Defeating childhood trauma | Wim Hof Method

Time: 0.12

Hey Nevena

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Nice to meet you.

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Nice to meet you too.

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When I went to see the psychiatrist,

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I was so lightly diagnosed

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and given the antidepressants immediately,

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which is just to num what you feel.

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Just continue to suppress and continue burdening it,

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and to be fair, it has helped because I was numbed.

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The trauma hasn't left you.

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It's still in your body trapped.

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So when I started medication

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and I was diagnosed, I was relieved obviously,

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to have my symptoms go away.

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But I knew that I needed to do a lot of work on myself and that it's not over.

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So that's when I found you, and I Googled

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and I breathed and I went into the cold,

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and I've been doing that every day, ever since.

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I wake up and the first thing I do is I do two or three rounds of breathing

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and I go straight into the cold shower

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and I find cold anywhere in nature I can.

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I go into the ice

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and as a woman,

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as a traumatized child,

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to be able to choose pain,

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I'm in control, I'm choosing to feel the pain.

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I can be with it, I can sit with it,

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I can feel my body again,

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and I'm in charge of my body.

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No medication can give you that.

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And it's free and it's simple and you are alone, you don't need anybody to

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guide you, tell you how to do it.

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The biggest thing that trauma takes away from you is the ability to feel the the beauty of life.

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And you feel threat in everything

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And also you learn to disassociate from your body because that's a defense mechanism,

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and so what the cold did for me is it made me feel my body again.

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And I found the thing that healed me, which was the cold.

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Yeah, so no medication,

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no therapy did ever offer that.

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Wow, that’s great.

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It doesn't matter where your trauma comes from,

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you are able to get back into control.

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I think that what is also a really big issue, is that

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if you've been for example, sexually molested as a child

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and a child doesn't know what's happening to him/her

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and obviously you disassociate, you block it out

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and then that kind of memory is stored in your body,

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The body remembers, but the brain doesn't,

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and then if you come out to a psychiatrist or a psychologist,

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and say: ‘’I'm having these issues, I'm overwhelmed with emotions, I have anger issues, I'm self-harming,’’

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‘’I don't know what's going on.’’

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And then you say, what happened to you as a child, but you can't remember,

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and all they say is: ‘’Well, you've got depression and you've got anxiety disorder, and you don't need to remember.’’

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‘’That's it, so here's some antidepressants and you can just continue your life.’’

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So obviously, if you don't know that there's any other solutions,

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this is your life saviour so you hold on to that.

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and if a doctor’s told you that, then that must be it.

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But then, you suppress the symptoms, you numb the symptoms with the medications.

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The cold makes you survive. It makes you to just be there in the moment.

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Anything else is shut down.

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The cold creates new connections in your brain, new patterns, and I think if you've dealt with the trauma,

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you've got such strict patterns of behaviors and ways you look at the things and ways you deal with things,

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because that was the way you survived.

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But the cold teaches you new connections, new ways to deal with that, new ways to look at the pain, to look at your own suffering.

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I don't know, I think I couldn't live now without

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those two, so simple.

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And you can do it everywhere. Anywhere you go in the world, it's there.

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What you say is of great importance, because in the end, trauma is trauma.

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Whoever is looking at this,

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this is a life experience, a real experience.

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And I love Nevena for coming forward and talking about it

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because there should be no taboo on something that is inside that needs to be released

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besides the fact that you experience trauma... You cannot even talk about it!

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It's like you did something wrong.

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You didn't do anything wrong.

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The taboo makes you shut up and not being able to work it out.

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Come on, guys, it's over.

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It's done, breathe and go into the cold and be your lovable self, become sensitive again

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instead of disassociated from your feelings.

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Become happy, strong and healthy,

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and with a beautiful mind, as you have as you are.

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Bye Nevena!

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Bye, thank you.

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