yes here if you learn to do it on your
own which I did
then you will automatically have the
ability to hear to bring this power of
the mind over to others if you had
hypothetical situation if you had cancer
right now if you had a brain tumor how
would you handle it yes I would have
become with the knowledge of today you
can almost visualize what cancer is and
it needs an acidic environment and it's
because we do not breathe well deep
enough shallow and we exert all with all
the energy the metabolism in the cell
becoming cancerous because there is no
oxygen anymore is no energy anymore and
then it becomes obviously anaerobic yes
it becomes an aerobic and once it
becomes an aerobic becomes independent
and it's actually in a natural mechanism
so the way I treated I go to the cut
back to the core and become completely
say in this i connect I connect with
what is acidic I've shown that we are
able to go past higher walls in our
lymphatic system which is everywhere but
we could not get into it and that work
becomes in acidic there which is the
cause of it all we are able now and we
showed it in a large study to invigorate
it with oxygen and to make the
mitochondria oxygen tension go up does
acidity is gone and if you make the
acidity go away then you break the chain
for the cancer cell to be flat it's
logical and then we got our intention
and with the intention we are able to
gene it'd be jeans and with the genes in
the immune cells we are able to go
within the marrow which we have shown
within a quarter of our the specific
immune system going directly to the
bacteria not creating fever all over now
just very specifically go to the 2d cell
and cause apoptosis which is cell that
and that's what the cancer needs a very
precise answer of the specific immune
system and we are able with our mind
once it is exercised to connect with the
deeper layers of this specific immune
system the T cells and B cells and thus
getting nowhere heal them give them the
information and program them to do so
but now this is all hypothetically but I
saw a lot of miracles already but only
really true when we get through science
now who is interested to take it on with
me in the scientific world who is
listening right now because I am sure
this this work I thought many times but
we in the West we need signs to back it
up so that it can go to the mass it
doesn't make money it doesn't make money
it brings health and what do we want
that's my question back to the listeners
do we really want health it right so I'm
challenging why don't you do a GoFundMe
page to get people because the entire
world would get behind this because
pharmaceutical companies never will and
anybody who's really greedy won't
because they want to create they're
saying you know to make money off of but
if you did a GoFundMe page we could
advertise it here everybody would get
behind it to create the money please
daddy help me because four years ago I
thought I showed the world something
which was never shown in medical history
we changed the books in the u.s. in
biology and for the new physicians full
chapter about the endocrine system the
autonomic nervous system and innate
and now it's becoming mainstream
knowledge you've got to be alerted you
know but I want to go on show more that
we are able to do so much more than we
think more being taught is used at mind
power the power of the mind to learn to
become happy strong and healthy
completely imbalanced and and learn
about spirituality like every moment it
should be spiritual like it it's great
to be alive mm-hmm this is the most
beautiful place of their whole universe
I know asteroids see they taught me yes
then finally I got shut up I'm a
professor I'm a doctor I'm this I'm that
then I mean asteroid I'm up in there in
space I look around it's lifeless it's
cold it's nothing I look down Wow
and that's here and that's why we live
but do are we aware of that fact
are we being taught that this is the
most beautiful place that we should be a
one with the essential of life like a
little kid not arithmetic Hollow only no
happiness strengthened and and health
should be the new subjects and the new
schools for every child to learn and
every child is able to adopt this it's
not difficult but and then never lose
track of the core to be able to have an
answer when things like cancer
depression and autoimmune diseases and
mood disorders are happening you got me
mm-hmm that's why so I challenge anybody
please help me show it scientifically
because we can believe but the
mainstream is in disbelief that it is
impossible we are being taught it's
impossible we are being taught it's
normal to have hospitals pharmacies and
all that I say it's sick we are
maintaining it because it has maybe a
lot to do with one mammalian thing I
want power and money and made this and
and that's why everybody is blind about
it and it would be manipulated or
something but I'm here listen it's not
mine it's nature and nature the answer
of so much but we need to validate it
through science and I'm here to are
already shown things in that in medical
history were not able for a human to do
and now I'm showing it in the
neuroscience in the brain but it's not
me it's nature calling upon us we messed
