Dutch Actress Katja Schuurman Takes An Icebath
I'm not allowed to use Paracetamol...
because I have to push back my pain threshold in a natural way.
The goal is to sit in the ice bath for a considerably longer period.
The iceman Wim Hof will help me.
he spend one hour, 50 minutes up to his chin in the ice.
He swam multiple times in water with minus 20 degree Celcius.
For him an icebath is a piece of (ice)cake.
Which I want to learn.
If I can shift my pain threshold I'll be a lot happier whenever I visit the dental hygienist.
Wim, I just spend ten seconds in an icewater bath and that was nearly impossible.
And I'm really not whining.
You claim you can train me to last longer. Sure. Yes.
I can make you believe and be confident about that
So when you enter that icebath...
'I'll just do it. I'm there. I'm in the icebath.'
I can hardly imagine it at this moment.
But what will we do? What kind of training will you give me?
What do you need in an icebath? a direct supply of adrenaline, epinephrene. Huh!
So you'll feel like that. We'll unleash that power.
How will we do that? - Breathing exercises.
Those will fill your body with oxygen.
You will amaze yourself later.
How long you can last without air in your lungs.
And then we do the... Mindset is what they always say.
I just say dedication. Show that!
One way or the other you'll discover your primal force.
While Wim will teach me his methodology, pain psychologist Van Wilgen will analyse what happens to me.
Katje, this is a kind of stopwatch.
I'll observe how long you can stay without air in your lungs.
That scares me because I'm afraid of suffocating.
I'm not afraid I'll suffocate myself, but I don't like it.
The concept of the exercise is that it is not forced upon you.
It's a great feeling. A pleasant feeling.
Ok, this concerns safety.
Wim demonstrates what we are doing is very safe.
And that's how you take fear away. And that's a very important aspect.
No worries.
As soon as you feel the need to breathe, do it.
He gives her control. She is in control.
He's coaching her. But she retains control.
Deep in, let go.
I'll soon have to stop breathing.
Very deep in, let it go.
Feel very light in your head.
Eight more times.
Well done...
All in. And let it go.
And now the very last one.
Very deep in.
And let him go.
And then you stop after exhaling.
Timekeeping started.
Wow. That's great.
Yes! Oh my Gosh!
But how long will I be... Three minutes 38 without air in the lungs.
It really feels very spacy!
That's the pineal gland.
Usually you'll need pills to release those feelings.
And now because of the breathing.
I've never had such a great pill.
So intense!
You can tell by her word choice and the expression on her mouth...
she's in trance. And you can see it in her eyes.
That trance is a good way to influence that pain threshold.
Still high from being breathless, Wim teaches me to do more with my breath.
To persist later on as the pain starts to become overwhelming.
What you're doing now, is creating endorphines in your body.
Which allows us to influence pain thresholds.
Breathing techniques, endorphine and will power.
I'll need that to get in the icebath with the least amount of pain and stay there.
I saw you before with those breathing exercises...
And I think: You can influence your metabolic activity in the cell.
So I'm ready now. Yeah! Ok.
There's the bath.
See, I've felt that I can, my body, my physique...
can control it because of those exercises.
But I'm not really sure.
I do feel strong and confident...
But it's still very cold, so I'm very curious.
I hope Wim will guide me through this a little bit.
But I'll probably have to do it myself.
Ok, Katja.
Ready! Ready as never before!
Just stand, relax.
And feel that power rising in you. You are in control over yourself.
That's what it was about. And now.
It can hurt a bit in the beginning...
but that's normal, those nerves will receive a major impact.
But by breathing regularly you can make that disappear.
He provides an explanation for her symptoms.
And then the veins around the small circulation will close itself and you can sit down slowly.
Which he labels favorably.
So every signal from your body, whether pain of anxiety, will be labeled favorably.
I feel I'm getting a bit nervous now. Relax!
You have plenty of power, I've seen that. Plenty of adrenaline.
So let it come, believe in yourself.
And specifically yourself. And go.
Keep breathing calmly and you will do this.
I just feel resistance in myself.
I don't want this, but I must want this.
Ok. You can do this, physiologically speaking.
Believing it's possible gives confidence.
I've seen you do really great stuff.
This is the turning point, that's nice to see. Ok, ok. Power.
Sit calm, keep going.
Aaah! Hands on your thighs! Whaaa!! Hands on your thighs!
Hands on your thighs! And relax! Deep breaths!
Relax. You are in control over your body.
Relax, breath is the guide.
The cold is large, you are even larger.
Great. Really great.
Here you can see it very well. she's in a kind of trance.
She's disconnected from the outside world.
And she can withstand a lot more pain...
and endure pain longer than the first time.
For me the exercise is already completed.
Your small circulation is completely closed. 37 degrees inside.
It can be almost zero outside and you are in control.
A vascular reset. That means everything works again
like it can be done in a natural way.
You're showing it.
Really beyond good. You're finished.
I'm going home now.
No, I want out! Hey, bingo!
You can come out now.
You're completely done.
Can I get out? Yes, completely.
Yeah baby!
That's power, that's power!
Ooooh! Nice!
Ok! Ok!
Yeah, that's cool, babe. Very well done.
It's like switch off and go.
And it hurt a lot for a moment...
and then relaxation sets in and...
yes, then...
yes, then the pain is gone.
I can't say I particularly enjoyed it.
Cool! Cool, babe! Thank you.
Thank you. Yes, come.
Oh, nice and warm, don't let go! Hahaha, thanks. That's cool.
Really great!
How does it feel? Kind of a kick actually.
I didn't expect it to work. What did you achieve?
At least the confidence it is possible.
That you're able to, if you just focus enough...
to let go of the pain and just enter a different realm...
where you no longer feel it. Yes, so pain is a strong physical symptom.
And with mental strength you can shift pain threshold.
That's good to know I think. Yes, we achieved that today.
Thanks! Ok, hey!
For healthy people pain is a natural warning sign.
In between your ears, literally.
I've learned with an extreme pain stimulus...
to shift my pain threshold by using mental strength, and that feels pretty good!