Differences & Similarities: Wim Hof on Tummo
Hi guys.
‘Questions and answers’
The question now is,
‘What is the difference and similarity between tummo breathing...
...and Wim Hof Method breathing?’
‘Wim Hof’ that's me by the way...
Hey hey
Okay, stop it.
Easy does it.
Calm down.
Take a breath.
I do not even know how many breaths they do (in tummo) and what they do.
and ‘blazing fire’.
I only got inspired when I was 17,
reading something about an anthropologist who went there.
We in the West, we need different breathing exercises,
and then scientifically endorsed,
to take away the doubt of our thinking brain.
And for that, this breathing technique
which I have developed by going into the cold,
which is righteous but merciless as well,
going as deep to be able to withstand that power,
that impact...
There I started to do this breathing,
and that has shown itself effective to be able to,
shake the foundations of medical science,
namely bringing down in inflammation.
That is one.
And if you go long enough into this breathing,
it becomes transformational.
related to trauma.
And those two pillars are lacking in our modern West.
Science and behavior.
And now it's there.
We are able to go into the deepest with this breathing technique,
which is suited for the modern man
Tummo breathing is different.
It comes from the Bön religion from Tibet,
Somewhere up there at 4000 meters,
and they do it over there.
that’s where we are.
We live in a hectic, stressful, modern society.
The Wim Hof Method is both transformational and brings down information,
and lifts up the performance,
that means more energy.
It all works inside.
Scientifically proven.
Tummo breathing, very good.
You go into esoteric disciplines,
and you go so deep,
and it takes about 20 years.
to take old esoteric disciplines...
proven itself in the local area where it is?
or what we need suited for modern behaviour and modern life?
and modern problems like inflammation, depression and energy.
There it is.
I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty scientific details,
but the difference is like,
one and the other.
What's the similarity between a giraffe and a zebra?
Hey, they are both animals.
But they’re quite different right?
In that way it’s different.
Tummo breathing is the zebra.
Wim Hof method breathing is the giraffe.
You've got a better view.
Thank you.