How to deal with frostbite? | #AskWim
First of all, I want to thank the community for asking questions.
An inquisitive mind
Makes the darkness of ignorance go away.
Frostbite is cell damage.
You've got first degree, secondary degree and third degree
Third degree has gone irreparable cell damage.
You're very able with the breathing to heal that.
Make an estimate of how long you can go into the cold.
And don't exceed!
Don't force the body.
I know by experience.
My left foot
Where the dermatologist told me
This is irreparable cell damage, over here and there
And in a few months it's gonna be necrosis.
And it's gonna be cut off, but no, it wasn't.
So I began to breathe
And it took me a month and a half to heal the foot.
I mean it really looked not nice.
Purple, blue, green...
And then, slowly to orange, red, pink again.
And now look at my little feet-y!
And if you've got frostbite
Then breathe.
Go into the breathing.
And learn to control the amount of cold exposure you go into.
You are able to do that very well!