Does Wim Hof watch the news? 🤔 #thisorthat
Welcome guys.
Welcome back to ‘This or that?’
We're going to have all kinds of answers and questions,
Is it this?
Is it that?
What is it?
I don't know.
But I go.
TV or movies?
I choose ‘movies’.
Movies can have a great story.
TV is just contemporary news,
the way the media wants to brings things forward.
That’s not my thing.
Loud or quiet?
Have you ever heard my voice?
It's loud.
But to go into quietness...
that can be really amazing.
I very loudly recommend to go search for quietness sometimes.
But if I had to choose one or the other...
But after a juice, one or the other, lots get loud.
♪Let’s get loud!♪
Animals or people?
People can behave...
not like animals...
like beasts,
not nice.
But you can always rely on animals.
I wouldn’t like to have an encounter with a hungry lion right now.
You know?
It's all relative.
But if I really had to choose between people or animals...
I would say...
Difficult one...
Education or experience?
I choose experience.
Pizza or tacos?
I think...
Puppies or kittens.
Puppies are just crazy adorable.
Both are.
But if I have to choose...
Dragons or unicorns?
I think I’ll go for unicorns,
you know when they become unicorny.
No just kidding.
I like the fairy tales.
The ‘narwhal’ has one horn.
That is a unicorn.
That’s where the fairy tale stems from.
I like the imagination
That is human.
And that’s why I like unicorns.
Flying or turning invisible?
I think flying.
Running or walking.
I choose for walking now.
With walking I make a lot of distance
all day long.
I'm not much of a runner right now,
so I choose walking.
Swimming or building sandcastles?
It is swimming?
Ninjas or pirates?
Lions or tigers?
I think tigers.
Their colors and all are amazing.
Lions are very impressive, but...
Tigers are more my taste
Sharks or dolphins?
I choose dolphins.
Dolphins are so playful.
And intelligent as well.
I choose dolphins.
Save 100 strangers or one beloved one?
That is a deep question right?
What would I do?
Instinctively I would go for the one I know.
You know?
That’s our human nature.
But if I consciously look at the whole situation,
I might go for 100 strangers.
I go for the 100 strangers
See the future or change the past?
I choose for seeing the future.
And that can change the past.
The past can be changed if you see the future and act upon it.
That's what I do.
So see the future.
Hey guys, thanks for watching this ‘This or that’.
This or that?
?hat or this.
You never know what it is,
what it is,
this or that?
until you get these beautiful questions of yours.
Thank you.
See you next time.