@lewishowes on how cold exposure helps your daily life | The Wim Hof Podcast
I think the cold is so powerfull
and I think it’s like the gateway to...
People discovering what their true insecurities and fear are.
Especially when you’re in the cold and there are other people around you,
Because then there’s another level of like...
“How are people observing me?”
“Am I being judged?”
“Do I look weird?”
“Am I making weird sounds?”
Crying like a child
while I’m this grown man?
And it strips away all of that, because you’re essentially...
You're almost naked, literally...
and you're emotionally naked as well,
if there are other people watching you, because,
You can try to like grunt it out,
but you're still going to be shaking and shivering or something...
until you learn to calm the mind and just say “Ok..”
“I'm going to be in the zone” “I'm going to focus on my breath”
and “I can't focus on what everyone else is thinking about me,
Otherwise, I'm not going to get the full experience.”
So I think it's the gateway for people to start...
doing the more challenging thing for them, which is,
addressing the challenges in their relationships,
the challenges with their health,
the challenges with their insecurities or their attachments in life,
because you have to detach in the cold,
and surrender, essentially.
Otherwise, you'll keep resisting and shaking and shivering.
So it's a beautiful gateway for people to start doing that
in the rest of their life.