Does the Wim Hof Method affect cancer treatment?

Time: 0

My name is Alice.

Time: 1.751

I live near Wim’s place.

Time: 2.919

I have two children who both have a brain tumor.

Time: 6.965

Both have it on the optic nerve

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I was devastated the moment they told me.

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You’re living in a bad dream.

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But at the same time,

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I’m the type of person that will do anything

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to make sure my kids go well through their chemo therapy

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I live three minutes away from this place.

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so I decided to stop by and give Wim a visit.

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And when he opened the door,

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He said “Let’s have a walk and talk about this.”

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I was welcomed with open arms.

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“This touches me” he said.

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“It moves me and I want to help you and your children.”

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“They’re going to become stronger with this. Let’s do something.”

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Since then I started doing the cold exposure with them,

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and they’re doing really well.

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Will you become wet mom?

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Just try it.

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Or try to splash the camera guy.

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Just splash the camera guy.

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I’m going to do it again.

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If your kids are going through this,

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As a mother...

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But also as a dad...

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We want to do everything we can to help our kids get through their chemo therapy..

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Nutrition plays a big role in that,

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But I’m pretty sure...

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The breathing exercises and the cold exposure...

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It just does so much for the children.

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So much.

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That’s nice.

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Keep breathing Jane.

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Don’t forget to breath

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Just lower a bit and we’ll count to ten.

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It can be unnerving when you put your child into cold water...

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We’re talking about cancer now but I think it can be very beneficial for every child.

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Go explore and do it very playfully.

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Start with splashing them a bit when you’re walking near the sea or a lake.

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It’s so good for your immune system and it makes you so strong.

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It’s good for every child.

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Show us what you can do!

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Are you Tarzan?

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Did you record it mom?

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They both still have a tumor

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With my son they discovered it half a year ago.

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He always had difficulties with his eyesight.

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and that was already happening for a year and a half.

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When we did the MRI scan

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A week later they told us that they found an 8 centimeter tumor on his optic nerve.

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It was pressing behind his eye, which caused the eye sight difficulties

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One of his eyes is blind and with the other eye he can see about five percent.

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Since last August he’s been receiving weekly chemo therapy.

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And since January he’s getting two types of chemo.

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Because they didn’t see improvement.

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That’s when we started doing the cold exposure.

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Almost every day, and also doing the breathing exercises.

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Then the blood values stared spiking

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He also told us that his eyesight was improving.

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When we had another MRI scan in January,

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They noticed that the tumor had shrunk a centimeter.

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They said “This is something we never expected to happen.”

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Jane also received a MRI scan.

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They also found a tumor on her optic nerve and on on her hypothalamus .

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It slightly increased in size but it’s still very small compared to my son’s tumor.

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My son can barely see, Just five percent.

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And my daughter can’t see much from a distance.

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From up close she can see everything though.

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What are you? You are...

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Stronger than the cold.

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They found the tumor very early with her.

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And in March we started her chemo therapy

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Because it can grow as big as it did with my son.

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And that is not what you want of course.

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A month ago she was very sick. She had a flu.

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Just the normal flu, which is very common.

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We were just about to start the cold exposure with her.

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I was already doing that with her brother

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So I thought “Now I have to start with Jane.”

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Because the chemo is making her sick That was my first thought.

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So I asked Wim “Is it okay to do cold exposure with Jane?”

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Wim said ”Just stop by. We’ll start with the breathing exercise.”

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Give it your best.

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And when the flu is gone we can do the cold bathing.

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So that’s how we did it.

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Under guidance of Wim.

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And two weeks later she received another chemo

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They measured ten times improvement on her blood values.

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So yeah...

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From then on I knew enough.

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”I have to continue with this.”

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This is clear evidence.

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Because blood values don’t lie.

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Well done girl.

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When I see them go through chemo.

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I’ve also heard that the oncologists are astounded.

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“What is happening here?”

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“Why are these kids not taking medicine for their chemo?”

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How come the blood values are so good with these kids?”

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“How come they don’t have any side effects from the chemo?”

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These breathing exercises are great

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You notice the peace it can bring to your child

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We do the breathing exercises every day.

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We started with doing one round.

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Now we are doing 4 rounds with a 30 second retention.

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I’m trying to expand it a bit but they’re still children.

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So we go by feel

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I pay attention to whay they want.

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And we go into cold water five times a week.

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When I first started this with my children

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I was already thinking that more kids should be doing this.

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That’s actually what I want to share with...

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with every child and people who have children.

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To let them know that their kids might not have to feel the downsides of chemo

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And that you can take it from another angle.

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I wish every child a healthy life.

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That they go well through their chemo therapy.

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Nice one!

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Well done Jane.

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Like a fish in water

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