Does Wim Hof have regrets? | #AskWim

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Time: 2.72

hi guys questions and answers hey aria

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Time: 11.519

if i could change my

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name maybe it would to be you know

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instead of wim half it would be uh

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you know change

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yeah what's your name sir

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and no i'm asking you what is your name

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it's a

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it's change

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i like confused people about my name

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this is the way i uh i uh

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i gave my son a a name

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i had no name when i had to register him

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so i gave i i didn't know the name so i

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came up with i'm gonna name him a name

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so if i would get a new name it would be

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what was the first career

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choice i had when i was young

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i always wanted to save the world that

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was my career choice but

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i i went to all these offices agencies

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and there was no outstanding

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job for changing the world

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no i had to come up with that myself

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and on the other hand i did all jobs

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possible from being a a a sort of a

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writer of columns

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working in the harbour working in the

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i mean

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newspapers as a

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kid from 12 years old before school

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to 17 5 years long great good for sports

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some something a physical exertion is

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very good when you are young physical

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resolution great and then you get a pair

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of good legs and you can see i got a

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pair of good legs

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and uh and from there change the world

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how you find your way

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just believe

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and stick to that believing is

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neurological investment and

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it's like a drop on a rock

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eventually it will break the rock

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what do i regret

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the most

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i have no regrets

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so i regret i have no regrets

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i regret the most

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maybe if i have inflicted any

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emotional or spiritual damage to people

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i'm really sorry

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i'm really sorry

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but i'm like a bulldozer too

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i just keep on going

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because i have to pave the way for so

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but on the way

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i could have been insensitive

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here and there

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for that i'm sorry i regret that

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have i met somebody who changed my life

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this year

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so many so many but

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you know there was a little kid of six

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years and the mother called me

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and then

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had heart problems they were going to

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implement a

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pacemaker in a six-year-old come on

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he came and uh

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we did the breathing and he's doing so

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well he doesn't need the operation

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and that

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smile of him

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those smiles they they they go so deep

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inexplicably deep they go

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and i always go back to to help more to

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be there for those who need me

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i'm there

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so they always change me because they

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change me that's why i'm always there

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i'm waiting till a new person is coming

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to a new need

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or help or what i'm at service

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so any any anywhere where i'm

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touched by my heart and being at service

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that will change my mind that will

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change my heart

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the entire thing

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what is my favorite pastime activity

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to lie in the sun on a rock like a

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in the sun

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just drift off

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you see that's it the sun is so little

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in in the netherlands that you learn to

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every sun ray when it is there

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then you want to swallow it you want to

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be in that ray

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then i actually don't want to think

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anymore i want to be like a lizard

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warming up

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amazing huh crazier the iceman

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wants to be in the heat of the sun race

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on a rock

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what am i most afraid of uh

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i'm not afraid of course i got fierce

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hey i wouldn't want to lose a child or

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my dog i wouldn't have my house in the

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i wouldn't uh want to

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have a broken leg

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get cancer or anything i can come up

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with no my force in myself is stronger

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than all those thoughts

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and that makes me strong

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that makes me not having all that

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because we induce our own diseases

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here is the interactive garden that is

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where you confront yourself with your

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and i do that any fear i face

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yes because life is too short

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it's too short

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to not go into shorts

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over the rainbow

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up high

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land that we heard of

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in a little

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