“Everybody can do the breathing exercise” | Wim Hof Method | Fundamentals Video Course
Time: 0.16
Hi! My name is Mariken Hogenhout.
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I am a Yoga teacher,
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I am 37 years old,
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and I am doing the Wim Hof Method for almost 2 years now.
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When I was asked to become part of the online course,
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to be responsible for the stretches
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I instantly said yes.
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Because being a Yoga teacher, working a lot with bodies and breath
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I noticed it's so complementary for the Wim Hof Method
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to also work with the body and the stretches.
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So I was thrilled to be part of this team
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and to really focus on
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having this breathing exercise accessible for all levels.
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For everybody, if you're a woman, man, child, disabled.
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We try to give you the correct tools for you
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so you can feel the benefits
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of this beautiful method!