Loeke’s journey with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) & Wim Hof Method
it’s only going up
That’s quite the service.
Thank you sir.
Thank you Wim.
My name is Loeke.
I was diagnosed with MS about 2.5 years ago.
In my case I had some vague symptoms for a while.
I felt dizzy very often
and often had to hold on to something.
And one day, in early 2019, I kind of collapsed and was completely exhausted.
I was very fatiqued I could only cry and lie on the couch.
I really couldn't do anything anymore,
couldn’t work, couldn’t run errands.
You name it.
And from then on, within a month's time, my condition started to plummet.
I had trouble walking
and at a certain point I couldn't walk anymore.
and I became partially paralyzed from the waist down.
They told me it resembled a partial spinal cord injury
I also lost a large part of my vision.
And then I was rushed to the hospital.
And that same day/evening I was diagnosed with MS.
In my case, it was really a very severe attack,
where it was uncertain if I would recover.
It was uncertain for me if I would still be able to walk normally.
I was in a wheelchair at the beginning.
At home, I was able to take some steps,
from the couch to the toilet,
but that was also hardly possible.
I often really needed crutches when going outside
The lack of energy was the thing that bothered me most.
And a 'cotton head', that's what I would call it.
A mind that wasn't clear.
And I kind of got stuck in that.
From then on, my quest to get better started.
That's how I ended up at Wim's after one and a half years.
The research I was allowed to participate in was intended for people with a spinal cord injury
or a partial spinal cord injury
and they were tested on what the Wim Hof breathing could do for them.
Because I kind of had a partial spinal cord issue
but because it was caused by an illness it was seen and described differently.
But that’s how I could participate
We were lying down with the whole group, on mats and on the floor,
and Wim guided us during that breathing exercise.
Fully in!
And let it go...
I did not expect it to be so powerful.
It went through my whole body.
Everything started to flow.
And that my body cramped up in some places
and that emotions were released,
which was incredibly beautiful.
I noticed after three weeks of doing the breathing exercises,
that my legs had become a lot stronger
and I didn't need my crutches anymore.
And since then I haven't had to use my crutches.
I haven't touched them again.
I put them in the closet far away and left them there.
That’s amazing...
You’re standing!
Strong on her legs!
I can even jump a bit.
That's a miracle.
That's great. I heard you can ride your bike for 6 miles now.
You really...
you really gave me a tremendous gift.
No, no, no...
YOU are giving ME a gift.
Your success is my success.
Really Wim...
I have notice that I go up a levels.
I sleep much better.
That also helps with my energy.
But I also notice that the breathing exercise really do a lot for my energy.
I am clearer in my head
I can think better.
That ‘cloud’ and ‘cotton wool’ in my head are less prevalent.
If I do have a bit of a slump,
I just go for a few rounds of Wim Hof breathing,
and I'm back on track.
But also negativity...
sort of slips away from me.
It doesn’t stick to me as much.
I also started last year with cold swimming outside.
I found that very cool.
I did notice that my energy is still different than that of other people
and that I need to have some ‘baseline’ energy to do that.
Because cold swimming...
It gives a lot of energy but it also costs energy.
So sometimes the day of swimming itself I was quite tired.
But then two or three days after that I felt fantastic.
Also when I came out of the cold water I noticed immediately
that my legs were much stronger than when I went in/before.
I almost never have pain anymore.
Before this I had pain in my leg almost every day.
I can read books again,
and work on my study.
I wouldn't trade it for where I was before all this.
It's really worth so much
I am still on medication though.
But the thing about that medication is mainly that it suppresses my immune system now
to prevent me from having new attacks.
But it doesn't help so much to heal the damage that's already been done.
Last time she couldn't even climb whatsover,
Not even walk.
Last time I couldn’t even walk normally.
My goal, if I stay as stable as I am now,
that I will go off the medication.
I can see that happening as well.
I actually feel very lucky and grateful and happy every day.
For me it has brought something huge,
A new life!
An independence and a strength that I did suspect was in me,
but now I also feel that strength is in me.
And that power is in everyone.
And Wim's method...
The essence of it according to me is that it brings you to the power in you
and you do it yourself.
I would wish that to everyone,
to find that power and to live from it.