Join The Wim Hof Live Stream event! January 6th 2024
Time: 0.083
Hey guys!
Time: 0.667
The 6t of January: Wim Hof Live
Time: 10.01
A Happy, Healthy and Strong New Year.
Time: 14.139
Let's start with that.
Time: 18.852
Together we will do the breathing exercise,
Time: 20.645
the exercising and the ice bath from your living space.
Time: 25.358
Together with thousands of others all over the world simultaneously.
Time: 30.905
Long exhale.
Time: 32.866
Who is in control?
Time: 34.451
That is you.
Time: 36.161
It's a live stream event all over the world
Time: 39.205
where we will share the absolute new insight
Time: 42.959
in neuroscience of what we are capable of in our brains.
Time: 47.338
the seat of our unlimited power
Time: 50.425
It's going to be great.
Time: 51.843
Let's do this together!