Does the Wim Hof Method affect cancer treatment?
My name is Alice.
I live near Wim’s place.
I have two children who both have a brain tumor.
Both have it on the optic nerve
I was devastated the moment they told me.
You’re living in a bad dream.
But at the same time,
I’m the type of person that will do anything
to make sure my kids go well through their chemo therapy
I live three minutes away from this place.
so I decided to stop by and give Wim a visit.
And when he opened the door,
He said “Let’s have a walk and talk about this.”
I was welcomed with open arms.
“This touches me” he said.
“It moves me and I want to help you and your children.”
“They’re going to become stronger with this. Let’s do something.”
Since then I started doing the cold exposure with them,
and they’re doing really well.
Will you become wet mom?
Just try it.
Or try to splash the camera guy.
Just splash the camera guy.
I’m going to do it again.
If your kids are going through this,
As a mother...
But also as a dad...
We want to do everything we can to help our kids get through their chemo therapy..
Nutrition plays a big role in that,
But I’m pretty sure...
The breathing exercises and the cold exposure...
It just does so much for the children.
So much.
That’s nice.
Keep breathing Jane.
Don’t forget to breath
Just lower a bit and we’ll count to ten.
It can be unnerving when you put your child into cold water...
We’re talking about cancer now but I think it can be very beneficial for every child.
Go explore and do it very playfully.
Start with splashing them a bit when you’re walking near the sea or a lake.
It’s so good for your immune system and it makes you so strong.
It’s good for every child.
Show us what you can do!
Are you Tarzan?
Did you record it mom?
They both still have a tumor
With my son they discovered it half a year ago.
He always had difficulties with his eyesight.
and that was already happening for a year and a half.
When we did the MRI scan
A week later they told us that they found an 8 centimeter tumor on his optic nerve.
It was pressing behind his eye, which caused the eye sight difficulties
One of his eyes is blind and with the other eye he can see about five percent.
Since last August he’s been receiving weekly chemo therapy.
And since January he’s getting two types of chemo.
Because they didn’t see improvement.
That’s when we started doing the cold exposure.
Almost every day, and also doing the breathing exercises.
Then the blood values stared spiking
He also told us that his eyesight was improving.
When we had another MRI scan in January,
They noticed that the tumor had shrunk a centimeter.
They said “This is something we never expected to happen.”
Jane also received a MRI scan.
They also found a tumor on her optic nerve and on on her hypothalamus .
It slightly increased in size but it’s still very small compared to my son’s tumor.
My son can barely see, Just five percent.
And my daughter can’t see much from a distance.
From up close she can see everything though.
What are you? You are...
Stronger than the cold.
They found the tumor very early with her.
And in March we started her chemo therapy
Because it can grow as big as it did with my son.
And that is not what you want of course.
A month ago she was very sick. She had a flu.
Just the normal flu, which is very common.
We were just about to start the cold exposure with her.
I was already doing that with her brother
So I thought “Now I have to start with Jane.”
Because the chemo is making her sick That was my first thought.
So I asked Wim “Is it okay to do cold exposure with Jane?”
Wim said ”Just stop by. We’ll start with the breathing exercise.”
Give it your best.
And when the flu is gone we can do the cold bathing.
So that’s how we did it.
Under guidance of Wim.
And two weeks later she received another chemo
They measured ten times improvement on her blood values.
So yeah...
From then on I knew enough.
”I have to continue with this.”
This is clear evidence.
Because blood values don’t lie.
Well done girl.
When I see them go through chemo.
I’ve also heard that the oncologists are astounded.
“What is happening here?”
“Why are these kids not taking medicine for their chemo?”
How come the blood values are so good with these kids?”
“How come they don’t have any side effects from the chemo?”
These breathing exercises are great
You notice the peace it can bring to your child
We do the breathing exercises every day.
We started with doing one round.
Now we are doing 4 rounds with a 30 second retention.
I’m trying to expand it a bit but they’re still children.
So we go by feel
I pay attention to whay they want.
And we go into cold water five times a week.
When I first started this with my children
I was already thinking that more kids should be doing this.
That’s actually what I want to share with...
with every child and people who have children.
To let them know that their kids might not have to feel the downsides of chemo
And that you can take it from another angle.
I wish every child a healthy life.
That they go well through their chemo therapy.
Nice one!
Well done Jane.
Like a fish in water