"It's been life changing for me" | Wim Hof Method
I am Prateek Mutha and I come from Chennai, India
Five years ago in 2018,
I was told that I had an autoimmune condition with my eye.
It's called ‘Scliritis’.
in the ‘sclera’, which is the white portion of the eye,
when triggered with stress or lack of sleep,
or anything that goes wrong with my routine,
my eye is going to get inflamed and there's going to be a red dot,
and it's going to grow.
and the inflammation gets really intense and painful.
The only way that you can push it down is by...
if it's mild, then you have the NSAID’s
But most of the times they don't work.
So you need to have steroid drops.
You start with high dosage and you go down slowly.
The moment the doctors told me to stop, it would flare up in the other eye.
So it was a it was a crazy spiral.
It’s like a circle that I couldn't get out of,
and I really have been to doctors all around the world,
in the US, in India, in New Zealand.
Every place that I travel to, I probably would get it
and I would have to see a doctor there.
It really started to affect my personal life, my work life.
I was really stressed about it.
There was no way out of it.
I would wake up in the night and I would cry to my wife saying that
“I think I'm going to be blind because that's where it ends.”
I did a lot of things to reduce my symptoms.
I even changed my diet.
I went vegan and gluten free, thinking
“I need to avoid anything that causes inflammation in my body,”
but that definitely couldn't cure it or couldn't keep it at bay.
It just supported me in ways,
but it was still there.
One fine day I was just sitting outside the doctor's clinic,
And there was one lady.
and she looked at me.
She was like, “I think you are too young to be here,”
“What's what's wrong with you?”
And I told her about my problem and she says,
“I’m suffering from this for the last 25 years,”
“I've been coming to this doctor for 15 years.”
“Do not look for solutions with the doctors,”
”because I have lost vision with one of the eyes and the other is 50%.
“I've been taking the same medication, the same steroid drops and the same oral steroids.”
“It's it is not going to help.”
“It is not going to stop.”
“it's going to be a downward spiral.”
“Get out of this place.”
“I don't know where you go,
but you really have to go look out for solutions yourselves.”
And that's how really my search started
to look for things outside of the medicine, doctors, therapies or clinics.
I knew about Wim Hof and he was just talking about autoimmune disorders online,
on a YouTube video, if I remember correctly.
And I just said, “I need to try this.”
“I've really done everything.”
In november 2022 Prateek started his Wim Hof Method practice.
My expectation was it's just going to help me
maybe reduce my symptoms or reduce the intensity of the inflammation.
I've been doing the breath work, I've been doing the cold shower,
I've been doing the ice plunge,
and it hasn't come.
My eye is absolutely fine.
It feels like it's back to normal.
There is no other way that I can describe this, but it's just magic for me.
I mean, I can't put it in words.
In March 2023 Prateek attended Wim Hof’s winter expedition to fully immerse in his Wim Hof Method practice
For me it was a long travel from India to this place (Poland),
and people are asking me, “Oh, you've come from India.”
“It's like 20 hours for you to get here.”
I said, “I wouldn't mind going to Antarctica if Wim was doing an event there.”
What this has done, I don't need any more proof.
It definitely is healing my body.
It's reducing the stress,
There's a bit of science and you can understand all of this, what's going down,
Maybe the cortisol is going down or the epinephrine is going down.
But whatever is happening, it's been life changing for me.
I mean, on all fronts...
It’s crazy.