up with the nature and now nature is
showing us once again live in harmony
with the nature still be stimulated by
the nature and you become happy like the
Garden of Eden it's right over here
hmmmm yes yeah so there we are otherwise
all we know so so you're saying that
because I want to get back because I
know a lot of people who are listening
because my mom is dealing with a brain
tumor and a lot of people who are
listening have called in with their
stories of cancer and one one woman who
listens to the show just got melanoma
yesterday are you saying that with these
breathing practices all of these things
will be activated in the body that will
go help stimulate the mitochondria that
will stimulate the healing yeah yeah
absolutely this is absolutely one of the
biggest pillars of this is the breathing
I just had to do it yeah sure
oh yeah it's for three or my website
okay yeah you get all the basics and you
get all the scientific endorsement
behind it I also read about Keith Curtis
this book how he healed from stage four
cancer he came in 2007 to me and we did
here a very near on Malibu a workshop I
did together with her and he came to me
personally and he had stage four cancer
skin cancer very aggressive and he had
only a couple of months to live so he
was told by the doctors yeah that's it
four months five months that's it he was
a very successful good-looking man a you
know all-american
he's got it uh-oh but he's got cancer
you got nothing
yes and where is that control what do
you do that no then he took it I told
him listen there is more than meat here
and I've shown it and there is a lot
more so what they tell is from the books
it's not from a they didn't experience
this is piled up it's a power system
going on and don't be don't confuse
yourself a cancer needs an acidic
environment simple and what we do is
bring in more oxygen in the tissue in
the lymphatic system does you change the
chemistry and there is more if food
should be alkaline as well so very and
you believe the neurology should be
there completely that you are able to
tap into the deepest of the physiology
make the change as a plumber does with
constipation at all don't make it too
far away
don't make it too difficult it is a non
sentimental phenomena from nature if you
are not present something will take over
yeah you if you go back then you are
able to remove it we got the tools
nature is telling us if we don't listen
then it very it looks aggressive and we
get a lot of sentimentality around it
but actually we got the tools to take it
away and I want more science behind it
not Steve Curtis he wrote a book about
it and he is still living and he's
completely sane how long has he been
like 10 years ago Wow instead of 4
months to live and then he went back to
the doctors they don't listen they don't
list they are in the system in the power
infrastructure whatever it is they don't
want a waiver from their beliefs and I
tell it's time for new beliefs because
they say unless it's scientifically
proven we can't get behind it Yeah right
so any time I bring up to my
my mom's oncologist these other
techniques these other things I mean
even just changing her diet they were
like don't bother we see you family's
always starving these patients of sugar
it's not it doesn't make any sense and
they're like you know there are no
studies this is their quote all the time
there are no studies to prove that so
they need studies to prove any of this
before they'll believe it once again I
want to challenge anybody in this
community who is listening right now to
help me because it's not about money
this is about nature coming to cents and
I want to go through signs to sands
again make it simple we got the tools we
got the tools to make skin temperature
not going down by just by using the mind
it's not a trick I can learn teach these
things anybody and then you are not only
talking about aggressive say high school
could be eat it could be stress it could
be back cells bacteria viruses cancer
anything that's my belief but I showed a
whole lot already but still I want to
validate it through sign help us their
duties sorry how do they help you
research I know I know everyone already
wants to how do they help you out it is
I'm doing right now with a for example
with a Michigan a Wayne State University
neuroscience department with them I do
this study and they were they are
applying for a grant if we go to your
website can we get animation and know
this is so direct it's only yesterday I
have received mail with older the data
everything is really going on but I
don't to much just go to my mail I will
put something up on our website as well
to help direct you guys guys you can
find them on Twitter and Instagram at I
smell underscore HOF to learn more about
his method visit
wim wim hof HOF method calm or to put
that up on our website as well
and I'm going to get to the bottom of
exactly how you can get behind this and
how you can help because we all want
this help when you are a pleasure thank
you so much for what you are doing
because you're not just doing it for you
you're doing it for all of us so thank
you for being courageous and for all of
your great work guys because people make
good choices