“I conquered my fear of the cold” | Wim Hof Method | Fundamentals Video Course
Time: 0
Time: 1.2
I finished the course,
Time: 3.08
and what surprised me mostly
Time: 5.24
is that I have conquered the cold!
Time: 7.88
It's really unbelievable!
Time: 9.54
I even dare to say that I
Time: 11.52
Okay, almost love the cold!
Time: 13.86
And, uhmm
Time: 15.26
Yeah, the breathing exercises, man...
Time: 18.16
Yeah, I was tripping, can I say that?
Time: 21.26
It felt sometimes really like if I had a kind of drug.
Time: 25.92
Yeah, it really gives so much energy
Time: 28.54
It's unbelievable!
Time: 29.72
I would really recommend this course to busy mothers!
Time: 34
It's really easy to follow!
Time: 36.32
It won't take a lot of time.
Time: 38.56
And what it time,
Time: 40.32
if it's giving you a lot of time and energy in return.
Time: 43.26
that's the best thing I think you can give yourself
Time: 46.86
as well as your family.