Levitation Exercise by Wim Hof
Time: 0.31
Time: 2.629
gamma resonates brainwaves and breathing
Time: 9.51
together on cellular level becoming
Time: 14.25
lighter than air it's called meditation
Time: 18.93
Time: 30.34
Time: 32.49
Time: 47.039
just homepage of this procedure
Time: 49.269
cloten come on come on sounds residents
Time: 56.159
together with breathing makes us able on
Time: 60.579
cellular level to become lighter than
Time: 63.879
air it is called levitation lucky me
Time: 67.75
city this is the way it goes
Time: 72.63
ain't no come on there I'm looking at
Time: 76.39
the air it for Texas
Time: 78.61
that's your stars
Time: 86.36
Time: 89.36
Time: 99.89