Laird Hamilton Talks Wim Hof Method

Time: 2.08

I'm lared Hamilton I'm an athlete uh an

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innovator and I have been in search

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always for uh different techniques to

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improve performance and and ultimately

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try to make me a better person and I

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came across the Iceman and I was really

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intrigued about his work and it led me

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to Mr Wim Hoff himself and his method

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and I was able to uh kind of go online

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and get a course that I think uh there's

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not a person alive that can't benefit

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from um I did the course um and I

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continue to do the course and uh the

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implications of doing this are immense I

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mean it not only does it bring a

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calmness to your spirit which is

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probably the most important thing but

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it's enhanced my performance and uh you

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know and I believe this is a tool that

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I'll be able to use in the future to

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combat uh sickness and disease and any

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other thing that I have to deal with in

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my life so I'm very thankful to uh whims

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work and I continue to be a uh a warrior

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for his

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