Does Wim Hof have regrets? | #AskWim
hi guys questions and answers hey aria
if i could change my
name maybe it would to be you know
instead of wim half it would be uh
you know change
yeah what's your name sir
and no i'm asking you what is your name
it's a
it's change
i like confused people about my name
this is the way i uh i uh
i gave my son a a name
i had no name when i had to register him
so i gave i i didn't know the name so i
came up with i'm gonna name him a name
so if i would get a new name it would be
what was the first career
choice i had when i was young
i always wanted to save the world that
was my career choice but
i i went to all these offices agencies
and there was no outstanding
job for changing the world
no i had to come up with that myself
and on the other hand i did all jobs
possible from being a a a sort of a
writer of columns
working in the harbour working in the
i mean
newspapers as a
kid from 12 years old before school
to 17 5 years long great good for sports
some something a physical exertion is
very good when you are young physical
resolution great and then you get a pair
of good legs and you can see i got a
pair of good legs
and uh and from there change the world
how you find your way
just believe
and stick to that believing is
neurological investment and
it's like a drop on a rock
eventually it will break the rock
what do i regret
the most
i have no regrets
so i regret i have no regrets
i regret the most
maybe if i have inflicted any
emotional or spiritual damage to people
i'm really sorry
i'm really sorry
but i'm like a bulldozer too
i just keep on going
because i have to pave the way for so
but on the way
i could have been insensitive
here and there
for that i'm sorry i regret that
have i met somebody who changed my life
this year
so many so many but
you know there was a little kid of six
years and the mother called me
and then
had heart problems they were going to
implement a
pacemaker in a six-year-old come on
he came and uh
we did the breathing and he's doing so
well he doesn't need the operation
and that
smile of him
those smiles they they they go so deep
inexplicably deep they go
and i always go back to to help more to
be there for those who need me
i'm there
so they always change me because they
change me that's why i'm always there
i'm waiting till a new person is coming
to a new need
or help or what i'm at service
so any any anywhere where i'm
touched by my heart and being at service
that will change my mind that will
change my heart
the entire thing
what is my favorite pastime activity
to lie in the sun on a rock like a
in the sun
just drift off
you see that's it the sun is so little
in in the netherlands that you learn to
every sun ray when it is there
then you want to swallow it you want to
be in that ray
then i actually don't want to think
anymore i want to be like a lizard
warming up
amazing huh crazier the iceman
wants to be in the heat of the sun race
on a rock
what am i most afraid of uh
i'm not afraid of course i got fierce
hey i wouldn't want to lose a child or
my dog i wouldn't have my house in the
i wouldn't uh want to
have a broken leg
get cancer or anything i can come up
with no my force in myself is stronger
than all those thoughts
and that makes me strong
that makes me not having all that
because we induce our own diseases
here is the interactive garden that is
where you confront yourself with your
and i do that any fear i face
yes because life is too short
it's too short
to not go into shorts
over the rainbow
up high
land that we heard of
in a little