“Ice baths are like powerful meditations”💪🏼❄️

Time: 0.12

it's for me one of the most powerful

Time: 2.24

meditation as you go in the cold you

Time: 4.6

have to be so focused aligned and in

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peace and it's a best teacher also for

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acceptance to embrace what is without

Time: 13.24

any resistance it's um a full alignment

Time: 16.92

between body and mind and for sure it's

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a lot of energy and when you start your

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day with that for example you are in

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full power this is the power I'm talking

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amazing it's like a wave of energy a

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crazy wave of energy you feel that you

Time: 41

can conquer the world that you have so

Time: 43.239

much to give you are ready to to give

Time: 45.6

your full potential wow

Time: 48.199

wow say wow

Time: 52.399

say yes

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