"Do you ever take hot showers?" | #AskWim
Time: 0
I never visits saunas!
Time: 1.88
No hot tubs, no hot showers, whatsoever.
Time: 10.26
All the time
Time: 12.44
I love them!
Time: 18.6
I love the heat
Time: 19.56
I love the heat
Time: 20.92
But I love the cold as the heat
Time: 23.48
I find great comfort to go into the cold
Time: 26.54
Because it brings my body in a great strength
Time: 29.96
And health, and understanding
Time: 33.6
So, the cold I love
Time: 36
But the heat as well.
Time: 42.44
Normally, I wear sometimes a sheep, not a goat.
Time: 50.96
Time: 53.12
No, mostly I go like this all winter.
Time: 56.86
Time: 59.1
I just need a t-shirt and shorts
Time: 62.52
And this is the way I go all the winter outside.
Time: 72.96
Sometimes I confuse myself
Time: 75
I put on the goat where we put coats, you know?
Time: 79.1
And then all the day, what is that noise?
Time: 81.92
In the hallway?
Time: 84.14
It's my goat, oh!
Time: 86.42
No, no.