@lewishowes on how cold exposure helps your daily life | The Wim Hof Podcast

Time: 0.233

I think the cold is so powerfull

Time: 2.569

and I think it’s like the gateway to...

Time: 5.071

People discovering what their true insecurities and fear are.

Time: 8.742

Especially when you’re in the cold and there are other people around you,

Time: 11.878

Because then there’s another level of like...

Time: 14.147

“How are people observing me?”

Time: 15.515

“Am I being judged?”

Time: 16.449

“Do I look weird?”

Time: 17.65

“Am I making weird sounds?”

Time: 20.086

Crying like a child

Time: 21.955

while I’m this grown man?

Time: 24.924

And it strips away all of that, because you’re essentially...

Time: 27.994

You're almost naked, literally...

Time: 29.963

and you're emotionally naked as well,

Time: 32.499

if there are other people watching you, because,

Time: 35.235

You can try to like grunt it out,

Time: 36.836

but you're still going to be shaking and shivering or something...

Time: 39.506

until you learn to calm the mind and just say “Ok..”

Time: 42.275

“I'm going to be in the zone” “I'm going to focus on my breath”

Time: 45.311

and “I can't focus on what everyone else is thinking about me,

Time: 48.114

Otherwise, I'm not going to get the full experience.”

Time: 51.184

So I think it's the gateway for people to start...

Time: 54.32

doing the more challenging thing for them, which is,

Time: 58.124

addressing the challenges in their relationships,

Time: 60.693

the challenges with their health,

Time: 61.728

the challenges with their insecurities or their attachments in life,

Time: 65.298

because you have to detach in the cold,

Time: 67.6

and surrender, essentially.

Time: 69.502

Otherwise, you'll keep resisting and shaking and shivering.

Time: 72.338

So it's a beautiful gateway for people to start doing that

Time: 76.109

in the rest of their life.

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